‘content’ Videos

  • Rob Taylor: Creating Content Plans – Developing and Executing Blog Campaigns

    WordCamp Jacksonville 2019Speaker: Rob Taylor

    December 1, 2020 — As creators and marketers, bloggers and website owners face challenges when it comes to creating content plans. Aligning on a scope of work to feature on a blog and set of social media channels can be equally frustrating to the client as well as the creator.
    -Creating Influencer Marketing Plans
    —Who is your target demographic?
    —Types of Influencer Marketing Content
    —-Blog Content
    —-Instagram Posts and Stories
    —-YouTube Videos
    —-Podcast Episodes
    Basics of determining an effective plan and creating a scope of work.

  • Alli Berry: [Workshop] Creating a Content Strategy from Scratch In 8 Easy Steps (part 1)

    WordCamp Denver 2020Speaker: Alli Berry

    July 12, 2020 — Are you creating content that you believe is under-performing? Or are you looking to start a website and aren’t sure what content to create? Regardless of your situation, this session will help you step back and create a content strategy that will ensure you have a purpose and audience in mind for every piece of content you publish. You’ll pick up tips that will help you narrow your content focus, identify your unique content angle, match the language of your prospective customers for SEO, and better understand what content to create and why.

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  • Alli Berry: [Workshop] Creating a Content Strategy from Scratch In 8 Easy Steps (part 2)

    WordCamp Denver 2020Speaker: Alli Berry

    July 12, 2020 — Are you creating content that you believe is under-performing? Or are you looking to start a website and aren’t sure what content to create? Regardless of your situation, this session will help you step back and create a content strategy that will ensure you have a purpose and audience in mind for every piece of content you publish. You’ll pick up tips that will help you narrow your content focus, identify your unique content angle, match the language of your prospective customers for SEO, and better understand what content to create and why.

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  • Alli Berry: [Workshop] Creating a Content Strategy from Scratch In 8 Easy Steps (part 3)

    WordCamp Denver 2020Speaker: Alli Berry

    July 12, 2020 — Are you creating content that you believe is under-performing? Or are you looking to start a website and aren’t sure what content to create? Regardless of your situation, this session will help you step back and create a content strategy that will ensure you have a purpose and audience in mind for every piece of content you publish. You’ll pick up tips that will help you narrow your content focus, identify your unique content angle, match the language of your prospective customers for SEO, and better understand what content to create and why.

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  • Personas — The Bedrock of Content Creation and Design

    WordCamp Kent 2020Speaker: Stephen Morrissey

    June 21, 2020 — Without a solid understanding of an audience’s likes, dislikes, and problems, it’s too easy to miss the mark with content. This talk explains how to create brand personas, and how to use personas in projects and content creation.

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  • Ivana Cirkovic: How to give people what they want with your content

    WordCamp Europe 2020Speaker: Ivana Ćirković

    June 18, 2020 — People aren’t interested in what you have to offer, your products or services; people want their own desires and thoughts responded to. Ivana will describe in detail what it is you need to do so that your content produces the exact thing people want.
    How to know what it is people want, which tools to use and how to produce the most relevant, engaging and valuable content – both for your customers and yourselves? What makes the content really great, and truly stand out? These are some of the questions that will be answered during Ivana’s talk.

  • Taylor Waldon: Making Content Part of Company Culture

    WordCamp Santa Clarita 2019Speaker: Taylor Waldon

    May 30, 2020 — The need for content production goes deeper than having something to post on your blog, Facebook, or Twitter. It’s about strategizing with your entire team to make sure the content you produce supports your product or service and provides real value to your online audience.

    In order to work with a team, you need a solid content process in place. Moreso, you need to create company culture that includes content creation. Learn from Taylor Waldon how to create content as a team and provide value to both your users and your search engine optimization strategy.

  • Chip Edwards – What does your brand look like in a voice­first world?

    WordCamp Seattle 2019Speaker: Chip Edwards

    April 2, 2020 — With the explosive adoption of Smart Speakers, the primary interaction with your content will become auditory instead of visual. On the world wide web, our brand revolves around a URL, logo, tagline, color palette, font, images, etc., but when your audience is no longer engaging with your content through a screen, traditional brand elements become invisible. When your audience asks out loud for what they want, they expect the answer to be returned verbally. In a voice­-first world, what does your brand look like (I mean, sound like)? In this talk, I explore the components of a verbal brand, how to prepare for the shift from written content to verbal content, as well as the future of voice technology and how to prepare for it.

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  • Desiree Johnson: How To Utilize Trending Moments To Create Killer Content

    WordCamp Seattle 2019Speaker: Desiree Johnson

    March 30, 2020 — In the world of fleeting news and viral sensations, creating killer content can help make or break your website. Learn how to capitalize on pop culture, holidays, and trending moments which can elevate your content and social media to the next level. Whether your creating web content or social media posts, keep your site one step ahead with relevant material your audiences will love.

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  • Jitesh Patil: WordPress Cornerstone Content – The Right Way

    WordCamp Mumbai 2019Speaker: Jitesh Patil

    January 23, 2020 — WordPress Cornerstone Content – The Right Way -Jitesh Patil