
Make WordPress Core



23:42 Changeset [37649] by boonebgorges
Tests: Compare wp_set_object_terms() results using …
23:34 Ticket #37040 (Enhancement: new function to validate a transient exists, and isn't ...) created by danieliser
Currently calling get_transient makes 2 queries, the first to validate …
21:51 Ticket #35981 (Convert WP_Widget into an abstract class) closed by ocean90
21:50 Changeset [37648] by ocean90
Widgets: Revert [37425] and [37427]. The change can cause fatal …
21:34 Changeset [37647] by boonebgorges
Tests: Add tests demonstrating wp_set_object_terms() behavior when …
21:33 Ticket #28523 (wp_send_json to allow for JSONP) closed by rachelbaker
fixed: In 37646: […]
21:33 Changeset [37646] by rachelbaker
REST API: Create the general wp_check_jsonp_callback() function for …
21:23 Ticket #36639 (Customize: get_custom_logo filter should include blog parameter) closed by ocean90
fixed: In 37645: […]
21:23 Changeset [37645] by ocean90
Template: Pass $blog_id to the get_custom_logo filter. Props …
21:22 Changeset [37644] by boonebgorges
Tests: Move wp_set_object_terms() tests to their own file. This is …
21:16 Changeset [37643] by boonebgorges
Revert [37642]. Was mistakenly committed to the 4.4 branch.
21:15 Ticket #37039 (Cannot Upload New Media Via "Select Files" On Microsoft Edge Browser) created by dimensionmedia
1. In your Microsoft Edge browser, go to the "Upload New Media" page. …
21:08 Changeset [37642] by boonebgorges
Tests: Move wp_set_object_terms() tests to their own file. See #37009.
21:03 Changeset [37641] by boonebgorges
Add test demonstrating that wp_insert_term() will suffix a slug if …
19:28 Ticket #28554 (Add Support for Secure Quick Reliable Login (SQRL) into WordPress core) reopened by MikesTooLz
Replying to pbearne: This needs to be Re-Opened as the …
19:13 Ticket #37038 (WP_Tax_Query needs caching) created by spacedmonkey
The WP_Tax_Query is a class used to extend the WP_query class (and …
15:17 Ticket #37035 (Move Walker_Nav_Menu class into its own file) closed by DrewAPicture
fixed: In 37640: […]
15:17 Changeset [37640] by DrewAPicture
Nav Menus: Move the Walker_Nav_Menu class to its own file. The new …
14:37 Ticket #37037 (size_format() incorrectly displays `kB` with small `k`) created by dashaluna
The size_format() incorrectly displays kB unit. It should be KB.
11:41 Ticket #37036 (Error in JSON Data from admin-ajax.php) reopened by baekerIT
Hi, sure, but the Bug is in the Media Library, not in WooCommerce. …
11:33 Ticket #37036 (Error in JSON Data from admin-ajax.php) closed by swissspidy
invalid: Hey there, WordPress Trac is for tracking bugs and enhancements in …
11:09 Ticket #37036 (Error in JSON Data from admin-ajax.php) created by baekerIT
We've got a problem with our WooCommerce eShop: It's not longer …
10:24 Ticket #36974 (Customizer's iframe position is out of position.) closed by rmccue
08:25 Ticket #37035 (Move Walker_Nav_Menu class into its own file) created by ocean90
Walker_Nav_Menu is the only subclass of Walker which is not in its …
05:46 Changeset [37639] by DrewAPicture
Docs: Relocate some @see tags and add missing @access tags to …
05:44 Changeset [37638] by DrewAPicture
Docs: Reformat several parameter descriptions in Walker_Nav_Menu to …
03:58 Changeset [37637] by rmccue
Autoload: Add missed @since tags to SPL shim. See #36926.
03:23 Ticket #36926 (Autoloading: Introduce compatibility shim for spl_autoload_register) closed by rmccue
fixed: In 37636: […]
03:23 Changeset [37636] by rmccue
Autoload: Introduce shim for SPL autoloading. For PHP 5.2, SPL can be …


21:33 Ticket #37034 (Fix filter for genitive case of months) closed by ocean90
duplicate: Hello @semil, welcome to the WordPress Trac! Thanks for your report, …
21:29 Ticket #36986 (Month translations combined into each other) closed by ocean90
duplicate: Duplicate of #36790.
21:26 Ticket #37034 (Fix filter for genitive case of months) created by semil
Hello there, I'm new here so I hope I'm doing ticket rightly ;) I …
19:23 Ticket #34480 (get_the_content inconsistent with get_the_title) closed by ocean90
duplicate: get_the_excerpt() was fixed in [36319]. get_the_content() is a …
12:21 Ticket #36615 (Avoid PHP notices when trying to update translations which are already ...) closed by ocean90
fixed: In 37635: […]
12:21 Changeset [37635] by ocean90
Upgrader: Don't use Language_Pack_Upgrader_Skin::before() and …
10:49 Ticket #37033 (Theme's name in theme preview is overlapping when a too long word is used.) created by xavortm
Screenshot with the issue can be seen here: …
06:41 Ticket #37028 (Taxonomy terms array to string conversion in class-wp-ajax-response.php) closed by esemlabel
maybelater: I have found what cause debug loggin. The problem was in qtranslate …
06:24 Ticket #37032 (Guard against infinite reload when setting change causes premature ...) created by westonruter
If a setting gets set to a value in JS that is different than the …
01:51 Ticket #37029 (PclZip class encounters known PHP Zlib bug and dies (unnecessarily)) closed by dd32
duplicate: Hi @thefarlilacfield We're tracking this over in #30213


21:44 Ticket #36971 (Show readme.txt from Themes) closed by ocean90
maybelater: Replying to zodiac1978: > I suggest re-opening, because …
21:27 Ticket #36971 (Show readme.txt from Themes) reopened by zodiac1978
20:06 Ticket #37031 (Comment Notifications Not being Sent to Host Server) closed by Clorith
invalid: Hi and welcome to Trac, This sounds like a config issue, you should …
18:29 Ticket #37031 (Comment Notifications Not being Sent to Host Server) created by lexie2302
For the past week, my comment notification has not worked. The first …
18:24 Ticket #37030 (WordPress Customizer Does Not Work) closed by swissspidy
duplicate: Hey there, Thanks for your report! We're already tracking the exact …
18:02 Ticket #37030 (WordPress Customizer Does Not Work) created by tetonbabe
This is probably due to bad data somewhere in my database. I see the …
17:11 Ticket #37029 (PclZip class encounters known PHP Zlib bug and dies (unnecessarily)) created by thefarlilacfield
There was a fairly well known bug …
14:14 Ticket #37028 (Taxonomy terms array to string conversion in class-wp-ajax-response.php) created by esemlabel
When adding or deleting single term on custom taxonomy page will …
13:25 Ticket #37027 (Deletion of post with no title, content & excerpt) closed by ocean90
duplicate: Duplicate of #30775.
12:58 Ticket #37027 (Deletion of post with no title, content & excerpt) created by Ninos Ego
It is not possible to delete (move to trash) posts via admin panel …
12:19 Ticket #36992 (In get_terms(), getting a fatal error iterating on $terms inside ...) closed by boonebgorges
fixed: In 37634: […]
12:19 Changeset [37634] by boonebgorges
Taxonomy: No, really, don't pass results of 'count' query through …
07:56 Ticket #37026 (PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in ...) created by skylarkcob
I'm using WordPress 4.5.2 and get this PHP Notice: […] When I …
00:28 Ticket #36584 (Possible race condition with zxcvbn loader) closed by peterwilsoncc
duplicate: Duplicate of #34905. Thanks, It looks like this is a duplicate of …
00:15 Ticket #37025 (Improve the "disaster recovery" mode) created by azaozz
We've had a "disaster recovery" that saves post title, content and …


21:14 Ticket #37024 (Safari Quick Edit input[number] text not entirely visible) created by joelwills
THE ISSUE Using an input[number] field in Quick Edit results in …
20:42 Ticket #34067 (Filesystem API should not delete contents of symlink'd folders) closed by ocean90
duplicate: Closing as a duplicate of #36710 which has a patch.
20:22 Ticket #37023 (Twenty Fourteen: Duplicate ID's 'jp-relatedposts' created for contents ...) closed by kraftbj
invalid: Howdy Lamda, If it's coming from Jetpack (and a Jetpack class), it's …
19:33 Ticket #37020 (get_rest_url() returns wrong path if the site and home url's are different) closed by rachelbaker
invalid: @adamf321 Howdy, and thanks for the ticket. The REST API endpoints …
19:18 Ticket #36969 (Requests: Don't set CURLOPT_CAINFO if sslverify is false) closed by johnbillion
invalid: This is actually a local issue.
19:15 Ticket #36992 (In get_terms(), getting a fatal error iterating on $terms inside ...) reopened by nathanrice
FWIW, this is still somewhat broken. I've not had a chance to chase …
18:40 Ticket #37023 (Twenty Fourteen: Duplicate ID's 'jp-relatedposts' created for contents ...) created by lamdayap
User reached out through Jetpack support saying their website was …
18:07 Ticket #37022 (In Safari, when a parent menu item is moved after being renamed, the ...) created by jeremyfelt
Firefox and Chrome do not have this problem. I have not tested IE or …
17:50 Ticket #37021 (heartbeat goes bonkers and spams host with ajax requests every few seconds) created by ncslhostmaster
I have a client who uses 3rd party hosting for their Wordpress site. …
17:48 Ticket #37020 (get_rest_url() returns wrong path if the site and home url's are different) created by adamf321
Eg: If home_url = http://mysite.com and site_url = …
15:58 Ticket #35697 (Add a `fields` key to `wp_get_sites()`) reopened by jeremyfelt
This feature would still be possible in get_sites() / …
14:38 Changeset [37633] by jeremyfelt
Multisite: Add initial tests for WP_MS_Sites_List_Table Different …
14:24 Ticket #36997 (WP_Query Bug) closed by boonebgorges
invalid: Hi @VPETROSYAN - Thanks for the ticket, and welcome to WordPress Trac! …
14:23 Ticket #11531 (Some taxonomy names should be disallowed) reopened by boonebgorges
Many tickets have duplicate chains that lead to this one: #12929, …
12:42 Ticket #37019 (Plugins Not Showing Ratings When Accessed From Dashboard) closed by dd32
invalid: This was a bug on WordPress.org, some plugins/themes rating data will …
12:38 Ticket #37019 (Plugins Not Showing Ratings When Accessed From Dashboard) created by c3zh
When I go to https://wordpress.org/plugins/contact-form-7/ I can see …
12:33 Ticket #37018 (Underline for "Move to Trash" in post editor is missing) created by monikarao
All the "Delete" and "Trash" links in WP admin are in red color with …
12:20 Ticket #37016 (Minor Fixes: Text color for "Delete" button on widget should be Red) created by monikarao
Text color on all "Delete" links are displayed in red color. Example- …
10:13 Ticket #37013 (Minor Fixes: "Toggle indicator" in pages have focus color while the ...) created by monikarao
Toggle indicator in pages/post has visible focus color(blue border …
09:19 Ticket #37012 (Remove non hierarchical test for sticky in post table hidden fields) created by nicolasrenard
When you enabled sticky feature for custom posts or pages, the …
07:33 Ticket #35560 (Use of undefined constant DB_USER - assumed 'DB_USER') reopened by mariusvw
@pento I don't think you should close this ticket. The issue occurs …
06:20 Ticket #37011 (Don’t link custom logo if it’s displayed on the front page) created by FlorianBrinkmann
Hey! I have looked at the get_custom_logo() function recently and …
06:10 Ticket #9642 (Database Schema Optimizations) closed by pento
maybelater: This ticket is wildly outdated. If someone feels like taking another …
06:00 Ticket #36238 (uft8mb4 upgrade fails if using db.php drop-in) closed by pento
invalid: For reference, this is being …
05:55 Ticket #35424 (comments and custom db writing stopped working) closed by pento
invalid: No feedback.
05:54 Ticket #35560 (Use of undefined constant DB_USER - assumed 'DB_USER') closed by pento
invalid: It seems this only occurs with an incomplete wp-config.php, which I …
05:51 Ticket #34200 (Prompted to upgrade database when visiting /wp-admin/ and logged out) closed by pento
duplicate: Duplicate of #3901. It's also worth noting that the risk of …
05:24 Ticket #37010 (Remove early exits from `WP_Customize_Setting::validate()` on ...) created by dlh
Currently, WP_Customize_Setting::validate() returns immediately if …
04:53 Changeset [37632] by pento
Editor: 'undefined' !== 'undefiend' Fix a typo in [37630]. See #36662.
04:30 Ticket #37008 (Unit test for the remove_query_arg method) closed by boonebgorges
fixed: In 37631: […]
04:30 Changeset [37631] by boonebgorges
Add tests for remove_query_arg(). Props borgesbruno. Fixes #37008.
00:59 Ticket #37009 (When two different tags generate the same slug, the second tag is rejected) created by michael.costanza
When two different tags result in the same slug, instead of the slugs …


23:57 Ticket #36662 (WpLink stopped working in bootstrap modals.) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 37630: […]
23:57 Changeset [37630] by azaozz
Editor: do not use the modal-open class to determine when the wpLink …
22:28 Ticket #15800 (Adding tabs to the "Edit Site"-pages in Network Admin) closed by jeremyfelt
fixed: In 37629: […]
22:28 Changeset [37629] by jeremyfelt
Multisite: Remove superfluous code from network_edit_site_nav() * …
21:45 Changeset [37628] by jeremyfelt
Multisite: Replace $wpdb->blog queries in get_site_by_path() with …
21:23 Ticket #25387 (Autoembeds don't work with paragraphs) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 37627: […]
21:23 Changeset [37627] by azaozz
Auto-embedding: - We already match URLs on their own line, add another …
20:55 Ticket #37008 (Unit test for the remove_query_arg method) created by borgesbruno
Continuing my noble purpose to increase the code coverage =D, I wrote …
20:40 Ticket #37007 (Allow Ability to Disable Pingbacks and Trackbacks by Protocol) created by dshanske
Related #36576, which covers making it easier to disable sending of …
20:14 Ticket #31377 (Add optional blogname to wp_get_sites) closed by jeremyfelt
wontfix: The best way forward for having blogname more dynamically accessible …
20:06 Ticket #35697 (Add a `fields` key to `wp_get_sites()`) closed by jeremyfelt
19:52 Ticket #37006 (Improve performance of widgets in the customizer (at scale)) created by jessecurry
We've got a multisite install that uses the Layers theme and we're …
18:46 Changeset [37626] by jorbin
Introduce filters for skipping parts of the bootstrap process Non web …
18:43 Ticket #37005 (Unit test for the wp_check_filetype method) created by borgesbruno
Improving the code coverage for the functions.php, to be more precise …
18:27 Ticket #36487 (Hierarchical comments do not display on second call of comments_template) closed by boonebgorges
fixed: In 37625: […]
18:27 Changeset [37625] by boonebgorges
Comments: Improve caching for hierarchical queries. Hierarchical …
18:10 Ticket #37004 (Html5 / W3C Validation) created by arena
I am using Firefox + HTML Validator This add-on is detecting (using …
15:06 Ticket #36938 (Remove number format debug code left in Comments list table ...) closed by rachelbaker
fixed: In 37624: […]
15:06 Changeset [37624] by rachelbaker
Comments: Remove debugging code left in …
14:54 Ticket #37003 (Removing `menus` support for a theme doesn't remove Menus section in ...) created by slaFFik
Removing menus support for a theme doesn't remove Menus section in …
14:37 Ticket #36992 (In get_terms(), getting a fatal error iterating on $terms inside ...) closed by boonebgorges
fixed: In 37623: […]
14:37 Changeset [37623] by boonebgorges
Taxonomy: Don't pass results of 'count' query through 'get_terms' …
14:28 Changeset [37622] by boonebgorges
Remove unused variable from get_terms(). Missed in [37572]. See …
13:44 Ticket #37002 (Documentation: update wp_get_post_categories @return description) created by jeherve
The function returns an array of Category IDs. Knowing that is helpful …
13:43 Ticket #37001 (Microsoft syndicate feed not working in wordpress) created by anilrapani
One of our client gave Microsoft syndicate feed script to embed in …
13:31 Ticket #37000 (Support for the SameSite cookie attribute) created by johnbillion
IETF's [https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-west-first-party-cookies
12:55 Ticket #36999 (Add Media button and other editor buttons have broken visual styling ...) created by FolioVision
Add Media button has a buggy visual appearance on smaller screens …
11:20 Ticket #36998 (wp_sanitize_redirect() strips spaces out of URLs instead of encoding them) created by hlashbrooke
This is similar to #17052, #10690 and one or two others that relate to …
05:46 Ticket #36997 (WP_Query Bug) created by VPETROSYAN
When There is a taxonomy with slug 'author', using …
05:08 Ticket #36996 (get_the_post_thumbnail and the usage of class attribute) created by TomasM
Hi, I noticed that if I use class attribute, it overrides some of the …
05:08 Ticket #36985 (Allow editor stylesheet on frontend) reopened by webmandesign
Adding an editor stylesheet(s) is responsibility of the theme, right? …
04:48 Ticket #36980 (get_the_ID () if used outside of a loop returns first post ID) closed by peterwilsoncc
wontfix: I agree with DD32 here, I think fixing this would break is_singular
03:08 Ticket #36783 (wplink should prioritize textContent over innerText so as to ignore ...) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 37621: […]
03:08 Changeset [37621] by azaozz
Editor wpLink: swap the order of innerText and textContent to …
02:25 Changeset [37620] by jeremyfelt
Multisite: Replace $wpdb->blog queries in ms-functions.php with …
02:20 Ticket #34371 (Allow Filtering of TinyMCE charmap / Special Characters) closed by azaozz
fixed: Replying to mrwweb: > ...at least in the nightlies, this …
02:15 Ticket #35219 (Extra HTML added to visual text editor) closed by azaozz
invalid: No reporter feedback for months. Assuming this was caused by a plugin …
01:55 Ticket #36985 (Allow editor stylesheet on frontend) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Duplicate of #34882.
01:29 Ticket #35852 (Starting Firefox, post edit tab restored: Revision is set to point ...) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 37619: […]
01:29 Changeset [37619] by azaozz
Editor: ensure the page is refreshed when the users navigate to it …
01:11 Ticket #31148 (Extend wp_get_sites() to support queries on domain and path) closed by jeremyfelt
invalid: Agreed, let's close this. Thanks everyone for the work on this ticket. …
00:58 Changeset [37618] by jeremyfelt
Multisite: Bump last_changed cache on site update and creation When …
00:18 Ticket #36995 (Support for Service Workers) created by bhubbard
It might make sense into looking to offer a basic service worker for …


23:42 Ticket #36994 (Deprecate wp_get_sites()) created by jeremyfelt
Now that get_sites() has been introduced (See #35791) as part of …
23:38 Changeset [37617] by jeremyfelt
Multisite: Replace wp_get_sites() internals with get_sites()
23:30 Ticket #36782 (Another Media Issue) closed by Pixeldrummer
invalid: Replying to joemcgill: > Hi @Pixeldrummer, > > Were you …
23:20 Changeset [37616] by jeremyfelt
Multisite: Introduce get_sites() get_sites() is a wrapper for …
23:11 Ticket #36993 (Update links to HTTPS) created by bhubbard
There are many links within WordPress that should be updated to HTTPS …
23:02 Ticket #36992 (In get_terms(), getting a fatal error iterating on $terms inside ...) created by JustinSainton
Our plugin (WP eCommerce) has a filter on get_terms for some custom …
22:45 Changeset [37615] by DrewAPicture
Docs: Improve return descriptions for get_the_category() and …
21:55 Changeset [37614] by boonebgorges
Use clean_comment_cache() in wp_insert_comment(). Previously, …
21:25 Ticket #36906 (Comment caches should be persistent) closed by boonebgorges
fixed: In 37613: […]
21:25 Changeset [37613] by boonebgorges
Make the 'comment' cache group persistent. 'comment' was made …
21:24 Ticket #35917 (Update `grunt-patch-wordpress` version to include support for ...) closed by jorbin
fixed: In 37612: […]
21:24 Changeset [37612] by jorbin
Update grunt-patch-wordpress to 0.4.0 This update adds two main …
21:03 Ticket #34662 (Media File not loading in 4.3) closed by joemcgill
duplicate: Duplicate of #29566. This doesn't seem to be a bug in Core but does …
20:45 Ticket #21506 (Standard Theme Hooks) closed by karmatosed
wontfix: We discussed this in the latest theme review meeting and the consensus …
20:14 Ticket #36446 (Photos from DLSR rotating 90 degrees right in blog post but fine in ...) closed by joemcgill
duplicate: Thanks for the report @rainybliss5. This looks like a duplicate of …
20:14 Ticket #36991 (Page numbers are inconsistent when manually deleting comments) created by samuelsidler
STR: 1. Have a lot of pages of comments/pings. 2. Filter on only one …
20:08 Ticket #31263 (Enter in wp-view forces paragraph tag.) closed by iseulde
wontfix: Since this does not work with TinyMCE's views either …
19:46 Ticket #28826 (wpviews are not draggable) closed by iseulde
19:45 Ticket #28322 (wpview: focus problem in Chrome making impossible to edit a visual ...) closed by iseulde
19:44 Ticket #29216 (Cannot read previousSibling of null when inserting wp-view.) closed by iseulde
18:32 Ticket #36990 (Add manage_users_extra_tablenav action to WP_Users_List_Table class) created by GunGeekATX
The WP_Posts_List_Table class has a manage_posts_extra_tablenav
17:50 Ticket #36967 (Color contrast: the Edit Comment screen "Status" box labels) closed by afercia
fixed: In 37611: […]
17:50 Changeset [37611] by afercia
Accessibility: improve the color contrast in the Edit Comment "Status" …
17:38 Ticket #36909 (Media modal: improve the tab order for better accessibility) closed by afercia
fixed: In 37610: […]
17:38 Changeset [37610] by afercia
Accessibility: match the visual and tab order in the Media Modal grid. …
17:35 Ticket #36989 (Theme modal overlaps submenus) created by iseulde
See attached screenshot. Another z-index nightmare? :)
17:25 Ticket #36988 (Changes to minified bookmarklet.js) closed by iseulde
17:25 Ticket #36988 (Changes to minified bookmarklet.js) created by iseulde
uglify changed bookmarklet.min.js Accidentally committed in [37603].
17:15 Changeset [37609] by boonebgorges
Add tests demonstrating individual comment cache invalidation. See #36906.
17:01 Ticket #36987 (WordPress Importer: bump_request_timeout needs $val) closed by ocean90
duplicate: Duplicate of #24373. See also: …
16:59 Changeset [37608] by boonebgorges
Add tests demonstrating query cache invalidation on comment CRUD …
16:55 Ticket #36987 (WordPress Importer: bump_request_timeout needs $val) created by kraftbj
[…] Reported in …
16:04 Ticket #36568 (The Content of a Link is too Long in Comments Page) closed by rachelbaker
fixed: In 37607: […]
16:04 Changeset [37607] by rachelbaker
Comments: Break the inline display of comment content urls on the …
12:58 Changeset [37606] by ocean90
Database: dbDelta() will no longer try to downgrade the size of …
12:56 Ticket #36986 (Month translations combined into each other) created by honza.kopecky
We are using .mo file to translate months to Czech language. Czech …
12:31 Ticket #36876 (TinyMCE: inline toolbars don't adjust position) closed by ocean90
fixed: In 37605: […]
12:31 Changeset [37605] by ocean90
TinyMCE: Fix inline toolbar positioning. Introduced in [37000]. See …
12:24 Ticket #36892 (Update jQuery migrate to 1.4.1) closed by ocean90
fixed: In 37604: […]
12:24 Changeset [37604] by ocean90
External Libraries: Update jQuery Migrate to 1.4.1. …
10:23 Changeset [37603] by iseulde
Editor: autoresize fixes for text * Resize on backspace. * Don't make …
09:46 Ticket #36985 (Allow editor stylesheet on frontend) created by webmandesign
Certain plugins use TinyMCE editor on frontend of the website. Such as …
02:42 Ticket #34938 (Allow filtering the temporary file name generated by wp_tempnam) closed by dd32
fixed: Replying to kollega007: > Replying to dd32: > …
02:40 Changeset [37602] by pento
Tests: Fix an incorrect @ticket header introduced in [37601]. See …
02:37 Ticket #36917 (Re-architect wpdb::init_charset() for unit testing) closed by pento
fixed: In 37601: […]
02:37 Changeset [37601] by pento
Database: Split the logic of wpdb::init_charset() into a separate …
02:05 Ticket #36984 (Customizer Menus: Show Pages at the top of the list, expanded) created by melchoyce
The majority of people put pages in their menus, if they have them. …
01:50 Ticket #36983 (To empty the input field in the case of an `invalid_email`.) created by tmatsuur
If fails to authenticate with an invalid ID is rewritten to blank. …
01:31 Ticket #36866 (Add another index to usermeta table) closed by pento
invalid: Thanks for the info, @mnelson4. I'd suggest contacting the plugin …


20:03 Ticket #32366 (wp_count_comments() is hardcoded into /wp-admin/menu.php and queries ...) closed by rachelbaker
19:30 Ticket #29552 (Slight tweak to no_found_rows logic in WP_Query) closed by boonebgorges
worksforme: [37600] missed this ticket (fudged the commit message). Tests seem OK …
19:28 Changeset [37600] by boonebgorges
Add tests for no_found_rows behavior of WP_Query. See #29952.
18:35 Ticket #21139 (Month format in Publish box) closed by swissspidy
worksforme: Closing as discussed in the weekly bug scrub due to lack of feedback …
18:33 Ticket #36617 (String gendering functions) closed by swissspidy
18:25 Ticket #21204 (Encoding problem with errors and warnings) closed by ocean90
worksforme: Closing as workforme due to no further feedback.
17:39 Ticket #36982 (Add image attributes and additional context to the ...) created by kylereicks
Because the srcset and sizes attributes try to give the browser …
17:38 Ticket #30292 (Stop get_post() overwriting non-WP_Post objects passed as first parameter) closed by MikeSchinkel
duplicate: Replying to westonruter: > Should we close this in favor …
17:03 Ticket #36981 (Add optional stack trace dump for WordPress deprecation notices) created by mark-k
When you have many plugins and complex theme, it is harder to pinpoint …
16:47 Ticket #36879 (Allow post data to be filtered if is_customize_preview()) closed by westonruter
duplicate: Indeed. I wasn't familiar with #30292.
13:17 Ticket #36675 (WP_MS_Sites_List_Table should use WP_Site_Query) reopened by ocean90
13:17 Ticket #29552 (Slight tweak to no_found_rows logic in WP_Query) reopened by ocean90
13:16 Ticket #24833 (Multisite site search for subdomain install with mapped domains) reopened by ocean90
13:16 Ticket #15800 (Adding tabs to the "Edit Site"-pages in Network Admin) reopened by ocean90
13:13 Ticket #29552 (Slight tweak to no_found_rows logic in WP_Query) closed by ajv9540
13:12 Ticket #36675 (WP_MS_Sites_List_Table should use WP_Site_Query) closed by ajv9540
13:11 Ticket #24833 (Multisite site search for subdomain install with mapped domains) closed by ajv9540
13:10 Ticket #15800 (Adding tabs to the "Edit Site"-pages in Network Admin) closed by ajv9540
12:53 Changeset [37599] by boonebgorges
Ensure that get_terms() can accept querystring-style arguments. …
11:58 Ticket #36980 (get_the_ID () if used outside of a loop returns first post ID) created by Themezly
Test, add var_dump(get_the_ID () ); in archve.php template outside …
08:40 Ticket #36979 (Slug for non-public post type is working) created by webzunft
When creating a non-public post type with 'public'=>false set and a …
08:01 Ticket #34938 (Allow filtering the temporary file name generated by wp_tempnam) reopened by kollega007
Replying to dd32: But what if we have …
02:20 Ticket #34938 (Allow filtering the temporary file name generated by wp_tempnam) closed by dd32
fixed: In 37598: […]
02:20 Changeset [37598] by dd32
Updates: Only use the filename component of URLs to form part of the …


22:25 Ticket #36978 (Add pre filter to get_term_by) created by spacedmonkey
Like other get get_*_by functions the get_term_by should have a pre …
22:04 Ticket #36977 (TinyMCE: error when "media" is not loaded) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 37597: […]
22:04 Changeset [37597] by azaozz
TinyMCE: check if wp.mce.views exists before loading the wpview …
21:57 Ticket #36977 (TinyMCE: error when "media" is not loaded) created by azaozz
When the TinyMCE 'wpview' plugin is loaded (default), and the rest of …
21:04 Ticket #36976 (_fix_attachment_links() not called on publishing scheduled post) created by mariusveltan
I have the following test case: 0. Using WP 4.5.2 with pretty …
20:31 Changeset [37596] by iseulde
Editor: better resizing for text editor * Use scrollHeight to …
15:39 Ticket #31299 (Protection from Spammy Comment Links in Admin Area) closed by rachelbaker
wontfix: @ma7moudat After #36380 and giving this some thought, I don't like the …
15:34 Ticket #36975 (Network upgrade screen should skip certificate verification) reopened by swissspidy
14:58 Ticket #36975 (Network upgrade screen should skip certificate verification) closed by ajv9540
14:44 Ticket #36975 (Network upgrade screen should skip certificate verification) created by johnbillion
For the same reason that certificate verification was removed from the …
14:42 Ticket #36974 (Customizer's iframe position is out of position.) created by junonet
Hi, Customizer's iframe position is out of position. [now ] …
10:43 Ticket #36971 (Show readme.txt from Themes) closed by ocean90
maybelater: For changelogs see #22810 and #meta45, for displaying the data see …
09:27 Ticket #36973 (Update FTP credentials form design) created by swissspidy
As reported by @melchoyce in …
04:37 Changeset [37595] by boonebgorges
Tests: Change some 'group' annotations to 'ticket'.
04:35 Ticket #36625 (Don't CAST the post meta value to CHAR in meta query) closed by boonebgorges
fixed: In 37594: […]
04:35 Changeset [37594] by boonebgorges
In WP_Meta_Query, don't cast meta_value to CHAR. CHAR is …
04:10 Ticket #36251 (Allowed memory size exhausted on wp_update_term) closed by boonebgorges
fixed: In 37593: […]
04:10 Changeset [37593] by boonebgorges
Don't clear object relationship caches on term update. Since [37573], …
02:13 Ticket #36968 (image_memory_limit filter docblock for ...) closed by DrewAPicture
fixed: In 37592: […]
02:13 Changeset [37592] by DrewAPicture
Docs: Ensure hook and duplicate hook docs directly precede all …
02:09 Changeset [37591] by DrewAPicture
Docs: Correct a duplicate filter comment for the image_memory_limit
00:07 Ticket #36972 (Add version number for all single PHP files in bundled themes) created by zodiac1978
I've made a plugin called child theme check to keep track of changes …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.