Support » Plugin: Self-Hosted Google Fonts » How to verify that Google Fonts have become self-hosted? 2

  • Hello @asadkn,

    thank you for offering a great plug in.

    I still have a problem unfortunately.

    When I view the source code in Google Chrome, the line with the font.googleapi has gone but the line with fonts.gstatic is still there. Shouldn’t that go away too?

    In the developer console under sources I have both, font.googleapi and font.gstatic, and in network there is just fonts.gstatic. Shouldn’t all that go away with the plugin?

    In Ping I do not get googleapis or gstatic.
    I do not have a cache plug in but I have cleared the browsers cache.

    I am using a child theme of twentythirteen and wp version 4.9.8.


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