25 years promoting talent,
generating and connecting knowledge

Democratizing knowledge and guaranteeing people's access to high quality online education.

A BBC Storyworks production

Opening doors

trans- fer

1 tr. v. To convey from one person, place, or situation to another. He was transferred from Weston Hospital to Frenchay.
2 1 tr. v. To pass over possession or control of. He transferred the house to the new owners. The company will transfer the money tomorrow.
2 2 tr. v. An act, process, or instance of transferring.
Elisabeth Salmon

"Online education is incredibly democratizing"

Elizabeth Salmon

Course instructor for the University Master's Degree in Human Rights, Democracy and Globalization

Elizabeth Salmon is a lawyer and holds a PhD in Public Law. In 2018 she become the first Latin American woman to chair the Advisory Committee of the United Nations Human Rights Council, a post she still holds today. She also heads the Institute for Democracy and Human Rights at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, as well as being amicus curiae of the Special Justice for Peace in Colombia.

The world's first online university

The idea behind the founding of the UOC, back in 1995, was not for a distance university, but to take advantage of the incipient World Wide Web to create the first ever distanceless university.







course instructors and tutors


course instructors and tutors

The UOC has students in 142 countries


+ than



Spain (without Catalonia)

+ than


Spain (without Catalonia)

Rest of the world

+ than


Rest of the world

Figures from the 2019/2020 academic year

Lifelong training

Programmes and courses offered in the 2020/2021 academic year

Find the programme that best suits your needs

¹Higher-level vocational training courses (Jesuïtes Educació in collaboration with the UOC)

A global university with societal impact

The UOC is strongly committed to being open to the world, on a basis of respect and collaboration. It favours learning that is globally and socially responsible, promotes knowledge that is open to all, is committed to gender equality and seeks responses to society's challenges, as per those defined in the 2030 Agenda.

trans- versal

1 adj. Crossing from side to side. It was a study with a qualitative and transversal approach, based on constructivism and transversality.
2 n. [Mathematics] A line that intersects a system of lines.
agenda 2030
agenda 2030

Leaders in quality e-learning

The UOC's learning model puts students centre stage, seeking to constantly improve their competencies. It is based on continual support, finding solutions to activities, and collaboration between students. With a diverse range of courses available at the UOC, the learning model adapts to students' varying personal and professional profiles.

How to study at the UOC

How to study at the UOC

Find out about it in this video


Who studies at the UOC?

Who studies at the UOC?




between the ages of 25 and 34


study and work


work in the private sector


want to study and broaden their knowledge


choose the UOC because they can combine work and study


students with a certified disability of 33% or more

Exchange students


2019/2020 academic year

The online mobility programme makes it possible to open up access to international educational experiences and strengthen peoples' global competencies.

84% of graduates would choose to study at the UOC again

A great team


faculty and researchers


full-time researchers


administrative staff


course instructors and tutors


The right question

trans- form

1 1 tr. v. To change in character or condition. Transform a mathematical equation. Transform an alternating current or voltage.
1 2 intr. v. To become transformed, to change. The tadpole transformed into a frog.
2 1 tr. v. To convert into a different substance. The alchemists tried to transform lead into gold.
2 2 tr. v. To radically alter. He completely transformed his house during the renovation.
2 3 intr. v. Only in fairy tales do frogs transform into princes.

our part"

Josep A. Planell
President of the UOC

Reflecting on the future: universities post-COVID-19

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, what challenges do universities face? How should the role of higher education evolve? What difficulties will our new scenario bring? How will we overcome them? How does adapting to digital transformation fit in? What should our research model be?

Universities must change, and spokespeople, faculty members and researchers from the UOC have been sharing their reflections on where a roadmap for the coming years should take us.

See all the reflection articles

Other examples of disruption

The eLearn Center focuses on translational research and teaching innovations in e-learning. It works with other leading experts in this field from around the world to share innovative educational experiences.

La Reina Roja.

Docuseries on educational innovation.

is research
and innovation

Research is an essential part of the UOC's mission. There is particular interest in interdisciplinary research, with a focus on areas where technology and human & social sciences converge. The UOC's research and innovation centres and its academic faculties lead these activities, and its Doctoral School also plays a part.

trans- disciplinary

adj. [Education] Involving two or more academic, scientific or artistic disciplines.
Mayo Fuster
"We're studying how collaborative and co-creative research methodologies can reinvent the way research is conducted"

Mayo Fuster

Principal investigator of the IN3's Digital Commons group

Anthropologist, economist and doctoral degree holder in Political and Social Sciences, Mayo Fuster is an expert in collaborative economies and is the principal investigator of the Digital Commons (DIMMONS) group at IN3. She is an adjunct professor at Harvard University and a consultant to institutions including Barcelona City Council and the European Commission.
Salvador Macip
"Experts have been warning of a pandemic for years"

Salvador Macip

Professor at the Faculty of Health Sciences

Salvador Macip is a doctor of medicine and a professor at both the UOC's Faculty of Health Sciences and the University of Leicester's Department of Molecular and Cell Biology. His area of research, both at the UOC and at Leicester, is cancer and ageing.
Samia Oukemeni
"Someone once said to me: 'But you're a girl, how come you're doing a doctoral programme in information technologies?'"

Samia Oukemeni

Doctoral degree holder in Network and Information Technologies

Samia Oukemeni is an expert in internet security and privacy and earned her PhD from the UOC's doctoral programme in Network and Information Technologies. Her doctoral thesis dealt with privacy on social media. Her advice: "Before you post anything on social media, stop and think a minute."
Luis Villarejo
"We create virtual and augmented reality experiences, especially for education, culture and tourism"

Luis Villarejo

Co-founder of the spin-off Immersium Studio

How do you bring a triceratops to life in a museum? Ask the UOC spin-off company developed by Luis Villarejo, a computer engineer and expert in natural language processing. Villarejo had been working for over a decade in the field of educational technology before the know-how and experience he had gained in augmented reality led to the creation of Immersium Studio.
Pau Alsina
"A scientific journal is not just a publication; with time, it also becomes a knowledge community"

Pau Alsina

Professor at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities

The Faculty of Arts and Humanities is promoting the next International Symposium on Electronic Arts (ISEA), an annual congress that is coming to Barcelona in 2022: "It spans nations, sectors and institutions, and connects art, design, science, technology, thought and society through a theme that is more relevant today than ever: possibles," explained professor Pau Alsina.

A hub for open knowledge

A hub for open knowledge 50% of original papers by UOC researchers are published in open access.

... for its academic publications to be open access by default.

The UOC's commitment for 2030

... to ensure that all research data created at the UOC follows FAIR principles.

The evolution of research at the UOC over the last 5 years



Funding won
Funding won

2M €

Funding won

4M €

Scientific papers per year
Scientific papers per year


Scientific papers per year


Research groups with official recognition
Research groups with official recognition


Research groups with official recognition






Valid patents
Valid patents


Valid patents


Engaging, outstanding, meaningful

When it comes to R&I; at the UOC, we strive to be engaging (capturing the best talent and projects), outstanding (publishing and showcasing more and more high-quality research) and meaningful (conducting research that has an impact on society) in the three strands of this triple helix. Our research is, by definition, both transdisciplinary and translational (taking into account the people who could benefit from it).
Engaging, outstanding, meaningful

Faculty research groups

Reinventing the future

The UOC's courses place an emphasis on employability: ensuring graduates have all the knowledge, skills and capabilities they need to work professionally in their chosen fields.

trans- cend

1 1 tr. v. To rise above or go beyond the limits of.
1 2 intr. v. To triumph over the negative or restrictive aspects of.
2 intr. v. To rise above or extend notably beyond ordinary limits.
Anna Ferry

"The Bachelor's Degree in Multimedia has furthered my career"

Anna Ferry

Alumnus. Course instructor and tutor at the Faculty of Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications

After a bachelor's degree in Graphic Design at the BAU university design centre in Barcelona, Anna Ferry decided to take the Bachelor's Degree in Multimedia at the UOC. She received special recognition for her academic record and the National Prize for Excellence in Academic Performance. Now combines her work as a front-end and back-end developer with her activity as a course instructor and tutor.

Alumni: a lifelong relationship

Alumni offers its community lifelong learning to help people continually refresh their professional skills and ensure the tools they need to develop their careers, while also nurturing entrepreneurial initiative and competitiveness. The UOC Alumni community is made up of people who go a step further: people from around the world, committed to social progress and change, who achieve what they set out to do: #whatyouwanttobe.

What is the profile of our graduates?

Most outstanding capabilities
Most outstanding capabilities

Bachelor's degree


Master's degree and postgraduate studies


Studying at any time and in any situation

Under 25



From 26 to 35



From 36 to 45



From 46 to 50


Sectors and areas of study
Economics and Business

Economics and Business








Psychology and Education Sciences

Psychology and Education Sciences


Law and Political Science

Law and Political Science


Arts and Humanities

Arts and Humanities





UOC community: 200,000 connected people

Students, alumni, faculty, affiliated teaching staff, administrative and research staff, entrepreneurs, stakeholders, honorary doctors and more… over 200,000 people always within reach.

Download the PDF copy

Learning. Transforming. 25 years promoting talent, generating and connecting knowledge.