
Settings » Privacy Settings

The Site Privacy setting controls who can view your site, allowing you to make the site public, private, or “Coming Soon”.

Table of Contents

Privacy Options

To access your Site Privacy options:

  1. Go to My Site
  2. Click Settings to access General settings
  3. Scroll down to the Privacy section
Settings selected in the options

When you first create your site, by default the site will be Coming Soon and not yet launched. In order to launch your site, you will need to verify your email address.

Click here to learn more.

Coming Soon. New sites are Coming Soon by default. Visitors that you haven’t invited to be a viewer on the site will see a coming soon landing page, whereas you and visitors that you have added to the site will see the full site.

Public. This is the setting used by most sites. It allows everyone to see your site and enables your site to be included in search engine results and other content sites.

Do not allow search engines to index my site. If you want all human visitors to be able to see your site but don’t want your site to appear in search engines, this option will block most web crawlers for search engines. Please note, however, that not all search engines respect this setting.

Private. Select this option to make your site private. If you want specific people to be able to view it (and add comments, if you’ve enabled them), you’ll need to invite them to be a viewer.

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Coming Soon

To give you time to build your site before you officially launch it, we set new sites as Coming Soon by default. New visitors will see a landing page letting people know that a site is being built. You don’t need to worry about your unfinished site being viewed before you’re ready.

If someone visits your site address before you’ve launched your site, this is what they will see.


If you need your site to remain private, switch it to Private mode instead.

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Launch your Site

Launching your site means you are ready to make it accessible to the public. To launch your site, go to Settings → General and click the Launch site button:

You can still edit your site after you launch it. You can also make your site private again after launching it if needed.

Before you can launch your site, you will need to verify the email address you used to sign up for your account. If you did not receive the verification email in your inbox, make sure to check your spam and junk mail folders. You can also resend the verification email, or change the email address on the account by going to My Site → Settings and scroll down on the General settings:

Privacy - Confirm your Email

Once you have verified your email address you will be able to launch your site.

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View a Coming Soon or Private Site

When you first create your site, by default the site will be Coming Soon and not yet launched. You will not be able to invite viewers to a private site until your email address is verified and your site is launched.

If you’d like to add viewers to a private site, please follow the invitation instructions on this page.

After marking your site as private, visitors will see a “Private Site” page if they’re not logged into their account they created when you invited them as a Viewer.

All viewers added to a private site must have a account. Logging into a account ensures that only those people you’ve authorized are able to view your site.

Private Site message displayed on sites set as private
This is what someone sees when they attempt to visit a site marked Private

A visitor can request access to a private site by clicking on the “request access” link when attempting to visit a private site while logged into their account.

The site owner will receive a notification that the visitor wants to view the site, and it will be up to the site owner to approve or decline the request.

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Change a Site with Followers from Public To Private

If your site is public but you’d like to make it private, you can change the settings to private at any time by following these instructions. To follow a private site, someone must first be added as a viewer, and then they will need to make sure the site is listed in their Reader > Manage.

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