• The sound of wind

    I sit here writing and listening to the sound of the wind. It’s a stormy night, and the seasons are changing. With it comes not only a change in time but a chance in pace. I like autumn and spring because they are seasons of change. A transition. A changing of weather and a changing

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  • A cup of tea

    Sometimes when your mind is swirling and things are endlessly going around and around all you need is that moment. Sometimes all it takes it that one cup of tea. That pause, that catch. Tea means a lot to me for that break in the flow, the spiral split. A bringing back to the being

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  • Learning when to roadmap

    One of the most significant gifts over the years I have given to myself is the chance to recognise and accommodate where I might need particular things. It’s been a process of identifying healthy patterns, finding techniques or adjusting to ease mental spirals and negate stress. One of the biggest of these is creating a

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  • Clicking publish again

    There is a certain poetry in the last post on this blog being my celebration of Click Publish and this one being about diving into it again. Whilst I did actually achieve creating something every day, I over the weeks dropped away from writing and that is one thing I want to get back to,

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  • Clicking publish on 32 posts

    It began with seeing a post in Slack and then 32 posts later; I find myself writing the 33rd today. Since that post, I have clicked publish every day, and I wanted to unpack what I’ve learned and plan to do from here. Not missing a day One of the biggest things I found myself

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  • What could half a day do?

    Yesterday I decided to unplug a large portion of the day and see if I could focus my time on achieving something previously I’ve not been able to do before – crochet. I wanted to conquer a simple piece in a limited amount of time. I was lucky that I had this time; I really

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  • Remove friction by creating a space

    One of the biggest self-sabotage tools in my box of procrastination is setting something up. If there is an effort to get things out of creating a space, the likelihood reduces the longer it will take for me to do it. I was reminded of the importance of removing that friction for myself this past

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  • Breathe then action

    When things aren’t always the best and a strong emotion surfaces, the biggest issue can be forgetting to breathe. You can act, then act some more and spiral. It’s natural because chemicals are swirling and we are after all a suit containing a lava lamp of chemicals. The breath pauses. It gives a space to

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  • Same thing a day

    Last week, I got a timely reminder from the YouTube algorithm that sometimes focusing just on one thing is important and practice refining that. I’ve been trying to get back into a regular creative practice, so this was perfectly delivered by my search results. I was in my lunch, clicking along and found a video

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