List Custom Taxonomy Widget


The List Custom Taxonomy Widget is a quick and easy way to display custom taxonomies. Simply choose the taxonomy name you want to display from an auto-populated list. You can also set a title to display for the widget. Multiple list custom taxonomy widgets can be added to the same and other sidebars as well. There are several display options (including as a dropdown), and it generally behaves similarly to the built-in categories widget but with the addition of custom taxonomies.


  1. Take the easy route and install through the wordpress plugin installer OR
  2. Download the .zip file and upload the unzipped folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  4. Add the widget to your sidebar(s) in the Customizer to live-preview the options before publishing.


Can I Show Custom Taxonomies in a [Page/Header/non-widget-area]

I’ll save you the hassle of downloading the plugin and digging through its source code. Just use the wp_list_categories() function in your theme (or plugin) to display custom taxonomies as a list, and use wp_dropdown_categories for a dropdown (this one does require some supplementary html). This plugin is essentially a widget UI shell for these functions. If you want to use the plugin’s code for it, go right ahead, but it really does just widgetize those functions.

Where’s the settings page?

There is no (need for a) settings page. Simply go to Appearance -> Customize -> Widgets, select the widget area where you want to add the widget, and add the List Custom Taxonomy widget.

Can I Do ___?

If you’d like to do something outside of the configuration options of this plugin, look at the WordPress Codex documentation on the function this plugin implements, wp_list categories. If this function can do it, the plugin can do it with minor edits, just look in list-custom-taxonomy-widget.php in the plugin editor.


October 10, 2018
Simple and Lite Plugin/Widget, that offers custom settings inside the widget. Works well and you can have multiple taxonomies instances/configurations.
September 3, 2016
I just have to say taht I love u and keep going with plugins likes this!
September 3, 2016
I love plugins that just do what they say and work out of the box. Thanks
September 3, 2016
Works like a charm, thanks a lot. With Genesis and Book Authors Pro Plugin. Perfect for different Lists in a Widget for Sidebar.
Read all 20 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“List Custom Taxonomy Widget” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • Add support for selective refresh in the customizer, available in WordPress 4.5.


  • Add option to show empty terms.
  • Fix PHP strict standards warnings, present since WordPress 3.7.
  • Fix broken navigation when displaying as a dropdown, and explicitly prevent built-in taxonomies from being displayed as dropdowns (they don’t work).
  • Fix compatibility with deprecated widget constructors in WordPress 4.3.
  • Fix persistently-open options actually being accessible after initial configuration.


  • Fixed bug where dropdown input 404d unless it was the built-in category taxonomy; dropdown option should work properly now
  • Plugin is WordPress 3.6 compatible


  • Added classes/ids and containers to widgets to alow easier selecting with CSS and JavaScript


  • Added ability to display categories with dropdown (and go button) instead of as a list (the default), find it at the bottom of the “more options” section’
  • Improved documentation


  • For some reason, I have no idea why, the line that executed the “exclude” capability was commented out. Update fixes the bug.


  • Fixed major bug where “categories” was displayed first, with everything else as a child, for many users
  • Updated readme


  • Confirmed compatibility with WordPress 3.5
  • Added many new features. Click the more options button to view all of the available configuration options. Features include:
  • Order by count, id, slug, name, or term group; ascending or descending
  • Exclude categories by id
  • Only show children of a particular category (useful for nested/hierarchical category systems)
  • Detailed configuration options are hidden by default


  • Available Taxonomies are now listed in a automatically, so it isn’t necessary to go searching for the taxonomy’s name
  • Ability to show count (or hide it)
  • Ability to specify to display hierarchically (like in builtin categories widget)
  • Confirmed WordPress 3.4.2 compatibility


  • First publicly available version of the plugin.
  • Compatible with WordPress 3.3.0 through 3.4.1