WordPress 15th Anniversary Celebration 🎉


What we'll do ==> WordPress will be 15th years old this May 27th, 2018!

On Saturday, May 26th, we're planning a global event celebrating the WordPress 15th Anniversary with WordPress community groups around the world.

You are invited! 🎉

We'll meet at the Kanari (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kanari-Restaurant/603434543338728?hc_ref=ARTshgDOlxrEwLaRJAjLzmcs4xwYYiQ7K-V-LX8rzQfIel9WHCEVLrYl2R7ecaXKJ3k) to enjoy some refreshments and a WordPress birthday cake, and celebrate 15 years of WordPress. We'll be sharing our party photos and love for WordPress with the rest of the world via the hashtag #wp15.

Don't forget to spread the word, let's make this WordPress birthday memorable 🎂

Note: This will be after Isha Prayer. So do the Iftari at home and keep some space for WordPress Cake ;)