Posts Tagged“travel”

With most of the world essentially closing down in 2020, many people are itching to get more stamps in their passports now that 2021 is in full swing. Traveling today, however, is slightly different than the traveling you may be used to. Even the most seasoned traveler will need to take note of new travel restrictions and guidelines. Do Your Homework Before you pack, make sure you do your homework. Most of the previous regulations are still in effect, such as limitations to onboard liquids, it’s best to check with your specific airline to see what new restrictions are in…

Being sick when traveling is something very common that many travellers encounter. As you are reading this article, keep in mind that you are not alone and many people are sharing the same feeling with you. But sharing is caring isn’t it? So today we are going to share with you a guide on how you can overcome being sick on a journey.  However, being sick while traveling truly affects you mentally and physically but it’s something you can overcome. The tips we are about to give you might also be helpful. So pay attention. To Avoid Being Sick, Prepare…

No matter what age you are at this moment, you likely have years ahead of you and a lot to look forward to. Life can be so busy sometimes and it’s easy to feel like all you do is work and pay bills. Especially in the past couple of years, a lot of people have been struggling and having a really hard time finding reasons to be happy. But it’s important to remember that there are so many great things about life and so many things to look forward to. Here are some of the best ones to keep in…

For many of us, packing is the worst thing about traveling, as it can be a struggle to fit everything and it’s very easy to get caught out by the things you’re not allowed to take in your carry-on luggage. Read on to discover some of our best packing tips which are sure to make your life much easier the next time you jump on a plane. They are particularly good for Baby Boomers who travel frequently! 5 Great Packing Tips Don’t Pack Liquids, Gels & Aerosols in Your Carry-On There are strictly enforced restrictions on what quantity of liquids,…

Roger Wolfson’s voyage to the sea started with him leaving Washington DC and moving, by boat, to New York. But it started in Brussels, Vienna, and Cyprus, BRUSSELS: Roger Wolfson started his journey, leaving the Senate, by flying from New York to Brussels, where he spent the day touring the city.  He’s not the only one to lament that there is not much to see in Brussels.  As expected, he went to Le Grande Place, which is a stunning plaza with ancient, tall, rowhouse shaped buildings, the city hall, and a museum that is apparently most beautiful at night and…