Psychology News

These research articles involve many aspects of psychology such as cognitive psychology, depression studies, mental health, stress, happiness and neuropsychology, Scroll below for more specific categories.

This shows a sad looking woman
Mothers who report estrangement from their adult children report they often believe their ex-husbands, and the current partner of the child is responsible for the break in their relationships. Additionally, some cite mental health problems experienced by their child as a factor for estrangement.
This shows a psychedelic brain
Psilocybin, a natural psychoactive compound currently being considered for the treatment of depression, alters people's emotional states while listening to music. While listening to music, those who used psilocybin reported enhanced emotional processing. Researchers say combining music with psychedelic therapy may have positive benefits for those suffering from depression.

These research articles involve depression, seasonal affective disorders, grief, pain, sadness, happiness and generally news regarding mental health research.

This shows the outline of a head
People with bipolar disorder who experience frequent manic episodes had faster cortical thinning, specifically in the prefrontal cortex than those who reported less frequent episodes of mania. Researchers also noted faster enlargement of the brain's ventricles and slower thinking of the parahippocampal and fusiform cortical regions in those who experienced more frequent mania.