Support » Plugin: User Switching » Dealing w/ Terms & Conditions Acceptance with User Switching

  • Resolved andeporter


    Hi All,

    We need a little help. We are working on a development website, and we are utilizing the User Switching plugin to take orders that come in from phone calls and mailed in forms. The problem is that after we created the user and switch to their user account to process their order, we are the ones accepting the Terms & Conditions for them.

    Is there any way to address this? We have tested the Manual & Phone orders plugin, and it does not work for us for a variety of other reasons. Can anyone help? Thanks in advance!

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  • Plugin Author John Blackbourn


    WordPress Core Developer

    Sorry but this is outside of the scope of User Switching and the support I can provide.

    I would say though that you need to move the T&C acceptance to the point where the user places the order, which is either during the phone order placement or on the mail-in form, then when you accept the T&C on their behalf on the website they’ve already accepted it.

    Best of luck.

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