GET /read/following/

Get a list of posts from the blogs a user follows.

Resource Information

Method GET
Requires authentication? Yes

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description
http_envelope (bool)
Some environments (like in-browser JavaScript or Flash) block or divert responses with a non-200 HTTP status code. Setting this parameter will force the HTTP status code to always be 200. The JSON response is wrapped in an "envelope" containing the "real" HTTP status code and headers.
pretty (bool)
Output pretty JSON
meta (string) Optional. Loads data from the endpoints found in the 'meta' part of the response. Comma-separated list. Example: meta=site,likes
fields (string) Optional. Returns specified fields only. Comma-separated list. Example: fields=ID,title
callback (string) An optional JSONP callback function.
number (int) The number of posts to return. Limit: 40. Default: 10.
page (int) Return the Nth 1-indexed page of posts.
order (string)
(default) Return posts in descending order. For dates, that means newest to oldest.
Return posts in ascending order. For dates, that means oldest to newest.
after (iso 8601 datetime) Return posts dated after the specified datetime.
before (iso 8601 datetime) Return posts dated before the specified datetime.

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
ID (int) The post ID.
site_ID (int) The site ID.
author (object) The author of the post.
date (iso 8601 datetime) The post's creation time.
modified (iso 8601 datetime) The post's most recent update time.
title (html) context dependent.
URL (url) The full permalink URL to the post.
short_URL (url) The short URL.
content (html) context dependent.
excerpt (html) context dependent.
slug (string) The name (slug) for the post, used in URLs.
guid (string) The GUID for the post.
status (string)
The post is published.
The post is saved as a draft.
The post is pending editorial approval.
The post is published privately
The post is scheduled for future publishing.
The post is in the trash.
The post is a placeholder for a new post.
sticky (bool) Is the post sticky?
password (string) The plaintext password protecting the post, or, more likely, the empty string if the post is not password protected.
parent (object|false) A reference to the post's parent, if it has one.
type (string) The post's post_type. Post types besides post, page and revision need to be whitelisted using the rest_api_allowed_post_types filter.
comments_open (bool) Is the post open for comments?
pings_open (bool) Is the post open for pingbacks, trackbacks?
likes_enabled (bool) Is the post open to likes?
sharing_enabled (bool) Should sharing buttons show on this post?
comment_count (int) The number of comments for this post.
like_count (int) The number of likes for this post.
i_like (bool) Does the current user like this post?
is_reblogged (bool) Did the current user reblog this post?
is_following (bool) Is the current user following this blog?
global_ID (string) A unique representation of a post.
featured_image (url) The URL to the featured image for this post if it has one.
post_thumbnail (object) The attachment object for the featured image if it has one.
format (string)
geo (object|false)
menu_order (int) (Pages Only) The order pages should appear in.
publicize_URLs (array) Array of Twitter and Facebook URLs published by this post.
tags (object) Hash of tags (keyed by tag name) applied to the post.
categories (object) Hash of categories (keyed by category name) applied to the post.
attachments (object) Hash of post attachments (keyed by attachment ID).
metadata (array) Array of post metadata keys and values. All unprotected meta keys are available by default for read requests. Both unprotected and protected meta keys are available for authenticated requests with access. Protected meta keys can be made available with the rest_api_allowed_public_metadata filter.
meta (object) API result meta data
current_user_can (object) List of permissions. Note, deprecated in favor of `capabilities`
capabilities (object) List of post-specific permissions for the user; publish_post, edit_post, delete_post
date_range (object) date range covered by current results.
number (int) The number of posts brought back by current query.
posts (array) An array of post objects.

Resource Errors

These are the possible errors returned by this endpoint.

HTTP Code Error Identifier Error Message
403 unauthorized User cannot view taxonomy
403 unauthorized User cannot view post
403 authorization_required An active access token must be used to query information about the current user.
403 unauthorized User cannot edit taxonomy
400 invalid_post Invalid post
400 invalid_context Invalid API CONTEXT
403 unauthorized User cannot edit post
404 unknown_post Unknown post


curl \
 -H 'authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN' \
$options  = array (
  'http' => 
  array (
    'ignore_errors' => true,
    'header' => 
    array (
      0 => 'authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN',

$context  = stream_context_create( $options );
$response = file_get_contents(
$response = json_decode( $response );


    "date_range": {
        "before": "2021-10-11T21:51:22+00:00",
        "after": "2021-10-07T15:00:00+00:00"
    "number": 2,
    "posts": [
            "ID": 45232,
            "site_ID": 3584907,
            "author": {
                "ID": 185988459,
                "login": "tinobarreiro",
                "email": false,
                "name": "Tino Barreiro",
                "first_name": "Tino",
                "last_name": "Barreiro",
                "nice_name": "tinobarreiro",
                "URL": "",
                "avatar_URL": "https:\/\/\/avatar\/c74ba4e28524f9cbd791214606e62f71?s=96&d=retro",
                "profile_URL": "https:\/\/\/tinobarreiro",
                "ip_address": false,
                "site_ID": 177141775,
                "site_visible": true
            "date": "2021-10-11T21:51:22+00:00",
            "modified": "2021-10-11T21:51:26+00:00",
            "title": "VideoPress Remake",
            "URL": "http:\/\/\/2021\/10\/11\/videopress-remake\/",
            "short_URL": "https:\/\/\/pf2B5-bLy",
            "content": "<div class=\"is-reader\">\n<p style=\"overflow-wrap: break-word;\">Introducing the new VideoPress. Still the finest video service for WordPress\u2014now even better.<\/p>\n\n\n\n<figure class=\"wp-block-image size-large\" style=\"margin: 0 0 1em;\"><img data-attachment-id=\"45255\" data-permalink=\"http:\/\/\/blog-post-v1_step1-1\/\" data-orig-file=\"https:\/\/\/2021\/10\/blog-post-v1_step1-1.png\" data-orig-size=\"2113,1024\" data-comments-opened=\"1\" data-image-meta='{\"aperture\":\"0\",\"credit\":\"\",\"camera\":\"\",\"caption\":\"\",\"created_timestamp\":\"0\",\"copyright\":\"\",\"focal_length\":\"0\",\"iso\":\"0\",\"shutter_speed\":\"0\",\"title\":\"\",\"orientation\":\"0\"}' data-image-title=\"blog-post-v1_step1-1\" data-image-description=\"\" data-image-caption=\"\" data-medium-file=\"https:\/\/\/2021\/10\/blog-post-v1_step1-1.png?w=300\" data-large-file=\"https:\/\/\/2021\/10\/blog-post-v1_step1-1.png?w=1024\" src=\"https:\/\/\/2021\/10\/blog-post-v1_step1-1.png?w=1024\" alt=\"\" class=\"wp-image-45255\" style=\"max-width: 100%; border-radius: inherit;\" srcset=\"https:\/\/\/2021\/10\/blog-post-v1_step1-1.png?w=1024 1024w, https:\/\/\/2021\/10\/blog-post-v1_step1-1.png?w=2048 2048w, https:\/\/\/2021\/10\/blog-post-v1_step1-1.png?w=150 150w, https:\/\/\/2021\/10\/blog-post-v1_step1-1.png?w=300 300w, https:\/\/\/2021\/10\/blog-post-v1_step1-1.png?w=768 768w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px\"><\/figure><p style=\"overflow-wrap: break-word;\">Video is one of the most powerful tools on the web. It can spark ideas, emotions, conversations, sales, and much more. VideoPress already offers people the ability to upload and serve hours of high-quality video flawlessly around the globe, ad-free. But VideoPress should inspire people to create and share their best ideas as well.\u00a0<\/p>\n\n\n\n<p style=\"overflow-wrap: break-word;\">Now it does. The refreshed player offers creators an intuitive, lightweight design that puts their content in the spotlight.<\/p>\n\n\n\n<figure class=\"wp-block-image size-large\" style=\"margin: 0 0 1em;\"><img data-attachment-id=\"45254\" data-permalink=\"http:\/\/\/blog-post-v2_step2-3\/\" data-orig-file=\"https:\/\/\/2021\/10\/blog-post-v2_step2-3.png\" data-orig-size=\"2113,1024\" data-comments-opened=\"1\" data-image-meta='{\"aperture\":\"0\",\"credit\":\"\",\"camera\":\"\",\"caption\":\"\",\"created_timestamp\":\"0\",\"copyright\":\"\",\"focal_length\":\"0\",\"iso\":\"0\",\"shutter_speed\":\"0\",\"title\":\"\",\"orientation\":\"0\"}' data-image-title=\"blog-post-v2_step2-3\" data-image-description=\"\" data-image-caption=\"\" data-medium-file=\"https:\/\/\/2021\/10\/blog-post-v2_step2-3.png?w=300\" data-large-file=\"https:\/\/\/2021\/10\/blog-post-v2_step2-3.png?w=1024\" src=\"https:\/\/\/2021\/10\/blog-post-v2_step2-3.png?w=1024\" alt=\"\" class=\"wp-image-45254\" style=\"max-width: 100%; border-radius: inherit;\" srcset=\"https:\/\/\/2021\/10\/blog-post-v2_step2-3.png?w=1024 1024w, https:\/\/\/2021\/10\/blog-post-v2_step2-3.png?w=2048 2048w, https:\/\/\/2021\/10\/blog-post-v2_step2-3.png?w=150 150w, https:\/\/\/2021\/10\/blog-post-v2_step2-3.png?w=300 300w, https:\/\/\/2021\/10\/blog-post-v2_step2-3.png?w=768 768w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px\"><\/figure><p style=\"overflow-wrap: break-word;\">Creating doesn\u2019t always come easily, so sharing should be a breeze. That\u2019s why VideoPress is fully integrated with the WordPress editor. From effortless drag-and-drop options to broad customization, every feature within VideoPress can be experienced on your WordPress site, without redirecting audiences to external apps.\u00a0<\/p>\n\n\n\n<figure class=\"wp-block-image size-large\" style=\"margin: 0 0 1em;\"><img data-attachment-id=\"45257\" data-permalink=\"http:\/\/\/blog-post-v2_step29\/\" data-orig-file=\"https:\/\/\/2021\/10\/blog-post-v2_step29.png\" data-orig-size=\"2113,1024\" data-comments-opened=\"1\" data-image-meta='{\"aperture\":\"0\",\"credit\":\"\",\"camera\":\"\",\"caption\":\"\",\"created_timestamp\":\"0\",\"copyright\":\"\",\"focal_length\":\"0\",\"iso\":\"0\",\"shutter_speed\":\"0\",\"title\":\"\",\"orientation\":\"0\"}' data-image-title=\"blog-post-v2_step29\" data-image-description=\"\" data-image-caption=\"\" data-medium-file=\"https:\/\/\/2021\/10\/blog-post-v2_step29.png?w=300\" data-large-file=\"https:\/\/\/2021\/10\/blog-post-v2_step29.png?w=1024\" src=\"https:\/\/\/2021\/10\/blog-post-v2_step29.png?w=1024\" alt=\"\" class=\"wp-image-45257\" style=\"max-width: 100%; border-radius: inherit;\" srcset=\"https:\/\/\/2021\/10\/blog-post-v2_step29.png?w=1024 1024w, https:\/\/\/2021\/10\/blog-post-v2_step29.png?w=2048 2048w, https:\/\/\/2021\/10\/blog-post-v2_step29.png?w=150 150w, https:\/\/\/2021\/10\/blog-post-v2_step29.png?w=300 300w, https:\/\/\/2021\/10\/blog-post-v2_step29.png?w=768 768w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px\"><\/figure><p style=\"overflow-wrap: break-word;\">Here are just some of the new options available on VideoPress\u2014with many more to come:\u00a0<\/p>\n\n\n\n<ul style=\"overflow-wrap: break-word;\">\n<li>Customizable player with colors that match your site\u2019s design.<\/li>\n<li>Adaptive bitrates to deliver high-quality playback at great performance speeds.<\/li>\n<li>Picture-in-picture and variable playback speeds.<\/li>\n<li>Private video options let you offer exclusive content to subscribers.<\/li>\n<li>Multi-user access for easier collaboration.<\/li>\n<li>Unlimited hosting with or Jetpack plans.<\/li>\n<li>No intrusive ads or imposing branding.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<p style=\"overflow-wrap: break-word;\">With an immersive design and seamless integration, VideoPress is ideal for any videographer, filmmaker, educator, or blogger looking to upload high-quality video\u2014an elevated player for elevated content. <\/p>\n\n\n\n<figure class=\"wp-block-embed is-type-video is-provider-videopress wp-block-embed-videopress wp-embed-aspect-21-9 wp-has-aspect-ratio\" style=\"margin: 0 0 1em; overflow-wrap: break-word;\"><div class=\"wp-block-embed__wrapper\" style=\"position: relative;\">\n<\/iframe><script src=\"https:\/\/\/js\/next\/videopress-iframe.js?m=1633526814\"><\/script>\n<\/div><\/figure><p style=\"overflow-wrap: break-word;\">It\u2019s an exciting time for video content, and even more exciting for VideoPress: We\u2019re working on better uploads, smoother library navigation, subtitles, and more. So stay tuned. There\u2019s more coming soon.<\/p>\n\n\n\n<p style=\"overflow-wrap: break-word;\">VideoPress is included in our<a href=\"https:\/\/\/pricing\/\">\u00a0Premium, Business and eCommerce plans<\/a>\u00a0on And if you\u2019re self-hosted site, you can get<a href=\"http:\/\/\/videopress\">\u00a0VideoPress through Jetpack<\/a>, now available as a standalone product.<\/p>\n <\/div>",
            "excerpt": "<p>Introducing the new VideoPress. Still the finest video service for WordPress\u2014now even better. Video is one of the most powerful tools on the web. It can spark ideas, emotions, conversations, sales, and much more. VideoPress already offers people the ability to upload and serve hours of high-quality video flawlessly around the globe, ad-free. But VideoPress [&hellip;]<\/p>\n",
            "slug": "videopress-remake",
            "guid": "https:\/\/\/?p=45232",
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            "current_user_can": {
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            "author": {
                "ID": 69981365,
                "login": "mindywoothemes",
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                "name": "Mindy Postoff",
                "first_name": "Mindy",
                "last_name": "Postoff",
                "nice_name": "mindywoothemes",
                "URL": "https:\/\/",
                "avatar_URL": "https:\/\/\/avatar\/4b0391bfe8311af9fad76ff5bca4f4f4?s=96&d=retro",
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                "site_visible": true
            "date": "2021-10-07T15:00:00+00:00",
            "modified": "2021-10-06T20:39:01+00:00",
            "title": "Behind the Scenes: The Tech Stack of the Growth Summit",
            "URL": "http:\/\/\/2021\/10\/07\/behind-the-scenes-tech-stack-wordpress-com-growth-summit\/",
            "short_URL": "https:\/\/\/pf2B5-bLl",
            "content": "<div class=\"is-reader\">\n<p class=\"has-drop-cap\" style=\"overflow-wrap: break-word;\">Recently, we hosted our second annual <a rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"https:\/\/\" target=\"_blank\"> Growth Summit<\/a> and welcomed over 1,300 attendees at the event. The summit was fully online, and it built on the momentum of our <a href=\"https:\/\/\/blog\/2020\/07\/21\/official-wordpresscom-growth-summit\/\">inaugural Growth Summit<\/a> in 2020 after hearing from you, our community, that another conference would be a great learning and networking opportunity for people looking to grow their sites. Based on the positive feedback from last year, this year\u2019s programming continued to be customer-focused by highlighting people \u2014 just like you! \u2014 who started sites and businesses on and have seen them flourish.<\/p>\n\n\n\n<p style=\"overflow-wrap: break-word;\">We also changed up the tech stack we used, which allowed us to offer a better user experience and to improve the process of selling tickets and, later, access to <a href=\"https:\/\/\/2021-summit\/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">recorded videos<\/a> from the event. If you enjoy building sites with WordPress, tinkering around with design and functionality, I\u2019m pleased to share a behind-the-scenes look at how we got our Growth Summit site to work for us. This explanation might be especially helpful if you\u2019re trying to sell registrations on your site and\/or restrict access to content behind a paywall.<\/p>\n\n\n\n<h2 style=\"overflow-wrap: break-word;\"><strong>Selling Tickets<\/strong><\/h2>\n\n\n\n<p style=\"overflow-wrap: break-word;\">At, we love to use plugins when building sites, and installing a number of them on the Growth Summit site made ticket sales a breeze for customers.<\/p>\n\n\n\n<ul style=\"overflow-wrap: break-word;\">\n<li>First, we installed the WooCommerce plugin on our site and created a ticket as a simple product in the store catalog. Nothing fancy, just a title and a price. From a design perspective, we determined that it wasn\u2019t ideal to have potential conference attendees visit the product page, so we configured the call-to-action button on the homepage to automatically <a rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"https:\/\/\/2015\/09\/18\/creating-custom-add-to-cart-url\/\" target=\"_blank\">add a ticket to a visitor\u2019s cart<\/a> and send them straight to the checkout page.\u00a0<\/li>\n<li>Then, using <a rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"https:\/\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Zapier<\/a> and its WooCommerce <a href=\"https:\/\/\/products\/woocommerce-zapier\/?;utm_medium=blog&amp;utm_campaign=growth-summit-behind-scenes\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">extension<\/a>, we configured a \u201czap\u201d that was triggered whenever a customer bought a ticket, which in turn alerted <a rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"https:\/\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Hopin<\/a> \u2014 the virtual event software platform we chose to host the Growth Summit \u2014 to create a new attendee registration.\u00a0<\/li>\n<li>In an effort to simplify the checkout process, and hopefully increase conversion rates, we used the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/products\/woocommerce-checkout-field-editor\/?;utm_medium=blog&amp;utm_campaign=growth-summit-behind-scenes\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">WooCommerce Checkout Field Editor<\/a> plugin to remove a number of default fields, such as billing street address, phone number, and order comments. We were also able to customize the field layout so that it took up less \u201creal estate\u201d on the checkout page.<\/li>\n<li>The <a href=\"https:\/\/\/plugins\/mailpoet\/\">MailPoet plugin<\/a> allowed us to customize the content of the default WooCommerce emails for completed order confirmations. Sure, we could have installed a child theme and then used custom templates to put the text we wanted in the message, but the MailPoet plugin was free for our purposes. Plus we can use it for email marketing campaigns in the future, should we choose.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<h2 style=\"overflow-wrap: break-word;\"><strong>On-Demand Video Access<\/strong><\/h2>\n\n\n\n<p style=\"overflow-wrap: break-word;\">Leading up to the Growth Summit, our focus was on driving attendance to the live event. Once the conference wrapped up, we shifted focus to providing access to recordings of Growth Summit sessions for attendees who wanted to watch on demand, and for people who missed the event but wanted to experience it firsthand. With the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/products\/woocommerce-memberships\/?;utm_medium=blog&amp;utm_campaign=growth-summit-behind-scenes\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">WooCommerce Memberships<\/a> extension, we put the videos behind a paywall \u2014 in other words, you have to have a membership to view them. To sell memberships, we\u2019re using the same WooCommerce product we used to sell tickets. We just changed its configuration so that buying the product adds the customer to a membership plan that grants access to video content from all the sessions in 2020 <em>and <\/em>2021. Additionally, we ensured that anyone who bought a ticket to the live event would get a year of on-demand access automatically.\u00a0<\/p>\n\n\n\n<h2 style=\"overflow-wrap: break-word;\"><strong>Site Design<\/strong><\/h2>\n\n\n\n<p style=\"overflow-wrap: break-word;\">Aesthetics are as important as functionality. We built the Growth Summit site with the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/themes\/twentytwentyone\/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">Twenty Twenty-One<\/a> theme. The homepage uses Gutenberg blocks. Some of the common blocks are <a rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"https:\/\/\/support\/wordpress-editor\/blocks\/cover-block\/\" target=\"_blank\">Cover<\/a>, <a rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"https:\/\/\/support\/wordpress-editor\/blocks\/layout-grid-block\/\" target=\"_blank\">Layout Grid<\/a>, and <a rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"https:\/\/\/support\/wordpress-editor\/blocks\/columns-block\/\" target=\"_blank\">Columns<\/a>. We also used some custom CSS code to tweak the design to suit our needs.\u00a0<\/p>\n\n\n\n<p style=\"overflow-wrap: break-word;\">That\u2019s pretty much it. Did you miss the Growth Summit? Use the\u00a0coupon code <strong>behindthescenes<\/strong> to get 25% off on-demand access to all the video recordings from 2020 and 2021, now through August 2022!<\/p>\n <\/div>",
            "excerpt": "<p>If you enjoy building sites with WordPress, tinkering around with design and functionality, check out a behind-the-scenes look at how we built our Growth Summit site!<\/p>\n",
            "slug": "behind-the-scenes-tech-stack-wordpress-com-growth-summit",
            "guid": "https:\/\/\/?p=45219",
            "status": "publish",
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