Just Pressed: New Books by Authors on WordPress.com

From a comic diary to a collection of essays on culture and belonging, the most recent published works by WordPress.com authors are great additions to your bookshelf.

Screen Shot 2014-07-16 at 4.12.45 PMGabrielle Bell, a cartoonist based in Brooklyn, New York, has published a new book, Truth Is Fragmentary: Travelogues & DiariesRaw, revealing, and sometimes surreal, this comic diary serves up what Gabrielle is known for — her humor and introspection — as she muses on daily life and chronicles her travels around the world, from France to Sweden to Colombia.

Gabrielle is a WordPress.com blogger to watch: in the past, her work has been selected for numerous notable anthologies (such as the Best American Comics series) and her last book, The Voyeurs, was named a best graphic memoir of 2012.

In addition to Truth is Fragmentary, check out her multi-part series, Siberiaand other cool projects — from panels to posters — on her blog.

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* * *

Marilyn R. Gardner, the blogger at Communicating Across Boundaries, also has a new book released this month: a collection of essays, based on her blog posts, titled Between Worlds: Essays on Culture and Belonging.

Screen Shot 2014-07-16 at 4.47.35 PMMarilyn started her blog in 2011 after returning from a relief trip to Pakistan — with the hope of finding her voice.

Three years later, Marilyn has grown her blog into a space for thoughtful writing on cross-cultural communication, faith, third culture kids, travel, and the Middle East.

Between Worlds, which weaves these themes into one compilation, is tangible proof that Marilyn indeed found the voice she had been looking for.

Are you an author on WordPress.com? Have you recently published a book? Leave a comment and let us know.

If you’re interested in previous book releases from WordPress.com authors, check out our May and April 2014 editions. For a glimpse of how authors use their blogs to promote their books, take a look at this post on author websites.

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  1. maxproductpromo

    This is great and quite interesting.


  2. Lloyd Lofthouse

    “Are you an author on WordPress.com? Have you recently published a book? Leave a comment and let us know.”

    I’m one of the WordPress.com authors. I have several blogs that support my work. In fact, the evidence suggests that without my WordPress.com blogs, my work would be selling a few hundred copies annually instead of thousands of copies. My first book came out in December 2007, and “My Splendid Concubine” has sold more than 20,000 copies to date and is still selling well—for instance 170 copies so far this month. Last month the book sold more than 3,000 copies.

    Sales didn’t take off until after I launched my first serious, dedicated WordPress.com Blog:


    My third book is a memoir: “Crazy is Normal, a classroom expose”. I was a public school teacher for thirty years (1975-2005), and for one full year, I kept a detailed, daily journal, that almost twenty years later became the primary source of this memoir.


    The memoir came out in June for the Ebook and July for the paperback.

    One of the first three reviews from Tim M. says, “Lloyd has written an honest and fascinating story of a year in the working life of a dedicated California public school teacher. This is a must read for those thinking of becoming a teacher, is a public school teacher or administrator, or has children in the public school system.

    “What works most effectively is how Lloyd shows the contrast between the two student extremes – the top achievers who take what Lloyd offers and learns how to conquer the world, and the many slackers who appear determine to sabotage their teacher’s best efforts to teach them the skills they need for a successful future.”

    Liked by 1 person

  3. catrinbetts

    Another author using WordPress to get the word out about her book is at JessicaLevine.com and her Paris Blog, parisregained.com


  4. Ruthanne

    We just had our 1st book release at easybaked.net. “Life is Sweet”. It’s available on our site or at Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1593177518/ref=redir_mdp_mobile
    Thanks for sharing these new books- so interesting to see what my fellow WP bloggers are up to!


  5. B. Schmidt

    I blog at lifepreserversblog.com and recently self-published “Never Tailgate on a Rainy.” This is a gift book of tips and advice for new drivers. It’s currently on sale on lulu.com — and soon to be available via amazon.com.


  6. Aidan Reid

    Lots of inspiration here. Thanks Cheri


  7. mariezhuikov

    Hi, I recently published an eco-mystic romance called “Plover Landing.” Find out more here: http://mariezhuikov.wordpress.com/2014/06/01/making-piping-plovers-sexy/


  8. homeista

    Congratulations! I am a new author as well and blog at wordpress.com as Homeista Kelly. The book is a fun and practical model to have a better life. Each page is like chewing a piece of gum – refreshing and beneficial. Read an excerpt and buy at http://www.betterdaybetterlife.com. The blog is there too!


  9. cyrilbussiere

    Hi everyone, I released my first novel, The WorldMight, a fantasy imbued with romance and mysticism a couple months back. I started a blog here on wordpress to showcase it and meet interesting peeps in the process. Check it out if you get the chance: http://cyrilbussiere.wordpress.com/


  10. Swetank

    I enthusiastically had a plan for book.. but as for now will need to learn more to.come to that point.


  11. mattjohnsonauthor

    Are you an author on WordPress.com? Have you recently published a book? Leave a comment and let us know. Yep,
    http://www.mattjohnsonauthor.com my wordpress site that had been a huge help in the success of my debut novel.


  12. redrockwriting

    I teach a workshop on self-publishing and marketing to authors and recommend they set up a WordPress blog/website as I have (see http://www.uncommonraven.com) to promote the three books I have published. This kind of information about what other authors are doing is so helpful and I will pass it along to my students.


  13. Forrest Pasky

    Work and hone your craft on WordPress it’s the most professional forum…you even find this view in “Writer’s Market.” It can really help launch you.


  14. Kevin Davis, Head Writer

    Hi Cheri, I recently published my first book and would love to be featured sometime. My blog is dividedundergod.com, a site dedicated to church/state separation and related current issues. My book is Understanding an Atheist: A Practical Guide to Relating to Nonbelievers. It’s on Amazon and Barnes & Noble, and has its own site on wordpress as well – understandinganatheist.com. Thanks!


  15. Becky Watson

    I, myself, am a new indie writer. I have recently self-published two very short books – nothing to brag about – just to test the waters of my new career; however, I am working on a Young Adult Fantasy novella and a full length book of contemporary and inspirational poetry at this time – which I happen to be quite proud of.


  16. lorieb

    i too recently published a book, entitled G9P3A3, a chronological story about my nine pregnancies in ten years.


  17. Ruth Perry

    I regularly read Marilyn’s blog, Communicating Across Boundaries. It is excellent! Congrats to Marilyn on the book! So happy for her writing successes. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Paula Cappa

    Wow, this post is fascinating. Great comments here! I am a wordpress blogger (ReadingFiction Tales of Terror), a weekly FREE short story by 19th and 20th century authors and some contemporary short story authors too. For a writer of fiction, reading the master writers on a weekly basis is a fun and effective way to keep up on the craft of writing. I have two novels out (quiet horror), The Dazzling Darkness and Night Sea Journey; and several of short stories published in lit journals and ezines.


  19. The Author

    Hi Cheri, although I have only been blogging for a year, I wrote ten books which I published independently on Amazon under a pen name. You can see them here:http://bit.ly/angel_e-books. I am thrilled to be part of the WordPress community of authors!


  20. deargodbook2014

    Hello! I recently published by book “Dear God: Passionate Prayers in 140 Characters or Less” and it is availabe in Paperbook and ebook on Amazon.com at http://amzn.to/1prxsuy. I blog at the wordpress site http://www.DearGodBook.com and started tweeting prayers in 2009 to encourage myself. I had no idea my words would encourage others. The book challenges some of the things that we have accepted as “truth” based on what we have been taught and examines the power of our words – prompting the reader to draw closer to God by having intimate conversations with Him.


  21. M-R

    Suggestion, Cheri: a post on WordPress bloggers who have had books published in the past (and missed out on getting mentions). A kind of retrospective that never was, you know ? :-\
    If you were to read all the reviews of mine on my blog, not to go into the Comments, you’d possibly wonder how it did get missed … But then, I suppose it’s a matter of the right publicity; and I know for a fact that my publishers were fairly shabby in that area.


    • Cheri Lucas Rowlands

      We try to highlight as many authors as possible, here on this blog, and elsewhere where we promote our writers and users. There are millions of you out there — we can’t really highlight everyone in one comprehensive list. But we’ll continue to look out for book releases and publishing stories to share here.

      Liked by 2 people

  22. Patricia Ann

    Hi Cheri, Just published my first book this month! The title is My Precious Life which is also the name of my website and WordPress blog site. The book is a memoir and is available on Amazon.com, Amazon.ca, Amazon.uk, Barnes & Noble and other online book stores. It is the story of my life and faith from a toddler to a senior of seventy-seven years of age, and is getting good feedback from books sold so far. Thank you for a possible feature…that would be amazing! I just completed posting 100 blogs in 100 days and am now working on blog 105.


  23. diannegray

    I am a WP author and have recently had the opportunity to build my very own writer’s retreat! I call it the Writer’s Nook. Check it out 😉



  24. Janet (ocdtalk)

    Hi, I’ve been blogging for almost four years over at ocdtalk and have a book being published in January by Rowman & Littlefield called Overcoming OCD: A Journey to Recovery. Not only is the book the story of what helped and what hurt in my son’s amazing recovery from severe OCD, it also includes commentary throughout by Dr. Seth Gillihan, an expert in treating the disorder. For more info, and for links to Amazon and the publisher’s site, please check out this post: http://ocdtalk.wordpress.com/2014/06/22/overcoming-ocd-a-journey-to-recovery/ . The book is already available to preorder for those who are interested.

    Thanks! Janet Singer


  25. Kevin

    My first collection of poems and photographs, Separation Anxiety, is available in e-book form from Smashwords. I’m going the Espresso Book Machine for the print edition, which, after several delays, should be available within the next two or three weeks. In addition, I have a second collection (tentatively titled Journalism), in the works. Many of the poems included first appeared on my blog.


  26. scribe312

    I have self-published two books and have written blogs. About both. What am I doing wrong? How can I make my blogs fancy like the blogs featured?


  27. Ali Isaac

    I have just published my second book based on Irish mythology, Conor Kelly and the Fenian King. I regularly blog about Irish mythology, and Ireland’s ancient places, and living with a child who has a rare syndrome, and upon whom my unlikely hero, Conor Kelly, is based.


  28. dawnwink

    I write about language, culture, place, teaching, life on my WP blog Dewdrops (http://dawnwink.wordpress.com/) and my novel MEADOWLARK was published by Pronghorn Press )http://www.amazon.com/Meadowlark-Dawn-Wink/dp/1932636978/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1405726619&sr=8-1&keywords=Meadowlark+by+Dawn+Wink).

    Thank you for featuring books and authors!

    Liked by 1 person

  29. Thomas Flowers

    New author here as well! Short stories thus far. Got one up on Amazon Kindle. Called “Hobo: a horror short story.” Cheers!


  30. Brian Donaghy

    I have started a WordPress blog because I have just published a book designed to stimulate debate, and a blog seems the way to keep the dialogue going. I don’t expect to sell many books, but I’ll give the blog a year and see how it goes 🙂


  31. raphaela99

    Hi everyone! My first book, Lived to Tell, was published recently by JoJo publishing. I blog at http://www.hummingbirdredemption.com Warm Wishes to you all, Raphaela Angelou


  32. justmeandsomebooks

    So exciting to see how much writing talent there is around!s
    I’ve written two books – one non-fiction and one fiction. The non-fiction one is called Fabulous Weddings and I published it through iBooks just for ease as it’s full colour and full of photos. It’s at https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/fabulous-weddings/id740607732?mt=11.
    The other, newer, one is called Shark Ass, a novelette in the tradition of B-grade monster movies everywhere. This one I have tried with Amazon KDP select and it’s at http://www.amazon.com/Shark-Ass-satirical-novelette-everywhere-ebook/dp/B00KI1JUY8/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1405739539&sr=8-1&keywords=shark+ass – including a free sample.


  33. katiegatto

    Always looking for a good read. Thanks for the tip!


  34. Stephen Liddell

    My new book is out today! Lest We Forget: A Concise Companion to the First World War. Check out todays blog at http://www.stephenliddell.co.uk


  35. coyotespublishing

    I’m also a writer with a new book, called K.O.D.P
    it can be found here:

    Liked by 1 person

  36. Little Miss Menopause

    Congrats to all authors here! My novel is for any woman who secretly wants a child of a certain gender but feels too guilty to admit that. Or is disappointed because she has all sons and won’t get to experience raising a daughter. Or simply – – for anyone who has tried their best to control destiny! “Lullabies & Alibis”



  37. damiencomerford

    Hi Everyone.

    My name is Damien Comerford and I have been a journalist for 30 years. I have just written a non fiction book called Cover Up. Here is a synopsis:

    Cover Up tells the stories of five extraordinary events, which sent shock waves around the globe. Five of the world’s biggest crime stories. They include the deaths of Princess Diana, Pope John Paul I and US Commerce Secretary Ron Brown. Five stories that remain as mysterious, enigmatic and compelling as the day they happened. Cover Up takes the reader on a journey of new discovery. Reinvestigating each crime, deconstructing the official investigations, examining in detail the forensic clues and information that was overlooked as well as uncovering new evidence.

    The book will be released in August.


  38. Tish Farrell

    My published and-award winning stories mostly for young adults but on themes relevant to adults too. I have also just Kindled a novella (originally published in Cicada magazine US) ‘Losing Kui’:


  39. first100000

    I love WordPress where I can share information and pictures that are the background to my novel. I started blogging just a week ago. First the ebook, then the blog, next the paperback. All a learning curve. Writing the book was the easy bit.


  40. Heather Grace Stewart

    There really are thousands of us on WordPress, aren’t there? WordPress has been so helpful for my career as a poet and novelist. My blog, now six years old, helped me launch my first book of poems, Where the Butterflies Go. Since then, I’ve been published by Winter Goose Publishing ( Carry on Dancing) and Morning Rain Publishing just published my first novel, Strangely Incredibly Good. Thanks for your great support, WordPress!


  41. billyraychitwood1

    Just launched A COMMON EVIL – suspense fiction novel set in Mexico along the Sea of Cortez – Amazon worldwide http://authl.it/B00LMHJUIShttp://billyraychitwood.weebly.com


  42. creativeellie

    I’m an author with two children’s books out and the book releases are both published on WordPress.com. The book links are




    Please add them to your list. Thank you.


  43. davidmspowers

    I am an author on WordPress.com. My book, FROM PLANTATION TO PARADISE? CULTURAL POLITICS AND MUSICAL THEATRE IN FRENCH SLAVE COLONIES, 1764-1789, was published on May 1, 2014, by Michigan State University Press. To celebrate this accomplishment, I held a book signing event on June 7, 2014, at which time select portions of the book were read. For more information on these events, see my website, http://www.davidmspowers.com, or my author page at Amazon.com/author/davidmspowers.


  44. Thoughts from the Desert

    Hi, Everyone,
    I have recently published a novel on Kindle for middle grade kids, ages about 9 to 12. Kids can also read it on an iPad or smartphone with the Kindle app. It features a boy protagonist, but has two wonderful girl characters, too. It’s a realistic story with a breathtaking fantasy in the middle.

    Go to Amazon to see it: just type in my full name, Catherine Becker Reynolds or the title, “Into the Blue Somewhere” and it will come right up.

    My website, catherinereynoldswriter.com will give you all the details, too. Thanks for all these wonderful book and author recommendations!


  45. John Hooton Photography

    I have just edited and published on iBooks my late uncle’s memoirs of 10 years as a fighter pilot in the R.A.F. For good reasons it is titled ‘One Life Left’ and I have compiled it from a wad of old typewritten manuscripts handed to me by his daughter. He survived World war 2, but only just – all 19 colleagues he trained with were killed. It was a time when individual aspiration to duty, constant danger and a great feeling of national identity were uppermost in people’s lives.

    I have put together a WordPress website as an introduction to the book which is available on iBooks, Kindle, and Lulu as an ePub or hardback version. I am particularly proud of the iBooks version which is interactive and contains 80 photographs taken from his albums. http://wingcommandergarlick.wordpress.com/


  46. bvillareal

    I’ve also published a book called “Gianna the Great” that will be coming out in 2015.

    Liked by 1 person

  47. chrisdeacon02

    I published a book Kakadu Dreaming and started my blog to promote it. I’ve now decided to blog only, and have put my previous books onto wordpress:

    Liked by 1 person

  48. Bridget

    I have just released ” To Hold the Sky – A collection of Poetry” this July which has been a goal of mine for nearly 20 years.


  49. [email protected] (@julieconn61)

    I’m interested in publishing a book at some point, so will be taking a look at this site for inspiration.


  50. junglebookofmanagement

    My ‘Jungle Book Of Management’ being published on 25 july,2014.These empirical styles took me years to compile, presently a soft cover, available from Broadway, Goa.Would appreciate comments and feed back.


  51. lauriewoodwardauthor

    I published Artania: The Pharaohs’ Cry in 2012 and have begun blogging to promote it. I’m enjoying genre jumping from fantasy children’s to adult memoir as I blog or work on my novels. I sell my book on my http://www.artania.net website


  52. talesfromahungrylife

    WordPress has been such a boon for me–without it, I doubt anyone would have found out about my book. The audience that I created has been so supportive and wonderful! My book is called Tales From A Hungry Life: A Memoir with Recipes by Maria Schulz. It’s a humorous collection of stories about a Puerto Rican/Italian family in the 1970s and 80s, and the food that they all shared. It’s available on Amazon.com in a paperback and Kindle editions:


    Please check out my blog at http://www.talesfromahungrylife.wordpress.com too. Thanks!


  53. Jamie

    Hi Cheri and WordPress Folks,

    After writing my blog for two years I looked at it last summer and thought, “I think I may have a book here.” Nearly one year later my book: Less Stress Business: A Guide for Hiring, Coaching, and Leading Great Employees was published! (on Amazon.com)

    When asked to rate the stress they experience around managing people, on a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being maxed-out stress), many business owners, managers, and executives rate themselves at a 9 or 10. There is a high cost to all of this stress both in workplace tension, personal health, and a lack of work/life balance. My book helps leaders learn how to lessen this stress and lead with more calm and clarity than they ever imagined was possible.

    So, thank you Cheri and WordPress for giving authors like myself an opportunity to spread the word about their writing.

    Good luck to all the writers in our community,


  54. Carole Pitt

    In response to ‘Are you an author.’
    Crime and Mystery series. Working on the fourth.


  55. Marilyn

    Reblogged this on Communicating.Across.Boundaries and commented:
    WordPress features Between Worlds: Essays on Culture and Belonging in their Hot Off the Press post! Take a look!

    Liked by 1 person

  56. starrunnerworld

    Well, I’m glad for the invite. I published my first book, “The Rebirth and Awakening of Wolfie Star-Runner” just this past fall and it’s available right now on Amazon (direct link: http://www.amazon.com/Rebirth-Awakening-Wolfie-Star-Runner-Chronicles/dp/1492310301/ref=tmm_pap_title_0 ). The basic plot: Werewolf hunter Wolfsbane Bendis’ life is turned upside down after he is bitten and learns that everything he thought he knew about werewolves (and himself) is wrong.

    It’s got quirky characters, comedy, drama, surprises…and I’ve been told it’s a fun read all-around. If you like “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” “Hercules: The Legendary Journeys,” or “Fullmetal Alchemist,” you’ll probably like this too. The sequel, “Wolfie Star-Runner Plays with Hellfire” (in which our hero’s adventure really starts to…heat up…is in the final editing phases and will be out within the next few months (hopefully by the end of summer-middle of autumn if all goes well).


  57. Expat Alien

    I have been blogging on WordPress for a wile. My book is a Expat Alien. http://expatalien.com/expat-alien-the-book/

    Liked by 1 person

  58. authorbengarrido

    My publisher, Lucky Bat Books, recently launched my first novel in e-book format. The paperback is launching in two weeks. My blog has been central to getting the word out and I’d really like to take part in the next go around with this sort of feature.



  59. Russell Chapman

    Recently published my book Syria: Refugees and Rebels, a photo documentary of my time in Syria and the refugee camps of Lebanon and Jordan.


  60. Andrew G. Alt

    I’ve recently published a book called Mental Dimensions – Tales of Fantasy for a New Generation. It contains short stories that are similar to fairy tales, fables, and parables. Adults can relate to the stories, and children also receive enjoyment from them.


  61. God's Ghostbusters

    I recently released my novel, “Flawless: Perfection has a Price” at amazon.com:



  62. Carole Parkes

    I published my first e-book ‘Tissue of Lies’ last year and started a blog a few weeks later. I’ve only been seriously blogging for a couple of months and now realise I should have done this before my book was published, not after. My website is http://carolec55.wordpress.com and my psychological thriller can be obtained from http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00C7ATLN8

    What a great platform you are providing for authors; it’s appreciated.


  63. Ian G

    I’ve been blogging for the past six months on WordPress at iang.co – I recently decided to branch out into fiction, which has been amazing & challenging all at once.

    About two weeks ago, I released my first novella – it’s a steampunk detective story aimed at older children. I’m now writing the sequel just for kicks!

    It’s called What Went Wrong With Mrs Milliard’s Mech:



  64. Swav

    A couple of days ago I started to write my first book to publish my painting works, so I really appreciate your efforts guys, I mean really… and Good Luck with the next one 🙂 Cheers from Ireland


  65. Dr Bob Tobin

    wow. how great to see this post. yes, I just published a book, and I wouldn’t have been able to do it without blogging. It’s about creating the life you want at work. Here’s the link: http://shop.benbellabooks.com/Business/What-Do-You-Want-to-Create-Today.html


  66. viennanews2

    I have written two children’s books.
    Bedtime stories from the Little Blue Bird, its a Kingfisher!



  67. richardojones
  68. Iron Pen Books

    Hello! It looks like there are a lot of bloggers who have written books. Congratulations ya’ll.

    I just finished writing a biography of my father-in-law. He was a pastor from the Midwest who moved to Ukraine with his wife and eight children in 1992. What a challenging life, and what and example. The foreword for the book was written by Christian artist, Jeremy Camp.

    The name of the book is Distant Fields, and is available on Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0990528707/

    It is available in paperback or Kindle.


  69. bvillareal

    Here’s my children’s book on smashwords. Check it out!



  70. Morgan

    My Debut Novel : Dark Fey, The Reviled is a Fantasy genre story set in the primordial forests of mystical time in a land peopled by both Light Loving and Darkness Revering Faeriekind, or Fey, where a relationship between two unsuspecting, kindred souls, separated by far more than social stigma, blossoms in secrecy that could shatter both their worlds. Ayla, a Light loving, Guardian of Childfey hides more than a few secrets; secrets that isolate her and set her apart. Secrets that bring her to the attention of one who comes in shadow and silence; one who watches, waiting for the ideal moment to step from the darkness, reveal the truth about himself and alter the course of her life forever.

    It is a tale of Light and Darkness, of Joy and Sorrow, and the Trials and Triumph of Courage and Perseverance.

    Available on Kindle http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JYDIWW2

    Thank You Ever So for Sharing 🙂


  71. Rachel Rueben (@RachelRueben)

    It’s nice to know I’m in good company on WordPress LOL! I have several books out my most recent is: “Self-Publishing Hacks No One Tells You About” which is available on my blog for free: http://writingbytheseatofmypants.com/freebies-for-indie-authors/

    The other is a YA novel called, “Hag” and that’s available on Amazon for $2.99: http://www.amazon.com/Hag-Rachel-Rueben-ebook/dp/B007PLASOA/

    Thank you for the opportunity to share my work on your page.


  72. coldhandboyack

    I started my blog to promote my books. While that’s still the focus, blogging has become so much more. I’m in the process of getting some older works self published. I hope to have five titles available by the end of the year. Three are available now and there are links on my blog. http://coldhandboyack.wordpress.com

    I write science fiction, fantasy, and paranormal stories.


  73. jennjenn388

    It’s wonderful to see the success of so many WordPress authors. My very first published piece, The Orchid Keeper, will be available on Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble, books a million.com as well as booklocker.com (available as an eBook and also a print on demand book). There will be links to purchase it on my blog.


  74. Paul F. Lenzi

    I’ve been writing poetry for 10 years, blogging here at WordPress for 2, and recently published my 8th book. Details can be found at http://poesypluspolemics.com/books/


  75. singleseatfighterpilot

    Yes, I have recently published a book entitled Fallen Weapon Fallen Warrior.


  76. Gracie K. Harold
  77. jillian.mcgehee

    I helped publish a book – “Tales from the Trails of a Rock ‘n’ Roll Bus Driver” – in 2012. It’s available in print and various digital formats. We just a month ago made it available in the iTunes Store. http://cowbudpub.com/


  78. sayyarismail

    I have 5 books:
    1) Where does the Truth Begin
    2) Fear…a short dive into why people fear and what
    3) The Traveler…today’s affiliated social groups, and difficulties of modern living
    4) Word Art 1st Edition….poetry
    5) Word Art 2nd Edition….poetry

    Recently published and selling on Amazon.

    Liked by 1 person

  79. revhans

    It’s really nice to know that there is a place to feature WordPress authors. I recently released debut novel, The Stern and Wild Ones, on Kindle http://amzn.to/1meLMZx. It’s YA paranormal/romance.


  80. Stephan J Harper

    “Are you an author on WordPress.com? Have you recently published a book? Leave a comment and let us know.”

    I am an author taking a different route here at WordPress.com, writing straight commentary on MultiTouch Fiction (at multitouchfiction.com) on the new genre of literature made possible with Apple’s iBooks Author multimedia-publishing platform. There is not now, or ever will be, a single reference to my own work. I issue an invitation to writers, artists and multimedia-content creatives everywhere to explore exciting new possibilities and I wish everyone continued success in their work.


  81. @hell4heather

    I am – The New Mrs D is a hilarious comedy – bit.ly/TheNewMrsD


  82. Eric E. Wright

    It’s great to rub shoulders with other WordPress authors. My new suspense novel, Riptide is just out. Available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Indigo and many others in both paper and ebook format: http://www.countrywindow.ca.


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