Animated Blocks


Add scroll-based animations to WordPress (Gutenberg) blocks.

See how it works: video demo


  • Choose from 76 cross-browser CSS3 animations or add your own
  • Preview animations in the editor
  • Adjust the animation delay, scroll threshold, and visibility of blocks
  • Based on Gutenberg’s InnerBlocks component


  • Delay: How many milliseconds to wait before animating the element.
  • Threshold: Add animation when x% of the element enters the screen.
  • Hide First: Set the element to opacity 0 when the page loads. The option works for elements transitioning to 100% opacity through CSS.
  • Class name “ab-end” is automatically added to elements when a CSS animation has completed. This can be used for extra customization.


PHP 5.6+ is recommended, WordPress 5.0+, and Gutenberg must be active.


Select Animated Block from the Layout Elements group and add any content blocks within it. Select an animation from the dropdown list or add your own custom CSS class. The selected animation or custom CSS class will be added to the block when the user scrolls to it.

Animated Block is a parent block (a container), nesting as many blocks as you want.


  • Animation Settings in the block inspector
  • Animation list
  • Block


This plugin provides 1 block.

  • Animated Block



Go to your WordPress Admin -> Plugins -> Add New. Search for Gutenberg Animated Blocks. Install and Activate. You can also download this folder and add it into your plugins directory.

“Animated Block” will be added to your blocks in the Layout Elements group.

What is Gutenberg?

“Gutenberg” is the name of the project to create a new editor experience for WordPress. The goal is to create a new post and page editing experience that makes it easy for anyone to create rich post layouts.


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Contributors & Developers

“Animated Blocks” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



First release of the plugin.


Animation settings in individual blocks by extending the block API is no longer supported in the plugin. The InnerBlocks component was implemented, enabling nested block content and more flexibility. Select “Animated Block” from the “Layout Elements” group and add whatever content blocks you’d like. Select Animated Block to see animation settings.


Updated enqueue function to work on WordPress 5.0


Updated/fixed animation previews in the editor.
Class “ab-end” is now added to elements when a CSS animation is completed.


Fixed jQuery warning
Updated for the latest WordPress version