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Rename Media Files


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This plugin enables renaming of media files. It adds a field in media edit form where you can enter new file name. After renaming, it’ll regenerate all intermediate image sizes (if media file is an image) and update all links inside posts.

If you are translator, you can translate it to your language and send translations to plugin’s author. Included translations are for Serbian and German.


  • Example of new file name field on media edit form


  1. Upload rename-media-files folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


October 20, 2017
Great Plugin Only Missing delete old files and thumbnails of old image. 1. It changes the name of the file itself (or creates a copy) 2. If it creates a copy it attaches it to the relevant post / post. Works fast using ajax. Thanks a lot to the author.
March 28, 2017
It DOES rename the file but as other reviews have shown the plugin creates a copy naming the new one. Still leaving the original file with the old name on the server. While it does what it says it should just rename the existing file as I have to manually delete every old file.
December 6, 2016
This plug-in does NOT what its name indicates: It does not rename a media file, it simply creates a copy under a new name. This is not what you expect, and it has some disadvantages. First: You waste disk space. Second: You create a mess, because there are files in your server directory that do not show up in the WordPress Media Library. Third: If you decide to go back to the original filename this is not possible.
Read all 11 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Rename Media Files” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Rename Media Files” has been translated into 5 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Rename Media Files” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • Released on 17th April 2016
  • Fixed PHP notices in rename_media_files_attachment_fields_to_save()


  • Released on 14th March 2012
  • Fixed issues from initial version and made official release.


  • Released on 8th July 2010
  • First alpha version in SVN.