Support » Plugin: Site Kit by Google - Analytics, Search Console, AdSense, Speed » I can’t connect with sit kit

  • Resolved shelta


    I installed and activated sit kit and after I tried to sign in with google to configure sit kit, I can go until the proceeding button which asks for verification of my ownership. but though I click the button, I can’t proceed further. the browser just keeps loading without any action. As per the instructions, I deactivated conflicting plugins and firewalls and I even tried with an incognito window. Still, I am unable to set up sit kit.

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  • Plugin Support James Osborne


    @shelta Sorry to hear you’ve been unable to setup Site Kit successfully. There are some steps on the plugins website which may assist, although it sounds like you’ve followed most steps.

    If you’ve already attempted those steps can you please share your Site Health info with Site Kit activated and we can see if there’s anything we can identify which may be impacting setup in your case?

    Plugin Support Renee Johnson


    @shelta I’m following up on your support topic. Fee free to let us know if this remains an issue for your site and provide your Site Health information requested if so.

    Hi @shelta – I am working on investigating this issue. Can you let us know if you have been able to set up Site Kit or are still blocked? Also, did you try the suggestions linked above?

    Plugin Support Renee Johnson


    @shelta We’ve made some adjustments on our side to address the issue.

    Could you attempt the setup process again and let us know if you are able to complete it?

    Thank you!

    Plugin Support Renee Johnson


    @shelta since we have not heard from you, I am marking your topic as resolved. If you have any further concerns, please open a new support topic.

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