He Said/She Said: Matt’s in Town!

If you are at WordCamp now, you’re just about to find out that I’m not speaking this morning, and instead I’ve swapped days with Lisa Sabin-Wilson. This is because my friend and boss, WordPress co-founder Matt Mullenweg, will be arriving just in time to join me on stage tomorrow! We’ll be doing He Said/She Said: WordPress Town Hall. We’ll answer whatever questions you throw at us (about WordPress-related stuff, anyway), and chances are we’ll disagree sometimes, so hopefully it will be entertaining. :)

What questions do you want us to answer? Leave your questions as comments on this post, and we’ll pick a bunch to answer tomorrow morning.

Have a great time today!

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6 Responses to He Said/She Said: Matt’s in Town!

  1. The Z Man says:

    Heck yeah! Can’t wait to see y’all!!

  2. See you soon! Great times here – everyone’s awake and ready to go (may have taken a few coffees for some).

  3. Karl says:

    It would be interesting to hear more about plans for coordinating and growing meetups

    • judi says:

      How about we sit together tomorrow at Lunch to discuss plans for coordinating and growing meetups ?

  4. Donna Smith says:

    Huge thanks to all of the organizers, volunteers , and speakers for this weekend. We had a great time and learned a lot! I look forward to doing this again.

  5. Carel says:

    Great fun to meet Matt. This was my 1st WordCamp and it was awesome. Thank you to all the organizers and volunteers.

    Matt’s personality and the positive vibe I experienced from so many people confirms to me that WordPress will continue to be an amazingly successful product and movement!

    Looking forward to continue to connect with all the WordPressers in Atlanta.

    Cheers, Carel.