Support » Plugin: WP Crontrol » ?doing_wp_cron URL parameter

  • Resolved petewinter


    Your plugin seems to create an url parameter like this: ?doing_wp_cron=1632820689.0938339233398437500000

    Can I avoid this being seen or is it required?

    Thanks in advance.

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  • Plugin Author John Blackbourn


    WordPress Core Developer

    This is part of the WordPress native WP-Cron system, it’s not specific to the WP Crontrol plugin.

    Thread Starter petewinter


    Thanks for the reply. So is the url parameter required as I am using your plugin? Would you mind point me in the right direction to remove it if not required?

    Much appreciated

    Plugin Author John Blackbourn


    WordPress Core Developer

    If I’m honest I’m not sure where this is documented. Are you using the ALTERNATE_WP_CRON constant? If so then it’s required for that functionality. If not then this parameter shouldn’t be showing up on regular page views on your site.

    Thread Starter petewinter


    Thanks for the quick reply. Yes, I am using ALTERNATE_WP_CRON . I have taken over the site and for some reason the normal cron is not working. I can’t find the any code to see where the previous developers turned the normal cron off. Not disabled in the wp-config.php file. I know I am pushing my luck here as not an issue due to your plugin, but would you have any idea where the normal cron could be disabled, or would it be impossible to predict?

    Plugin Author John Blackbourn


    WordPress Core Developer

    If you remove ALTERNATE_WP_CRON and visit the Tools -> Cron Events screen does WP Crontrol show you an error message about cron not functioning? That should help pinpoint why it’s not working, but unfortunately not where it’s been disabled if so.

    There’s a bunch of info on the WP Crontrol wiki, might be something of help there:

    Thread Starter petewinter


    Thanks. The error I got is is…

    `There was a problem spawning a call to the WP-Cron system on your site. This means WP-Cron events on your site may not work. The problem was:

    A valid URL was not provided.

    More information:

    I thought I resolved the issue by deactivating, then reactivation this plugin: – However the after a few cron events the issue reappeared.

    Any suggestions on this would be appreciated.

    Also to mention the cron events work when using ALTERNATE_WP_CRON , but not the default cron. Any idea why this would be?

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