‘marketing’ Videos

  • Michelle Frechette: Building community to build your brand

    WordCamp Northeast Ohio 2021Speaker: Michelle Frechette

    May 29, 2021 — You can build your brand while boosting sales, referrals, and loyalty) by building a community around your products, services, and agency.

    This talk shares some of the best practices in building community. It includes information about Facebook groups, social media strategy, community engagement, and the role of a customer success team.

  • Maestro Stevens: Modern marketing with WordPress for minority-owned businesses

    WordCamp Northeast Ohio 2021Speaker: Maestro Stevens

    May 28, 2021 — This talks empowers minority-owned businesses for marketing success by sharing information, tool recommendations, and strategies. Part one topics include your passions, business models, and branding. Part two continues with building websites and digital marketing.

  • Ashiquzzaman Kiron: Product marketing 101 with WordPress products

    WordCamp Northeast Ohio 2021Speaker: Ashiquzzaman Kiron

    May 27, 2021 — This talk shares a product marketing framework that explains how to market your WordPress product: which channels to explore and how to approach the marketing plan.

  • Sumant Lohar: Importance of Color Psychology and Client Testimonials in Marketing

    WordCamp India 2021Speaker: Sumant Lohar

    March 20, 2021 — In this session in Gujarati language, Sumant will briefly touch upon the impoprtance of choosing the right color theme for your website and how it improves traffic. He will also talk about how important client testimonials are, and how to get them from the clients.

  • Susan Price: Succeeding with Segments: Narrow Your Customer Focus

    WordCamp San Antonio 2020Speaker: Susan Price

    January 15, 2021 — This talk provides specific examples of prospect targeting in action. It lead participants through three hands-on activities to identify and create content to appeal to their very sweetest marketing targets.

  • Pablo Moratinos: Método Trinity para optimización de la conversión (CRO)

    WordCamp Mexico 2020Speaker: Pablo Moratinos

    December 28, 2020 — Trinity es una metodología de marketing cuyo objetivo es el de mejorar la optimización de la conversión en un sitio web. Está muy relacionada tanto con la usabilidad del sitio como con la experiencia de usuario y tiene la particularidad de que evalúa el proceso de conversión de una forma global: arranca en la lista de resultados de Google y finaliza en el checkout o en la página de gracias del formulario de contacto. En esta charla veremos un ejemplo práctico de aplicación de esta metodología. Servirá como guía para que cualquier persona puede analizar de forma crítica el proceso de conversión de su sitio web a partir de las keywords de su negocio.

  • Jocelyn Mozak: Nail the Sale

    WordCamp Rochester 2020Speaker: Jocelyn Mozak

    November 26, 2020 — Ever spend hours on an estimate only to discover that your idea of a “reasonable budget” and theirs were so far of base it’s not even funny? Or worst yet, crickets?

    Well, that ends today!

    During this talk you’ll learn the 5 Essential Questions you need to be asking on a sales call to not only ensure you don’t waste your time, but that you land the project.

    In addition, we will dig into how to create an estimate that converts and how ensure you get new leads & sales well after the website has launched.

  • Tara Johnson: How to Move Others and Inspire Positive Change

    WordCamp Rochester 2020Speaker: Tara Johnson

    November 26, 2020 — Sales folk get a bad rap. They are often described as being ‘pushy’, ‘aggressive’, ‘selfish’, ‘two-faced’. But the fact is, to sell and to negotiate is to be human. And the ability to move people and negotiate allows us to thrive not just survive.

    We ALL participate in the act of selling and it’s nothing to fear or be ashamed of.

    In this presentation you will learn how to reframe the act of selling and embrace the true nature of what it takes to move others and inspire positive change. You will also gain access to important tips for reading a room and learn how to negotiate the most effective way; through collaboration.

    Presentation Slides »

  • Ashutosh Gaur: 10 Steps to Market your WordPress Website like a Pro

    WordCamp Kochi (കൊച്ചി) 2018Speaker: Ashutosh Gaur

    November 24, 2020 — His session will also shed some light on how this amazing platform is self sustaining and innovative enough to make your blog/website grow.

    Further, his aim in this session is to share his journey, and how, with time, he developed the maturity of reach the correct audience, and to brand his venture. He hopes to enlighten his listeners to NOT make the same mistakes that he made while attempting to reach out to correct audience. He will also share his journey about how he boosted his user count from thousands to lakhs in 4 months. His talk will rather be an interactive session, that will attempt to bring a sense of marketing “out of the box” in the minds of the listeners, and a smile of confidence in their faces. As an entrepreneur, he wishes to give back to this amazing community, and help them in any way he can.

  • Rachel Avery Conley: Being Authentic in your Marketing, with Help

    WordCamp Boston 2019Speaker: Rachel Avery Conley

    November 3, 2020 — We will talk through:

    Different times of days to post
    Different uses of the website to drive traffic
    The importance of analytics
    Knowing your audience and what they want to learn
    Finally, talking through the fact that the data does not exist in a vacuum, and learning to trust your personal experience in conjunction with the numbers.