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Articles by Reporter Emily Pontecorvo

Emily Pontecorvo is a reporter at Grist

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If you live in the United States, you’re probably familiar with the Energy Star logo — it’s typically a blue sticker with a star on it that sits in the corner of some appliances, like refrigerators and washing machines. What you may not know is that the sticker is not some industry-sponsored marketing tool, it’s a seal of approval from the U.S. government. The Energy Star certification program is run by the Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA, and was started in 1992 to promote energy-efficient products that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and save people money.

What you may also not be aware of is a somewhat newer, top-tier label within Energy Star called “Most Efficient.�? EPA created the designation in 2011 to encourage innovation and further differentiate the best-of-the-best products. While the criteria for earning the Energy Star label are updated infrequently, requirements for landing on the “Most Efficient�? list are revised every year. 

And in 2021, a bunch of environmental groups stepped in and convinced the agency to stop considering gas-burning appliances for the esteemed title.

It’s a significant change for the “Most Effic... Read more

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