This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

Site Health Tool Manager


Depending on your server setup, there may be tests in the WordPress Site Health tool that are not relevant and will never pass. For example, you may have background updates disabled if your entire site is kept under version control.

This plugin adds a simple settings page to exclude those tests from the Site Health Status page.

Note: This should only be used to disable tests with a legitimate and acceptable reason for failing. It should not be used to hide tests which can be fixed.


Icon from the Geometric Hearts Valentine’s Day icon set by Katerine Melina (Abstracto Create) and licensed under CC by 3.0.


  • Example of some failing Site Health tests
  • Disable the tests that aren't needed
  • Disabled tests are not run on the Site Health screen


May 24, 2019
there a lot of limitations on localhost. I mean one does not need to check for if loop back request is functionin or a scheduled even was missed. this plugins will deal with that predicaments on local testing environment
May 8, 2019
Clients who have access to the WP Admin don't know what many of the items are in Site Health and only see the score, not knowing that there are many valid if not necessary reasons for certain settings that WP nor the client have any idea about. This handy plugin undoes the mess that 5.2 created.
May 8, 2019
If you manage a website for someone who maintains administrator privileges on the site, but would be bothered by failing tests in WordPress 5.2's new Site Health dashboard, this plugin is an excellent tool. Note: you should NOT use this plugin to ignore problems on the site like woefully out-of-date PHP or other critical security issues. Instead, you should resolve the root issue. But (for example) if your server/host is unable to update to PHP 7.3 (at the time of this review, that's the recommended version) but is running 7.2... it may be useful to remove that "recommendation" from the list of checks temporarily. Another plus in the plus-column: this plugin can even remove tests that are added by third-party code.
Read all 8 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Site Health Tool Manager” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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– Adds ability to disable the Dashboard widget
– Fixes fatal error in WP 5.4

– Fix issue for plugins that use closures for test callbacks

– Initial Release