TCCI Syllabus

The syllabus below refers to exams based on TYPO3 v10 LTS.

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  • Backend navigation components
    The backend is divided into specific navigation components. A distinction is made between top bar, module bar, page tree, context bar, workspace, directory tree and directory contents.
  • About TYPO3
    TYPO3 is a content management system (CMS) which is developed under an open source license GPL. The code is thus freely available. TYPO3 offers a wide range of functions and can be extended by so-called extensions. The system is well documented and help can be found on
  • Upgrade Wizards
    Existing Upgrade Wizards and their purpose and usage.
  • Important Actions in the Install Tool
    Overview about important actions handled in the install tool.
  • Using the Step Installer
    Installing an instance from scratch using the step installer.
  • Dashboard Configuration
    Knowledge of the dashboard configuration options in the TYPO3 backend.
  • Configuring Workspaces
    Configuration and setup of a defined custom editorial workflow.
  • Workspace Concepts
    Knowledge about workspace concepts in TYPO3 context.
  • Forms Templating
    Adjusting and customizing form templates.
  • Forms Customization
    Introducing advanced fields.
  • Forms Localization
    Setting up localization for a given form.
  • Reusing Basic Forms
    Transferring basic forms from one instance to another installation.
  • Using the Drag & Drop Editor for Basic Forms
    Building simple forms.
  • Forms Vocabulary
    Knowing the terminology of the form framework.
  • Import/Export
    Exporting pages and content to another installation
    Importing pages and content from another installation
  • RTE Config
    Configure the Rich Text Editor.
  • Managing Backend Users and Backend User Groups
    Configuring backend users and backend groups to ensure correct permissions for the editors.
  • Database Mounts
    Configuring database mounts.
  • Linkvalidator
    The Linkvalidator is a system extension that checks your TYPO3 instance for broken internal and external links. It can be executed manually or automatically from the Scheduler and can send reports in an email.
  • Advanced Site Configuration
    Setting up advanced domain and language options for multiple websites on a single installation.
  • TYPO3 URL Redirects (Configuration)
    Redirecting URLs in TYPO3, related options and their implications.
  • URL Routing Basics
    Understanding the basics of human readable URLs.
  • URL Routing in TYPO3
    Handling the routing implementation in TYPO3.
  • Basic Site Configuration
    Setting up the basic domain and request related configuration for a website.
  • Managing Backend Pages Access
    Configuring access to backend pages and page (sub) trees for backend users and groups.
  • Reports Module
    Where to find information about the state of the instance.
  • Scheduler
    Scheduler basics and connected recurring tasks.
  • Configure Installation-wide Options
    Important settings in the Install Tool.
  • Accessing the Install Tool/Maintenance Modules
    Knowledge about security measures taken to protect the Install Tool/maintenance modules.
  • Language Records
    Supporting multiple languages.
  • Root Node
    Properties and particularities of the root node in TYPO3.
  • Recycler
    The Recycler backend module provides the option to clear the garbage collection and to restore data.
  • TYPO3 Info Module
    The Info backend module displays a variety of information related to the pages in your web site.
  • PageTitle Handler
    As part of the search engine optimization (SEO), the HTML title of pages can be controller by using TypoScript to configure the PageTitle Handler.
  • TypoScript Object Browser / Template Analyzer
    About the TypoScript object browser and the template analyzer.
  • Image Generation / Manipulation with TypoScript
    Image creation, image manipulation and integration of fonts with TypoScript.
  • User TSconfig
    Using TSconfig for backend user settings.
  • TypoScript TLO Config
    Using the TypoScript TLO config to define behaviour of the instance in terms of FE output.
  • Page TSconfig
    Basics of page-specific TypoScript in the backend.
  • TypoScript Language Menus
    Creating a selection menu for different languages on your website using TypoScript.
  • TypoScript Fluid Template Object
    TypoScript knowledge for using basic Fluid templates.
  • TypoScript Constants
    Setting and using constants in TypoScript.
  • TypoScript Templates
    Creating and using TypoScript templates, understanding connections between templates.
  • TypoScript Syntax & Basics
    TypoScript basic knowledge and syntax.
  • TLOs Temp and Lib
    Difference between TypoScript TLOs temp and lib, what the main difference is.
  • TypoScript OptionSplit
    Option split basics, overview of all seven option split rules.
  • TypoScript TLOs and Reserved Names
    Top-Level Object (TLO) overview, special TLOs like temp, commonly used configuration directives in regard to TLOs.
  • TypoScript Conditions
    Using TypoScript conditions in concrete scenarios.
  • TypoScript Menus
    Generation of hierarchical menus with TypoScript, using item states (CUR, SPC, etc.).
  • TypoScript Wraps
    Using TypoScript wraps in order to manipulate data.
  • Accessing Data Sources
    Using available data sources in TypoScript.
  • Knowing Data Sources
    What data sources are available to access in TypoScript.
    Understanding XLIFF.
  • Digital Assets Management (FAL)
    Know about transparent inclusion of external file sources into TYPO3.
  • TYPO3 Caching
    Caching basics in TYPO3. Functionality and types of caching as well as an overview over the different caches.
  • Caching Basics
    Caching overview and purpose.
  • Page cache
    Changed content might not be visible immediately due to optimization.
  • TYPO3 Console
    Using the TYPO3 console core extension.
  • Dashboard Basics
    Knowledge of the module Dashboard in the TYPO3 backend and the usage of it. Users can create multiple dashboards visible in this module, and switch between those dashboards. Each of the dashboards can have multiple widgets.
  • Page Tree
    The structure of the web pages managed in TYPO3 is easily accessible via the page tree. It is possible to manage pages that are visible in the frontend as well as associated data, which are then installed at the appropriate place in the frontend. With a click on the page icon the context menu appears with additional options.
  • Admin Panel
    The “TYPO3 Admin Panel” provides a deeper insight into the internal processes of TYPO3 at run-time. Once it has been activated, backend users can access performance and cache statistics, settings of a specific page, etc. while accessing the frontend of the website.
  • Admin panel Basics
    The admin panel can be activated for editors by a TYPO3 administrator, and used to simulate a different time or group of users in the frontend. In addition, a button helps to find and open the corresponding page in the backend via a URL.
  • About the TYPO3 Security Team
    How to deal with security issues, both found and reported.
  • TYPO3 Extension Repository (TER)
    Knowledge about the standard extension hub of TYPO3.
  • Extension Manager Basics
    Knowledge about extension management within the TYPO3 backend.
  • CSS Basics
    Understanding CSS.
  • ViewHelpers
    Getting to know what a ViewHelper is.
  • Outputting Variables
    Basic usage of variables inside Fluid templates and knowledge about escaping.
  • Using the Fluid View
    Knowing and understanding the different parts of a Fluid template view.
  • What is Fluid?
    Definition of Fluid and its possible use with regards to the Model View Controller pattern.
  • Importing ViewHelpers
    Using third party ViewHelpers in your Fluid templates.
  • JavaScript Basics
    Understanding JavaScript.
  • HTML Basics
    Understanding HTML.
  • ViewHelper: Image
    Using the Fluid ViewHelper f:image().
  • ViewHelper: Widgets
    Learn the most important f:widget.* ViewHelpers.
  • ViewHelper: Format
    Using Fluid Format ViewHelpers.
  • ViewHelper: Link, Uri
    Using the Fluid ViewHelpers f:link.* and f:uri.*.
  • ViewHelper: Comment
    Including comments in Fluid templates.
  • ViewHelper: If/Else
    Creating if/else statements within Fluid templates.
  • ViewHelper: For-Loop
    Iterating through a list with the for ViewHelper.
  • ViewHelper: Debug
    Utilising output to access Fluid variables.
  • Templates, Layouts, Partials
    Fluid Templates, Layouts, Partials - their interaction and properties.
  • ViewHelper: Render
    Using f:render to render sections and partials as well as passing arguments.
  • ViewHelper: cObject
    Including cObjects in Fluid templates.
  • Data Processors
    Data processors can be used to prepare data and transfer them to the Fluid template in order to generate an output by the template engine.
  • What is a Templating Engine?
    Introduction to the basic concept of a templating engine/processor.
  • What is MVC?
    The MVC pattern, what it can be used for, and common implementations.
  • Composer
    Composer basics and its usage for PHP projects.
  • Git Basics
    Basics and most important commands for working with the version-control system Git.
  • Composer for TYPO3 Extensions
    This skill introduces usage of Composer for extensions and their integration into TYPO3 projects.
  • CSV - Character Separated Values
    CSV files are used to exchange data between different computer systems. The editor must know how these files are structured so that they can be exported and additionally how they can be processed by TYPO3 without errors.
  • SEO Extension
    The SEO extension provides editors with the fields required to set the necessary meta tags.
    The SEO extension provides the rendering of meta tags in the frontend for SEO related information.
  • TYPO3 Documentation
    I know where to find documentation and support.
  • YAML Basics
    Understanding YAML configuration files.
  • Server-Side Image Manipulation
    Overview of TYPO3 supported server-side image manipulation libraries.
  • IP-Anonymization for Data Records
    Anonymizing IP-Adresses in the persistent storage of TYPO3 with the help of the scheduler for increased data protection.
  • Command Line Basics
    Performing elementary tasks on the command line.
  • Regular Expression Basics
    Identifying and matching patterns in strings with the help of regular expressions (PCRE).
  • HTTP Status Codes
    Basic knowledge of HTTP status codes.
  • Knowing the Cron Daemon
    Cron daemon basics on UNIX-based systems and according cronjobs.
  • TYPO3 File Architecture
    TYPO3 architecture – charsets, folder structure, access rights.
  • Charsets
    Definition of charsets, common usage, differences (advantages/disadvantages) of specific charsets.
  • File Permissions
    Understanding UNIX system file permissions.