Home Health Hazards


Mold Removal and Remediation

Indoor Air Quality

a young boy and girl play together on a playground
Family MedicineLead Paint Removal
A simple blood test can detect lead poisoning. Here's how to know when your child should be tested.
a man painting a bathroom
House Painting | Exterior PaintingInterior PaintingLead Paint Removal
Contractors who might disturb lead paint in structures built before 1978 will be required by a new EPA rule to be trained and certified in lead safety techniques.
RemodelLead Paint Removal
Before you tackle any remodeling project, make sure you test for lead paint and know how to safely remove it.
old door with green paint
Lead Paint Removal
Peeling paint isn't the only place you'll find lead in your home.
House Painting | Exterior PaintingInterior PaintingLead Paint Removal
About 40 percent of homes in the United States contain lead-based paint, which was banned in 1978. The older the home, the more likely it contains lead. Watch this video to learn more.