WP User Avatars


Allow registered users to upload & select their own avatars.

Recommended Plugins

If you like this plugin, you’ll probably like these!


  • Your Profile (+1100px)
  • Your Profile (-1100px)
  • WP User Profiles (Side)
  • WP User Profiles (Normal)


  • Download and install using the built in WordPress plugin installer.
  • Activate in the “Plugins” area of your admin by clicking the “Activate” link.
  • No further setup or configuration is necessary.


How does this work with multisite?

It works OK, but you’ll want to consider exactly what level of privacy is best for your installation.

Where can I get support?

  • Community: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/wp-user-avatars
  • Development: https://github.com/stuttter/wp-user-avatars/discussions


August 25, 2021
Nice and simple plugin. Great replacement for the corrupt ProfilePress (previously WP User Avatar).
June 12, 2021
As other reviewers are commenting, I'm here after being tricked by the authors of a different avatar plugin. This is doing the job nicely.
May 31, 2021
I was using rival plugin WP User Avatar (no "s") that just suddenly transformed into this 'ProfilePress' membership plugin adding a bunch of stuff I didn't need, want or asked for. WP User Avatars (this plugin, with an "s") is light weight, functional and does what it says it will do. Please keep it this way...
May 30, 2021
Glad I found this lightweight replacement for WP User Avatar (no "s"). That plugin was recently changed extensively and rebranded as ProfilePress. I didn't want or need all the stuff they added and am so happy that I found WP User Avatars (with an "s"). It's such a good replacement and it does just what I need, which is to allow me to create custom avatars for my users and authors. Great work!
May 19, 2021
@johnjamesjacoby, I really hope you will continue to maintain and update "WP User Avatars" now that its main rival has turned into the unwanted and bloated "ProfilePress" - 40,000 new users need you.
March 9, 2021
I use UM, and users know how to upload their pix to their profile, but then their articles they author is unable to show their profile pix (in author boxes) because WP and plugins that offer author boxes only look in gravatar for image sources. Another similarly named plugin (with 400k downloads) is unable to do what this plugin does so straight-forwardly. I am loving JJJ plugins, and learning from them. Reminder to self, ensure you make a donation to this awesome contributor
Read all 27 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“WP User Avatars” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“WP User Avatars” has been translated into 8 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

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Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.


[1.4.1] – 2021-05-29

  • Update author info
  • Add sponsor link


  • Improved support for long file names


  • Fix local avatars in comments


  • BuddyPress profile styling support


  • Rename functions.php to common.php


  • Compatibility with future versions of WP User Profiles


  • Fix bug with “Default Avatar” display introduced in 1.0.1


  • Improved mu-plugins location support
  • Use WordPress 4.2+ functions & filters


  • Support for User Profiles 0.2.0


  • Hide “Profile Picture” section (WordPress 4.4)


  • Improve capability mappings
  • Improve required file loading
  • Remove unused action hook


  • Improve support for user dashboard


  • Support for WP User Profiles 0.1.7


  • Bump assets & update readme’s & metadata


  • Improve compatibility with WP User Profiles


  • Improve avatar styling


  • Retina support for user profiles


  • Initial release