MailOptin – Popup, Optin Form & Email Newsletters for Mailchimp, HubSpot, AWeber


Popup, Email Newsletter, User Registration & Form Builder

MailOptin is a form builder and popup builder for creating popups, subscribe forms, user registration form and sending email newsletters.

Displays signup forms, targeted messages and call-to-actions across your website with a popup (lightbox or modal), in-post subscription form, notification bars, slide-in (or scroll box), sidebar widget.

Automatically notify your subscribers and WordPress users every time you publish new content on your blog. MailOptin sends blog posts as email newsletters. Learn more

Our forms are GDPR compliant.

MailOptin Premium
This is the lite version of the MailOptin Premium plugin that comes with all essential features to build your email list. Click here to purchase the best WordPress subscribe form & email newsletter plugin.

Take Test Drive

Features of MailOptin Lite

Lead Generation

  • Lightbox/Popup optin forms – Overlays above your content to grab your visitor’s attention. See Demo
  • Before & After Post optin forms – Optimal for converting your blog readers and website page viewers. See Demo
  • Sidebar/Widget optin forms – The most popular method of building an email list. See Demo
  • Calls to Action – Display targeted messages to your website visitors with a call-to-action button included urging them to act.
  • Spam Protection – MailOptin utilizes smart Honeypot method to stop spam contact form submissions. Additionally, there is reCAPTCHA protection available in the premium version.
  • After Conversion Actions – such as immediately close opt-in form after conversion, close form and reload the page or redirect to a custom URL. Additionally, premium version allows you to trigger a JavaScript code as well as pass lead data to redirect URL.
  • Page-level Targeting – lets you display optin or email signup form in specific posts and pages of your WordPress site.

Email Newsletters

  • New Post Notification: It allows you to create automated email newsletters of new blog posts (can be restricted to specific post categories and tags) to all registered users or users of specific roles immediately after they are published. This makes the process of keeping in touch with your subscribers or users very easy.
  • Email Digest: It allows you to create automated daily, weekly and monthly email newsletters of published posts.
  • Broadcasts: It allows you to send one-off emails to your registered users. Pro version can send to your list subscribers on Mailchimp, AWeber etc.
  • Scheduling: It allows you to set when the newsletter will be sent. Could be immediately after a post is published or a few minutes, hours and days after publication.
  • Beautiful and Responsive Email template ready to send out newsletters.

Integrates with All Email Marketing Platforms

MailOptin works with all popular email marketing software and CRM including Mailchimp, AWeber, Constant Contact, Campaign Monitor, Sendy, Mailerlite, MailPoet, ConvertKit, ActiveCampaign, Infusionsoft by Keap, Drip, Sendinblue, EmailOctopus, HubSpot, Jilt, Ontraport CRM, Mailjet, Klaviyo, Sendlane, Mailster, Moosend, Gist, VerticalResponse, Zoho CRM, Zoho Campaigns, Emma, SendFox, SendGrid Email Marketing, GoDaddy Email Marketing, CleverReach, GetResponse, weMail and FluentCRM.

User Registration Forms

MailOptin integrates with WordPress user system so you can create custom user registration forms that can be embedded, a popup, slide-in, notification bar etc.

Integration with Form Plugins

MailOptin integrates with Gravity Forms, Contact Form 7, Ninja Forms, WPForms, Formidable Forms, Forminator and Elementor forms so you can capture and save leads to your email marketing software and CRMs.

Intuitive Form & Template Builder

You don’t have to be a designer or hire one to build high converting optin forms. Our powerful drag & drop builder allows you to create conversion-optimized forms and email newsletter templates.

Features of MailOptin Premium

Automated Newsletters

MailOptin integrates WordPress with all major email marketing providers to send automated newsletters and event-triggered emails. This can be very useful if your email marketing service lacks such.

For example, Sendy is a newsletter application without integration with WordPress to send new publish post notifications to an email list. MailOptin bridges this gap and delivers your post content immediately they are published.

Use MailOptin today to deliver new post notification and email digest newsletters to your email list at Mailchimp, Constant Contact, Campaign Monitor, Klaviyo, ActiveCampaign, Infusionsoft, Sendinblue, SendGrid, Mailjet, CleverReach etc.

A/B Testing: Take out the guesswork

Marketers are constantly using trial and error to guess what will be most effective — but they shouldn’t have to. A/B content testing lets you see what optin campaign will be most effective before you share it with your larger audience. No more guesswork.

MailOptin ships with an easy built-in A/B testing feature that enables you to make data-driven decisions that will improve your conversions and revenue for any optin campaign. Learn more

More highly converting optin types

There are cases where you would find popups, sidebar and in-post optin forms an inappropriate solution. That is why we offer different optin form types such as notification bars and slide-ins so you don’t have to rely on one way of collecting leads and install multiple software and platforms to achieve them.

Powerful Content Locker

Block a portion of your content for subscribers only. Content locking requires users to enter their email addresses in order to see the full article, otherwise they will see a blured content.

Conversion Boosting Optin Display Rules & Triggers

Timing is everything. This is why MailOptin continually tracks visitors interaction on your website and display the right message or optin form at the right time they are likely to convert.

Our Exit Intent and slide-ins trigger convert abandoning visitors into subscribers by your optin campaign at the precise moment they are about leaving your website.

If your opt-in form displays too early, your reader might not yet be willing to subscribe and waiting too long will make you lose out on new leads. Our Pageviews and Time on Site triggers give you fine-grained control over the display of your optin campaigns.

The Scroll Trigger display optin forms or messages only after a visitor scrolls a down a specific percentage of your page.

The Click Launch Trigger display optin forms when a link, button or image on your site is clicked. Useful for implementing content upgrades.

AdBlock Detection helps you detect users using AdBlocking software such as AdBlock Plus, uBlock Origin so you can display another content to them.

The Referrer Detection can automatically track sources of web traffic and create optin forms, call to actions and custom messages targeted from a specific traffic source.

The Device Targeting allows you to target your optins to desktop, mobile and tablet users for a better user experience and increased conversion.

Other great features include but not limited to:

  • Custom Fields: Add extra fields to your optin form to capture additional data from subscribers.
  • Optin Campaign Schedule: Allows you to specify a start and end date when an optin campaign is scheduled for display.
  • Advance Analytics: Get important metrics to improve your lead-generation strategy and make data-driven decisions to increase your revenue.
  • Custom CSS: An advance customization feature that allows you to customize your optin campaigns with your CSS styles.
  • Display Effect: 30+ built-in CSS3 animation effects to capture your visitor’s attention and bring awareness to your optin forms.
  • MailOptin Leads: It stores your leads within MailOptin as well as important data about your subscribers that normally can’t be passed to your ESP such as the referrer, time of conversion and where it occurred.
  • Shortcode & Template Tag Embed: Display optin forms anywhere on your website page and posts with shortcodes and anywhere on your theme with template tags.
  • Autoresponder: Immediately send an email to leads or subscribers that sign up to your email list.
  • Email Notification after Conversion: lets you get immediate notification emails whenever a new subscriber is added.
  • Facebook Custom Audience Integration: saves leads to Facebook custom audiences so you can retarget them later.
  • And lots more to come.

What’s Next

If you like this plugin, then consider checking out our other products:

  • ProfilePress – The best custom registration, login, front-end profile and user management plugin in the market.


  • Optin campaign form builder
  • Email template builder
  • Mobile optimized optin forms
  • Lightbox/popup optin form
  • Tablet optimized email newsletter
  • Sidebar optin form
  • New post notification newsletter
  • After post optin form
  • Elementor form integration
  • Elementor form integration with MailOptin


This plugin provides 1 block.

  • MailOptin - Popup, Optin Form & Email Newsletters for Mailchimp, HubSpot, AWeber


Installing MailOptin is just like any other WordPress plugin.
Navigate to your WordPress “Plugins” page, inside of your WordPress dashboard, and follow these instructions:

  1. In the search field enter MailOptin. Click “Search Plugins”, or hit Enter.
  2. Select MailOptin and click either “Details” or “Install Now”.
  3. Once installed, click “Activate”.


Who should use MailOptin?

MailOptin is perfect for business owners, bloggers, designers, developers, photographers, and everyone else.

Do I need to have coding skills to use MailOptin?

No. You can create and manage optin forms and newsletters without any coding knowledge (Intuitive form & email template builder).

I’d like access to all features. How can I get them?

You can get access to more features and support by upgrading to our Premium version. Purchasing a Premium license gets you an access to the full version of MailOptin, automatic updates and faster support.

Is MailOptin translation ready?

Yes, MailOptin has full translation and localization support. All .mo and .po translation files should go into the languages folder in the base of the plugin.


August 21, 2021
Great plugin. Thanks to Ibrahim who helped me get it set up.
August 18, 2021
Simple to implement and works well, mostly. (Using it to make the link between an Elementor site and Sendinblue.) However, it is causing and reporting "cURL errors" (which apparently has to do with that a form submission takes too long to register and is therefore cancelled). This is obviously important, since it may cause us lost subscribers. I have verified all the potential causes with our hoster and it points to that there is some issue with the plugin. But the plugin support is totally unresponsive. Have waited three days and not a sign of life.
August 16, 2021
I have tried about 6 different mail optin plugins. This is the only one that works. If you have the free version, the best thing to do is to integrate it with WPforms. Thanks, MailOptin!
Read all 330 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“MailOptin – Popup, Optin Form & Email Newsletters for Mailchimp, HubSpot, AWeber” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“MailOptin – Popup, Optin Form & Email Newsletters for Mailchimp, HubSpot, AWeber” has been translated into 2 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “MailOptin – Popup, Optin Form & Email Newsletters for Mailchimp, HubSpot, AWeber” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.


  • Fixed broken images in email body.
  • Improved handling of mailjet API errors.
  • Fixed wp listing UI issue.
  • Fixed bug where some Sendinblue list was missing.
  • Nuked every optin campaign ID that is 0 data retrieval.

  • Fixed bug where mailoptin broke many ajax requests.
  • Cleanup WPbakery shortcodes and empty paragraphs.
  • Added is error checking to token refreshing.

See the changelog file for full change log information.