UNIGO – Find Over 3.6M Scholarships & Grants

650K College Reviews, College Stats & more to help you pay for college.


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Unigo has awarded over $611,000 in college scholarships and we’re not done yet!

unigo 10k scholarship winner

Eileen D. | Sylvania, OH
2020 $10K Scholarship Winner

Apply for the 2021 Scholarship Now!

Shelby D. | Sioux Falls, SD
2020 Zombie Apocalypse Winner

Apply for the 2021 Scholarship Now!

Lily S. | Providence, RI
2021 Sweet & Simple Scholarship Winner

Apply for the 2022 Scholarship Now!

James D. | Huntington Beach, CA
2021 I Have a Dream Scholarship Winner

Apply for the 2022 Scholarship Now!


We’ve got you covered with College Search, Stats and Reviews

College Profile & Match

When you complete the Unigo College Match, we match you to the right schools using your Return on Education™ score and other important factors like personality fit, academics, and geography.

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Unigo offers over 650k college reviews about colleges PLUS info such as tuition rates and school based questions and answers. Use Unigo as your source to answer all those important questions about what it’s like to attend a specific college! Search by State or by Major

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Help other college bound students by reviewing the college you attend or a college you thought about attending. When you complete your college review we will enter you into the Ungio $1,000 College Review Scholarship


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From tips on how to win college scholarships, to ACT/SAT prep, college admissions advice, how to find easy scholarships and other important financial aid information our articles cover it all. Dive in to find out all you need to know about deciding which college is right for you, and how to prepare for attending that college.