WordPress is Nine. Happy Birthday WordPress!

Today is the ninth birthday of WordPress (the anniversary of the first release).

WordPress still continues to astonish me in its phenomenal growth. Comparing to this time last year, WordPress now powers more than 74 million sites, accounting for more than 16% of the internet.

I’m looking forward to the next year in the world of WordPress. As usual there are lots of exciting things ahead. The first WordPress App Store launched recently, and I’m sure there will be more (it looks like WPMU Dev’s updater/dashboard now lets you buy).
WordPress is really maturing and as a platform and as an industry. There is much more to come and I can’t wait.

13 thoughts on “WordPress is Nine. Happy Birthday WordPress!

  1. Tout d’abord, je souhaite un très très……très joyeux anniversaire à Word Press.
    Par cette expression, je m’adresse au(x) Fondateur(s) de WP pour leur dire:
    F E L I C I T A T I O N S et B R A V O !.

  2. Pingback: WordPress is Nine. Happy Birthday WordPress! | Mike Little’s Journalized » Quasi.dot

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