Support » Plugin: WooCommerce Blocks » Product pages.

  • Resolved chuffstore


    When adding the product block I can add this fine how ever it only shows the first X number of products as defined by shop setting but there is no option that I can see to add pages. So if I wanted to use it as my main store catalogue ai would either need to show for let’s say 500 products in a single page or not let the customers see certain products.

    Have I missed something ? Thanks.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Claudiu Lodromanean


    Hi there.

    The products block is not intended to replace the main Shop page, and so does not have those sorts of features. It’s for featuring products in your regular posts and pages, similar to the products shortcode (

    For your main store catalog you should still use a Shop page. (

    Hope this clears things up. Thanks.

    this answer makes no sense.
    the products widget in Gutenberg has an ALL PRODUCTS option.
    ALL means ALL, not Some–but there appears to be a 6 row limit.

    the woo [product] shortcode allow you to list all products (-1 option).

    there should be a more pages or next page button, if you dont want to list all prods in a single page. if you are going to break it up into
    chunks of 4 or 6 or 12 rows or whatever, for eg.

    One should be able to use this page instead of the regular SHOP page to display the catalog. You may wish to style it differently, for example, or offer multiple views of the catalog: all, by cat, by tag,.etc

    Plugin Contributor James Koster


    One should be able to use this page instead of the regular SHOP page to display the catalog

    It’s highly recommended that you do not do this.

    The reason being that WooCommerce uses WordPress core content architecture for the shop page. The shop page isn’t actually a ‘page’ – it merely redirects the visitor to the product post-type archive. We do this so that you get access to features like pagination and sensible permalink structure etc. Those features cannot easily be added in a clean way when using blocks / shortcodes without replicating core functionality in a non-constructive manner. You can read a little more about the shop page here.

    I suspect this might change with phase 2 of Gutenberg development but for now, this is how things are.

    We’re currently revising the WooCommerce Blocks plugin to provide a better overall experience so keep an eye out for updates coming soon.

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