Responsive iframe


A Responsive Iframe that will resize itself to its parent element.



The plugin manager is located on the administration page. From the administration page in the left side bar click Plugins. From the top of the page click add new.

Install the plugin thru the plugin manager, or upload it as a zip file into the plugin manager.


  • Apply responsive iframe
    Create a post like you normally would and then click the + icon displayed to Add block. Find Responsive iframes and click it.
    By default your current website will be displayed in the iframe.

  • Block Settings
    Site Address – The url address of the website you want to iframe
    Width – This represents the actual width you want to display from the iframed website.
    Height – This represents the actual height you want to display from the iframed website.
    Scrollbar – Displays a scroll bar if the height,and width are smaller than the iframe website.
    Border – Dislays a default border around the iframe element.
    Scale – This will change the max-width percentage of the iframe’s parent element, it will allow the element to be scaled by size.
    Additional CSS – Any additional CSS will be applied to the iframe’s parent element. Use this to provide some additional styling.


  • Example of New York Times in an iframe.
  • The iframe in the website, demonstrating from a mobile viewpoint.
  • The iframe in the website, demonstrating from a desktop viewpoint.


This plugin provides 2 blocks.

  • Responsive iframe
  • Responsive iframes


How do I access the block settings

In the page where you create a post, in the top right corner next to update/publish is a cog wheel that allows you to edit block settings.

In the editor I can’t click on the iframe

Click directly underneath the iframe element, you want to select the block so you can edit it.

What can I stylize without breaking the iframe

Leave the iframe element largly alone, focus css on the parent div element.
Do not modify the height on the div element.


September 4, 2021
automatically resize my frame for every device and compatible with any browser. I really recommend it.
Read all 1 review

Contributors & Developers

“Responsive iframe” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • Max Width setting now using px instead of REM.


  • Adds to advanced settings an option to specify max-width of Iframe


  • updates the readme, and fixes my website link in plugin.php


  • first release