Eric Rescorla

Eric is CTO of the Firefox team at Mozilla.

Analysis of Google’s Privacy Budget Proposal

Fingerprinting is a major threat to user privacy on the Web. Fingerprinting uses existing properties of your browser like screen...

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Privacy & Security

Privacy analysis of FLoC

In a previous post, I wrote about a new set of technologies “Privacy Preserving Advertising”, which are intended to allow...

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The future of ads and privacy

The modern web is funded by advertisements. Advertisements pay for all those “free” services you love, as well as many...

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Internet Policy

Notes on Implementing Vaccine Passports

Now that we’re starting to get widespread COVID vaccination “vaccine passports” have started to become more relevant. The idea behind...

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Notes on Addressing Supply Chain Vulnerabilities

Addressing Supply Chain Vulnerabilities One of the unsung achievements of modern software development is the degree to which it has...

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What WebRTC means for you

If I told you that two weeks ago IETF and W3C finally published the standards for WebRTC, your response would...

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Why getting voting right is hard, Part V: DREs (spoiler: they’re bad)

This is the fifth post in my series on voting systems (catch up on parts I, II, III and IV),...

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Why getting voting right is hard, Part IV: Absentee Voting and Vote By Mail

This is the fourth post in my series on voting systems. Part I covered requirements and then Part II and...

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Why getting voting right is hard, Part III: Optical Scan

This is the third post in my series on voting systems. For background see part I. As described in part...

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Why getting voting right is hard, Part II: Hand-Counted Paper Ballots

In Part I we looked at desirable properties for voting system. In this post, I want to look at the...

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Why getting voting right is hard, Part I: Introduction and Requirements

Every two years around this time, the US has an election and the rest of the world marvels and asks...

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A look at password security, Part V: Disk Encryption

The previous posts ( I, II, III, IV) focused primarily on remote login, either to multiuser systems or Web sites...

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