

  • Member Since: September 15th, 2019
  • Location: Ensenada B.C. Mexico
  • Website: Yorsishagito.com.mx.business/site
  • Job Title: Develop binary
  • Employer: NextStep
  • Find me on:


Biuld the new Desing to blow your mind beta release 5.3.1


Biuld to help community to
Betther Web page and antitrust
Feke Webside
The truth always come over
No matther how much time take
The lie fallow down

WordPress Origin Story

Biuld the WordPress since 2.0
And up now 5.3.1 thanks
To meke sucesufull
To all contribution and underthan code of conduct its way I move around hack my tools everyware so it’s way I keep move around to prevent hack attack respect everibody to biuld the best and the same people hack me you tink it’s right

Contributions Sponsored

Jose Santiago Silva Ramirez contributes 5 hours per week to the Design team.

  • Created a new ticket, #48176, in Core Trac:

    2 years ago

  • Created a new ticket, #48173, in Core Trac:
    20 20 bug sumary

    2 years ago

  • Wrote a comment on the post What’s new in Gutenberg? (18 September), on the site Make WordPress Core:
    Fallow to the Next Generation Of Desing to blow your Mind

    2 years ago