Plugins Garbage Collector (Database Cleanup)


Database Cleanup plugin scans the database and shows the tables beyond of core WordPress installation. Some WordPress plugins create and use its own database tables.
Those tables are left in your database after plugin deactivation and deletion often.
With the help of this plugin you can check your database and discover if it is clean or not.
Extra columns added to the core WordPress tables could be shown also.
To read more about ‘Plugins Garbage Collector’ visit this link at

Additional Documentation

You can find more information about “Plugins Garbage Collector” plugin at this page

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or plugin page comments and site contact form for it please.


  • screenshot-1.png Plugins Garbage Collector scan action results.


Installation procedure:

  1. Deactivate plugin if you have the previous version installed.
  2. Extract “” archive content to the “/wp-content/plugins/plugins-garbage-collector” directory.
  3. Activate “Plugins Garbage Collector” plugin via ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress admin menu.
  4. Go to the “Tools”-“Plugins Garbage Collector” menu item and scan your WordPress database if it has some forgotten tables from old plugins.


Comming soon. Just ask it. I will search the answer.


May 28, 2021
Thanks to this plugin, I was able to clean up my database from uninstalled plugins I no longer use. If a table is unknown, you can easily google search for it. In most cases, you will find your answer what it is and if it is safe to remove directly. Suggestion: Option to edit Unknown tables and assign them to current plugins in use would be a great addition
May 7, 2021
Even though it said it wasn't compatible with my version of WP - it ran smoothly. My Database tables isn't that big, but I'm told that optimising it is the key to a smooth operation. Couldn't believe what was in it after running WP-Sweep, but it didn't clean out the orphaned tables. I have been trying, (unsuccessfully), to remove old BuddyPress and WP_Members table entries from my Database for some time. WP-Optimize killed off the Primary Tables themselves, but it then left these children behind. wp_bp_friends, wp_bp_groups, wp_bp_groups_groupmeta, wp_bp_groups_members, wp_signups, wp_uwp_social_profiles I can even see them in my MySQL table using Adminer, but I'm not brave enough to go about dropping stuff in it. Not not one plugin I tried thus far could delete the orphaned kids. This one did, bravo: 10 out of 10, well done indeed! - Worked like a charm. Donation sent over. BTW - Every operation carried out above, was only undertaken AFTER A BACKUP WAS MADE! On Your Head Be It If You Don't Also Practice Taking Up The Back Method Now And Again! Hope it helped ..
March 3, 2021
My database is maintained regularly including going in and deleting things manually along with wp-options tables. Well I just ran this plugin and wow all the crap it found is awesome 👍♥♥♥
Read all 79 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Plugins Garbage Collector (Database Cleanup)” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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0.12 [16.08.2020]

  • Update: Server side “Fatal error: Maximum execution time of NN seconds exceeded” should not take place now. PGC scans plugins with large quantity of files by splitting job to smaller parts per 500 files.
  • Update: “foreign key constraint fails” error should not prevent database table deletion. PGC temporally switches off “foreign keys constraints checking”.
  • Fix: Known database tables with DB prefix ‘wp_’ inside name (like wp_pro_quiz_question from LearnDash LMS) were not recognized. Code had used str_replace( $db_prefix, ”, $table_name ) to exclude DB prefix from the table name and broke the name itself.

0.11.1 [23.06.2020]

  • Fix: Checkbox to mark table for deletion was not shown, if table belongs to the known, but unused (uninstalled) plugin.
  • Fix: Plugin state translation is made now exactly before output, to use its value in the code logic safely.

0.11. [19.06.2020]

  • New: “Tools->Plugins Garbage Collector” menu item was renamed to “Tools->Database Cleanup”
  • New: Multisite support was added. It’s safe to use PGC at the single sites of the WordPress multisite network.
  • New: PGC uses the list of known database tables and list of plugins which do not create own database tables.
    This reduces files scanning time as plugins known for PGC are not scanned for database tables usage. PGC checks these lists updates once a day. There is an intent to extend/update known plugins list on the regular base.
  • New: It’s possible to hide (temporally exclude from the listing) any found database table. Earlier this feature was available only for the tables belong to the active plugins. You can use this feature to hide the tables which are known for you, but are not recognized by PGC. Thanks for reporting such cases.
  • Update: Call to deprecated function mysql_get_server_info() was excluded.
  • Update: PGC shows database tables in the original format, without converting them all to lowercase letters.
  • Fix: Last item in the installed plugins list ( item C in the list (A, B, C) ) was never scanned for database tables. Db tables created by such plugin were always shown as belong to unknown plugin.

Read changelog.txt for the full list of changes.