• Resolved tpinkus



    This plugin is very cool! Wondering if you can help me. I’d like to be able to run this on Multisite WP, which it currently does. But my goal is to be able to have the first line in the ads.txt & app-ads.txt pages that display have a global entry. The idea is the subsites share banner space with the network. But the network can not rely on the subsite to remember to add the network entries into the ads.txt entry field.

    Hope this makes sense and thank you in advance for your response.

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  • Plugin Contributor Jeffrey Paul


    @tpinkus your best, easiest, and fastest option is to add the same line to the ads.txt and app-ads.txt files on each subsite. The plugin currently does not support that sort of forced global entry and is unlikely to in the medium future either. Good luck!

    Thread Starter tpinkus


    @jeffpaul as stated above, the subsites can not be counted on to always include when they update because they may just delete all and copy/paste their new list.

    Can you point to a way to hardcode the additional lines in the code itself?


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