Dougal Campbell's geek ramblings

WordPress, web development, and world domination.

Blog Archives

Upgrade or else!

UPDATE 2008-04-16: Well crud. I was just re-reading the WP 2.5 announcement post for something else, and spotted a bit about security updates between 2.3.3 and 2.5. So my previous advice about 2.3.3 being okay was incorrect. This is one of the areas where I disagree with the core developement team — if it was up to me, there would be a 2.3.4 security release for those who have good reasons why they can’t upgrade … Continue reading

Roadwork Next 15 Miles

I am preparing to move all of my web and email hosting to a new server. I’ve been fortunate to have an in-trade hosting arrangement for many years now (thanks to Jeff at Iguanasoft!). But my host’s owner is winding down some of his equipment, and I had outgrown the server I was on. I’ve secured a new server at Slicehost (a 1024slice running Ubuntu), and I’ll be transitioning my data over the next couple … Continue reading

Benefits of Blogging

My brother-in-law, Bob, has been keeping a blog on for a while now called Arcane Code. He mostly writes about software development using Microsoft tools, because that’s what he does for a living. He’s also had some interesting posts lately about installing various flavors of Linux under Virtual PC, and a long series digging deeply into SQL Server. But one of his most recent posts caught my eye and I wanted to share it: … Continue reading

My Favorite WordPress Plugins

One of the coolest things about WordPress is the powerful Plugin API which allows us to create add-ons which can radically extend the basic functions of our sites. Most plugins can be used simply by dropping them into your plugins folder and activating them. I don’t use a ton of plugins compared to some people — I can be a bit picky about what I add. And I’m not going to list every plugin that … Continue reading


Reinvigorate’s Hourly Stats About a year-and-a-half ago, I wrote about how the Reinvigorate web stats service was entering a private beta, and I hoped to get a chance to try it out. I applied to the private beta program and waited. And waited. And waited some more. Then I sent them an email, and they said they were still working on it. And so I waited… Then I finally gave up, and tried some other … Continue reading


Okay, I think things are finally (more-or-less) back in shape around here. Sorry about the problems you might encountered here over the past few days. I finally upgraded this site to WordPress 2.1, but I encountered some problems along the way. The problems were really indirectly related to the upgrade, and turned out to be my own dumb fault. On Friday, I decided to use my lunch hour to perform the upgrade. I backed up … Continue reading

Site Problems

Over the last few days, it’s possible that you might have tried to visit this site and gotten a blank page. It’s not you, it’s me. Or more precisely, it’s my server, and my attempts to eek a little more performance out of it. The problem seems to come from APC (Alternative PHP Cache). I’m not absolutely sure why it decides to crap out on me like that, but I suspect that the real root … Continue reading

WordPress 2.1 Released

Hot off the presses is the latest feature release of our favorite blogware: WordPress 2.1 “Ella”. You can find a bore-you-to-tears detailed list of bugfixes and feature changes in the Milestone report over on Trac. But here’s my version of the short list of changes: Tabbed WYSIWYG/Code editing: You can now easily switch back and forth between the WYSIWIG (AKA: RTE, or “Rich Text Editor”) and the old-style editor with quicktags. Autosave: When editing posts, … Continue reading

Blogging is like that

Plans by Death Cab for Cutie You know how sometimes a song comes along and gets stuck in your head? But in a good way. Not in that “Oh my God, if I don’t get this song out of my head I’ll go freaking insane” way. More in that “I could listen to this song on repeat all day long and not get tired of it” way. I need to find all those songs in … Continue reading

Some blog spam cases you might want to watch for

I like to think that I’ve got some pretty decent spam prevention measure in place on my server. My mail server uses RBL/DNSBL services and sets maximum limits for certain protocol violations. All my blogs use Akismet for comment spam detection. I’ve got a large number of entries in my comment moderation and blacklist lists. And I hook it all together into my SpamValve plugin, which automatically adds firewall rules to block repeat offenders. Still, … Continue reading