Climate + Data

Climate change spans borders and generations. It’s big and complex, and for all these reasons, it can be difficult to wrap our heads around. Our data journalism desk helps make the complex more legible. Through data reporting and data visualization, we dive deep into climate change, environmental justice, and climate solutions data — only coming up for air when we’ve got some interesting findings to share.
In This Series
Has Fannie Mae’s $95 billion in green bonds made anything greener?
'We're looking at some measure of greenwashing in the largest program in the world.'
Dying oil companies’ parting gift: millions in cleanup costs
One Texas oil and gas company left the state responsible for almost $10 million after its 2019 bankruptcy.
The art of repeal: illustrating Trump’s toxic legacy — and Biden’s daunting task ahead
Illustrating Trump's toxic legacy -- and Biden's daunting task ahead
Washington, Oregon, and British Columbia pledged to slash emissions. They failed.
Washington, Oregon, and British Columbia pledged to slash greenhouse gas emissions. In a decade full of big talk and epic battles, they all failed.
6 reasons 2020 wasn’t as bad for climate change as you thought
Even during a global pandemic, with powerful forces working against it, momentum toward a less fiery future kept pace.
The EPA cut back enforcement during COVID. These researchers are assessing the damage.
The EPA cut back enforcement during COVID. These researchers are assessing the damage.
As you move through a city, you probably notice summer heat can be a lot worse depending on which neighborhood you’re in. This isn't a coincidence.
Texas relaxed environmental enforcement during the pandemic, state data show
A Grist analysis found that Texas pursued 20 percent fewer violations of environmental laws after its stay-at-home order, compared to 2019.