In This Section

Education Resources

AACN's education resources and curriculum guidelines provide a framework for positioning baccalaureate and graduate-degree nursing programs to meet the healthcare challenges of a new century. Nursing deans and faculty nationwide have used the following guidelines produced by AACN and other authorities in designing curricula used to prepare highly qualified nurses  for a health system in continual change.

New Publication

The Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education CoverThe Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education

Printed copies now available for purchase. Visit AACN's Online Store

News and Opportunities Related to the New AACN Essentials

AACN is committed to providing resources, education, and guidance to assist member schools in implementing the new AACN Essentials and to help all stakeholders understand this historic shift in nursing education. To keep you abreast of the latest news and opportunities, AACN is introducing The Essential Update, a new regular feature in AACN News Watch and other member communications, including the Syllabus newsletter and Faculty Link.  

This update will spotlight:

  • AACN news and information pertaining to the Essentials
  • Upcoming conference sessions, webinars, and training opportunities
  • New discussion forums and opportunities for engagement
  • Newly added tool kit resources and examples of best practices
  • Journal articles on the Essentials and related concepts
  • Member news related to efforts to transform nursing education

Please send any information regarding your school’s efforts to implement the AACN Essentials to [email protected].


New Recommended CNL Practice Experiences

AACN has released a list of 24 experiences that are deemed to be critical for preparing CNL graduates with the skills and knowledge needed to effectively perform in diverse practice settings and systems upon graduation. The list was developed by an Expert Panel comprised of CNL faculty, representatives from practice, and practicing CNLs.

AACN’s Faculty Policy Think Tank Report

The Think Tank was created to inform and improve the state of health policy education in undergraduate and graduate nursing programs. The ultimate goal of the Think Tank was to consider ways that will help create a generation of future practitioners who understand the macro and micro drivers that impact policy and have the ability to skillfully insert nursing expertise in these discussions at all levels.

New Era for Academic Nursing Report

AACN is pleased to announce the release of a new report titled Advancing Healthcare Transformation: A New Era for Academic Nursing, which addresses how baccalaureate and higher degree schools of nursing can amplify their role in improving health and health care at the local, state, and national levels.