The Project Team

This project includes some websites incl. design, development, content creation, deployment and much more. Our websites are:

  • (user registration process)

The websites * are maintained by the TYPO3 GmbH

We are in close touch with:

Mission of website team

The goal of the team is to develop and maintain the websites. The TYPO3 Extension Repository (TER), Events and Certification Listings are only a little bit of the entire universe. Together with other teams, we try to satisfy every visitor's need for information – fast and usable. We are providing best practises for the TYPO3 community by developing open and transparent at 

Support and Contribute

We need every kind of contribution! Project managers, Developers, Designers, Integrators, Editors and Server addicted people are welcome. To get in touch with us just do one of the following things:

  • Get support in our Slack channel #t3o-team
  • Join our team at forge
  • If you want to join us at one of our Team Sprints, join the Slack channel #t3o-development
  • Contact one of the Team Leaders
  • Visit us at a Team Sprint or at a TYPO3 event

Regular Monthly Remote Days: At the 15th and 25th of each month, the team meets in Discord and works together remote. Find out more about the remote days.

How to enter the team

You can get a member of the team, by regular contributrion. The team meets at least once a month at the remote sprints. If you participate at least three times in a row, you can be accepted by the team. The team leader (or co leader will invite you).

Leaving the team

If you do not contribute for more then three month, the Team Leader can decide, to remove you from the team. Please note, that you are then not longer allowed to wear any title related to this team.

Thomas Löffler
Team Leader / Technical Lead

Stefan Busemann
Co Leader / Product Owner

Mathias Bolt Lesniak
Content Lead

Tomas Norre Mikkelsen
TER Development

Simon Gilli
Lead Developer for