

My name is
I’m Mark Jaquith.

I make things with WordPress.

Here is how I can make your site better:

Security audits

As a member of the WP Core Security Team, there’s no one better to make your theme, plugin, or entire site secure.

Speed optimization

Site feeling sluggish? My multi-point review will identify every speedbump on your site so we can work together to fix them.

Advanced solutions

From weird bugs that have you stumped, to complex technical architecture problems — I can figure it out.

Complex migrations

Feel stuck on a platform you hate? I can move your site to WordPress from any CMS, no matter how custom, obscure, or difficult.

Plugin development

Can’t find a plugin that solves your problem? I can fix that. Let’s build you a secure and speedy plugin with the features you need.

Plugin customization

Found a plugin that’s *almost* perfect? I can turn it into exactly what you need, and optimize it for your site in the process.

Disclaimer: I am not a designer.

I won’t design your site.

I won’t build your theme.

I won’t make your site pretty.

There are plenty of talented people who can do that for you.
You’re here because you need a WordPress expert.

Think of me as your CTO‑for‑hire.

With sixteen years of WordPress development, fourteen years on the WordPress Core Team, and multiple major-version release leads under my belt, I’ve got the experience and expertise to make any WordPress site go fast, work well, and stay secure.

I’ll keep your site running at peak performance with world-class security and intuitive functionality.

In short: you can stop worrying about all the technical things.

How it works:

If you need someone to manage all technical aspects of your site, I’ve found that the best arrangement is a monthly flat rate retainer.

Sometimes there are once-off projects that need a special touch. I can help with those too.

Current availability:

I have some room in October, and a few openings for November. Get in touch soon to see if we can get your project on the schedule.

So let’s talk!

I’ll get back to you soon.