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    Bob Woodward
    The transition from President Donald J. Trump to President Joseph R. Biden Jr. stands as one of the most dangerous periods in American history.

    But as # 1 internationally bestselling author Bob Woodward and acclaimed reporter Robert Costa reveal for the first time, it was far more than just a domestic political crisis.

    Woodward and Costa interviewed more than 200 people at the center of the turmoil, resulting in more than 6,000 pages of transcripts—and a spellbinding and definitive portrait of a nation on the brink.

    This classic study of Washington takes readers deep inside the Trump White House, the Biden White House, the 2020 campaign, and the Pentagon and Congress, with vivid, eyewitness accounts of what really happened.

    Peril is supplemented throughout with never-before-seen material from secret orders, transcripts of confidential calls, diaries, emails, meeting notes and other personal and government records, making for an unparalleled history.

    It is also the first inside look at Biden’s presidency as he faces the challenges of a lifetime: the continuing deadly pandemic and millions of Americans facing soul-crushing economic pain, all the while navigating a bitter and disabling partisan divide, a world rife with threats, and the hovering, dark shadow of the former president.

    “We have much to do in this winter of peril,” Biden declared at his inauguration, an event marked by a nerve-wracking security alert and the threat of domestic terrorism.

    Peril is the extraordinary story of the end of one presidency and the beginning of another, and represents the culmination of Bob Woodward’s news-making trilogy on the Trump presidency, along with Fear and Rage. And it is the beginning of a collaboration with fellow Washington Post reporter Robert Costa that will remind readers of Woodward’s coverage, with Carl Bernstein, of President Richard M. Nixon’s final days.
    Tabitha Brown

     You are seen, you are loved, and you are heard!

    Before Tabitha Brown was one of the most popular personalities in the world, sharing her delicious vegan home cooking and compassionate wisdom with millions of followers across social media, she was an aspiring actress who in 2016 began struggling with undiagnosed chronic autoimmune pain. Her condition made her believe she wouldn’t live to see forty--until she started listening to what her soul and her body truly needed. Now, in this life-changing book, Tabitha shares the wisdom she gained from her own journey, showing readers how to make a life for themselves that is rooted in nonjudgmental kindness and love, both for themselves and for others.

    Tabitha grounds her lessons in stories about her own life, career, faith, and family in this funny, down-to-earth book, built around the catchphrases that her fans know and love, including:

    Hello There!: Why hope, joy, and clarity are so very needed

    That’s Your Business: Defining yourself, and being okay with that

    Have the Most Amazing Day . . . : Choosing joy and living with intention

    But Don’t Go Messin’ Up No One Else’s: Learning to walk in kindness even when the world doesn’t feel kind

    Like So, Like That: Living life without measurement

    Very Good: Living in peace and creating good from the bad

    Rich with personal stories and inspirational quotes, and sprinkled with a few easy vegan recipes, Feeding the Soul is a book to share--and to return to when you want to feel seen, loved, and heard.

    Supplemental enhancement PDF accompanies the audiobook.

    Liane Moriarty

    "Australian narrator Caroline Lee is an amazing performer who digs so deeply into her characters' personas that listeners will become addicted to each witty, insightful, and gutsy one." -- AudioFile Magazine, Earphones Award Winner

    From Liane Moriarty, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Big Little Lies and Nine Perfect Strangers, comes Apples Never Fall, an audiobook that looks at marriage, siblings, and how the people we love the most can hurt us the deepest.

    The Delaney family love one another dearlyit’s just that sometimes they want to murder each other . . .

    If your mother was missing, would you tell the police? Even if the most obvious suspect was your father?

    This is the dilemma facing the four grown Delaney siblings.

    The Delaneys are fixtures in their community. The parents, Stan and Joy, are the envy of all of their friends. They’re killers on the tennis court, and off it their chemistry is palpable. But after fifty years of marriage, they’ve finally sold their famed tennis academy and are ready to start what should be the golden years of their lives. So why are Stan and Joy so miserable?

    The four Delaney children—Amy, Logan, Troy, and Brooke—were tennis stars in their own right, yet as their father will tell you, none of them had what it took to go all the way. But that’s okay, now that they’re all successful grown-ups and there is the wonderful possibility of grandchildren on the horizon.

    One night a stranger named Savannah knocks on Stan and Joy’s door, bleeding after a fight with her boyfriend. The Delaneys are more than happy to give her the small kindness she sorely needs. If only that was all she wanted.

    Later, when Joy goes missing, and Savannah is nowhere to be found, the police question the one person who remains: Stan. But for someone who claims to be innocent, he, like many spouses, seems to have a lot to hide. Two of the Delaney children think their father is innocent, two are not so sure—but as the two sides square off against each other in perhaps their biggest match ever, all of the Delaneys will start to reexamine their shared family history in a very new light.

    A Macmillan Audio production from Henry Holt and Company

    Brandon Sanderson
    From #1 bestselling author Brandon Sanderson and Janci Patterson comes the first of three Skyward series novellas, each told from the perspective of a different member of the team back on Detritus. Read FM's story between Starsight and Cytonic.

    When a planet-destroying Delver suddenly appears in the sky of Detritus and vanishes just as suddenly, FM knows that the last free human society got lucky. Her Skyward Flight companion, Spensa, figured out how to draw this Delver away, but it won’t be so easy next time.
    The forces of the Galactic Superiority will be back—and if the Defiant Defense Force can’t figure out a way to escape the planet, humanity’s destruction is only a matter of time. Spensa’s mission to infiltrate the Superiority unveiled the secret to their hyperdrives—a cytonic slug species called the Taynix. Now FM’s flightleader, Jorgen, has found a large group of Taynix hiding in the caverns far below Detritus’s surface.
    FM and Jorgen must work together with the engineer Rig to awaken the mysterious alien Alanik and unlock the powers of the Taynix, or humanity will be trapped. With Spensa’s friend Minister Cuna of the Superiority stranded at the outpost of Sunreach, they need to figure out how to rescue them—or the Superiority government will be in the sole clutches of those who want to wipe out Detritus once and for all.
    Praise for Skyward
    An Instant New York Times Bestseller
    A Kirkus Reviews Best Book of the Year

       • "Startling revelations and stakes-raising implications . . . Sanderson plainly had a ball with this nonstop, highflying opener, and readers will too." —Kirkus Reviews, starred review
       • "With this action-packed trilogy opener, Sanderson offers up a resourceful, fearless heroine and a memorable cast." —Publishers Weekly, starred review
       • "It is impossible to turn the pages fast enough." —Booklist
    Un arsenal de armas contra el miedo que te llevará a establecer una nueva relación con las circunstancias que te producen temor e iniciar el camino a un nuevo y mejor futuro.

    Las trampas del miedo, la continuación del éxito de ventas, Inquebrantables, es una visita a las dimensiones biológicas, psicológicas y espirituales de los temores que debemos desmantelar. El autor explica cómo operan estas trampas y ofrece herramientas para superarlas, pero no se queda allí: incluye varias de las secuelas que el miedo causa y explora alternativas para enfrentarlas.

    Las trampas del miedo es para ti si quieres:

    • desmantelar los miedos paralizantes
    • tomar mejores decisiones
    • trazar el mapa de tu propósito
    • navegar la soledad
    • catalizar la pérdida
    • aprender a meditar y orar

    En este libro, Habif potencia su habitual discurso desenfadado y energizante con una recopilación de investigaciones que soportan la médula de su pensamiento, varias de ellas a contrapelo de lo que suele repetirse en los discursos de motivación. Es un arsenal de datos de interés y ejercicios de fácil aplicación y seguimiento.

    Su propuesta va desde las profundidades de la comprensión del miedo a ciertos comportamientos que, sin saberlo, están vinculados con él, como las adicciones, la permanencia en el dolor, la ausencia de control interno o el rechazo al amor.

    Desde los padecimientos producidos por el miedo a su recuperación, Habif escoge sus experiencias y comparte las claves de su éxito. Estos conocimientos llevarán a los lectores a establecer una nueva relación con las circunstancias que les producen temor y a comprender que no tiene que huirle, sino responder con los mismos recursos que este aplica: una estrategia de trampas.

    «La vida es el libro de los hechos, no de los intentos. Este es el momento de apostar en ti, porque si no lo haces tú, ¿quién lo va a hacer?» —Daniel Habif

    Fear Traps

    An arsenal of weapons against fear that will lead you to establish a new relationship with the circumstances that produce fear and start the path to a new and better future.

    In Fear Traps, the follow-up to the bestseller, Unbreakables, is a trek into the biological, psychological, and spiritual dimensions of fear that we must dismantle. The author explains how these traps operate and offers tools for overcoming them.

    Fear Traps is for you if you want to:

    • dismantle paralyzing fears
    • make better decisions
    • create a map for your purpose
    • navigate loneliness
    • come to grips with loss
    • learn to meditate and pray

    In this book, Habif guides us with his usual light-hearted and energizing manner through research that supports the core of his thinking, going against the grain of what’s common in many other motivational and self-help books. Fear Traps is an arsenal of interesting data and exercises that are easy to apply and follow.

    This book guides the reader to the depths of understanding fear as well as to certain behaviors that, without knowing it, are linked to fear, such as addictions, pain, lack of self-control, or the rejection of love.

    From experiencing suffering caused by fear to recovering, Habif tells his experiences and shares the keys to his success. These insights will lead readers to establish a new relationship with the circumstances that produce fear and to understand that you do not have to run away from it, but to respond with specific strategies.

    “Life is the book of action, not intentions. This is the time to bet on yourself, because if you don't do it, who will?” —Daniel Habif

    Por ser la más pequeña de los Rivera, Rosie estuvo rodeada de amor incondicional, apoyo y afecto, y no había nada que su familia no habría hecho por ella, en particular su hermana Jenni, quien, para Rosie, era lo más importante en el mundo. Con una fuerte voluntad y principios sólidos, Rosie estaba lista para conquistar el mundo. 

    Sin embargo, su vida daría un vuelco drástico cuando Rosie fue marcada por el abuso sexual del que fue objeto dentro de su familia a una muy temprana edad. Viviendo con miedo y oprimida por secretos dolorosos, estuvo agobiada por amenazas constantes, confusión y dolor. No sólo le fue arrebatada su infancia, sino también su confianza y su autoestima. Sintiéndose completamente hecha pedazos y perdida, Rosie se hundió en un mundo de hábitos destructivos y en una profunda depresión.

    Por primera vez y con inquebrantable franqueza y valentía, Rosie comparte los traumáticos detalles de los abusos que sufrió, de su lucha diaria para salir adelante y de cómo gracias al cariño de su familia encontró, una vez más, el amor. Pero aún así, poco después la vida de Rosie sería duramente impactada otra vez cuando fue sacudida por la peor tragedia que podría haber imaginado y su más mayor miedo se hizo realidad: la muerte de su amada hermana.

    En la misma medida desgarradora y edificante, la historia de Rosie constituye un testimonio verídico sobre la superación de la adversidad y una muestra de que a pesar de vivir los peores momentos posibles y sin importar cuántos retos se presenten en la vida, es siempre posible sobreponerse a las desgracias y encontrar la fuerza y la voluntad necesarias para soñar y vivir nuevamente.


    Prólogo de Mryka Dellanos.
    Descubre tus dones únicos y atrévete a ser diferente con la autora número uno en ventas del New York Times y reconocida maestra de la Biblia, Joyce Meyer.
    Dios te ha dado talentos y habilidades para que puedas cumplir su propósito en tu vida, pero si eres como muchas personas, es posible que aún no los hayas reconocido. A menudo, el mundo en el que vivimos nos presiona a vivir a la altura de una determinada imagen, en lugar de ser las personas únicas en las que Dios nos ha creado. Por lo tanto, permite que Dios te muestre qué tienes de especial en la forma que Él te hizo.
    Conviértete en una persona auténtica y única, ¡porque Dios nunca te ayudará a ser nadie más que tú misma! Él te ama tal como eres. Deja que Dios te use, con todas tus fortalezas y debilidades, y te transforme de adentro hacia afuera para hacer algo mucho más maravilloso que tus sueños más extravagantes.

    Discover your unique gifts and dare to be different with #1 New York Times bestselling author and renowned Bible teacher Joyce Meyer.

    God has given you talents and abilities so you can fulfill His purpose for your life, but if you're like a lot of people, you may not have recognized them yet. The world we live in often pressures us to live up to a certain image, rather than be the unique individuals God has created us to be, so let God show you what’s special about the way He made you.

    Become Authentically, Uniquely You because God is never going to help you be anyone but yourself! He loves you just as you are. Let God use you, with all your strengths and weaknesses, and transform you from the inside out to do something more wonderful than your wildest dreams.
    Oprime refrescar es un conjunto de reflexiones, meditaciones y recomendaciones presentadas como algoritmos de parte de un líder con principios que busca el progreso para sí mismo, para una empresa con amplia trayectoria y para la sociedad.

    El CEO de Microsoft narra la historia de transformación constante desde dentro de la empresa, trazando su viaje personal desde su infancia en la India hasta dirigir algunos de los cambios tecnológicos más importantes de la era digital, y ofrece su visión para la era de tecnologías inteligentes que se avecina.

    Oprime refrescar habla del cambio individual, de la transformación que se está produciendo dentro de Microsoft y de la llegada de la ola de tecnología más emocionante y perturbadora que la humanidad ha experimentado hasta hoy, que incluye aspectos como la inteligencia artificial, la realidad mixta y la computación cuántica. Analiza cómo las personas, las organizaciones y las sociedades pueden y deben actualizarse en su búsqueda constante de nuevas energías, nuevas ideas, relevancia continua y reinvención. En esencia, el libro trata sobre los seres humanos y sobre cómo una de nuestras cualidades básicas, la empatía, será cada vez más valiosa en un mundo cuyo statu quo se verá trastornado como nunca antes por el avance tecnológico.

    Además de sus reflexiones sobre estos impresionantes avances científicos, Satya Nadella habla de su infancia antes de emigrar a Estados Unidos y de cómo aprendió a liderar durante el proceso. También comparte sus meditaciones al ocupar el cargo de CEO, siendo casi un desconocido que sucedía al inteligente Bill Gates y al dinámico Steve Ballmer. Explica cómo la compañía redescubrió su alma y lo transformó todo, desde su cultura y sus alianzas empresariales hasta el paisaje tremendamente competitivo de la industria.

    Nadella concluye estableciendo una ecuación para restaurar la confianza digital: principios éticos al diseñar la tecnología y crecimiento económico para todos.

    Hit Refresh is a set of reflections, meditations, and recommendations presented as algorithms from a principled, deliberative leader searching for improvement—for himself, for a storied company, and for society.

    Hit Refresh is about individual change, about the transformation happening inside of Microsoft and the technology that will soon impact our lives—the arrival of the most exciting and disruptive wave of technology humankind has experienced.

    Microsoft’s CEO tells the inside story of the company’s continuing transformation, tracing his own personal journey from a childhood in India to leading some of the most significant technological changes in the digital era. Satya Nadella explores a fascinating childhood before immigrating to the U.S. and how he learned to lead along the way. He then shares his meditations as a sitting CEO—one who is mostly unknown following the brainy Bill Gates and energetic Steve Ballmer. He tells the inside story of how a company rediscovered its soul—transforming everything from culture to their fiercely competitive landscape and industry partnerships. As much a humanist as engineer and executive, Nadella concludes with his vision for the coming wave of technology and by exploring the potential impact to society and delivering call to action for world leaders.

    Comience su día con meditaciones pacíficas, inspiraciones conmovedoras y versos bíblicos alentadores en este devocionario de 365 días de la autora de éxitos de ventas, Joyce Meyer, que le ayudarán a crecer espiritualmente mientras pasa tiempo a solas con Dios.

    La vida es ajetreada y, a menudo, incierta, pero puede vivir plenamente en la paz de Dios con este devocionario fácil de entender y diseñado para alentarle cada día del año. Incluye un versículo bíblico diario seguido de una lectura devocional y una reflexión poderosa para meditar.

    Con las demandas y presiones constantes, puede ser difícil tomar tiempo regularmente para desconectarse y simplemente estar a solas con Dios. Pero la manera práctica como Joyce enseña en Momentos de quietud con Dios lo alentará a hacer esta disciplina necesaria para que pueda recibir la plenitud de la sanidad divina, revitalizando la paz en su vida.

    Start your day with peaceful meditations, soulful inspirations, and encouraging Bible verses in this 365-day devotional from bestselling author Joyce Meyer to help you grow spiritually as you spend time with God. Life is busy and often uncertain, but you can live in the full peace of God with this easy-to-understand devotional designed to encourage you each day of the year. This includes a daily Bible verse followed by a devotional reading and power thought to meditate upon. With the constant demands and pressures, it can be hard to regularly take time to unplug and simply be with God. But Joyce's practical teaching format in Quiet Times with God will encourage you to discipline yourself so that you can receive the fullness of God's healing, revitalizing peace.
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    Audio en Inglés
    You are seen, you are loved, and you are heard!

    Before Tabitha Brown was one of the most popular personalities in the world, sharing her delicious vegan home cooking and compassionate wisdom with millions of followers across social media, she was an aspiring actress who in 2016 began struggling with undiagnosed chronic autoimmune pain. Her condition made her believe she wouldn’t live to see forty--until she started listening to what her soul and her body truly needed. Now, in this life-changing book, Tabitha shares the wisdom she gained from her own journey, showing readers how to make a life for themselves that is rooted in nonjudgmental kindness and love, both for themselves and for others.

    Tabitha grounds her lessons in stories about her own life, career, faith, and family in this funny, down-to-earth book, built around the catchphrases that her fans know and love, including:

    Hello There!: Why hope, joy, and clarity are so very needed

    That’s Your Business: Defining yourself, and being okay with that

    Have the Most Amazing Day . . . : Choosing joy and living with intention

    But Don’t Go Messin’ Up No One Else’s: Learning to walk in kindness even when the world doesn’t feel kind

    Like So, Like That: Living life without measurement

    Very Good: Living in peace and creating good from the bad

    Rich with personal stories and inspirational quotes, and sprinkled with a few easy vegan recipes, Feeding the Soul is a book to share--and to return to when you want to feel seen, loved, and heard.

    Finalist for the 2021 National Book Award!

    From the Pulitzer Prize–winning author of All the Light We Cannot See, perhaps the most bestselling and beloved literary fiction of our time, comes the highly anticipated Cloud Cuckoo Land.

    Set in Constantinople in the fifteenth century, in a small town in present-day Idaho, and on an interstellar ship decades from now, Anthony Doerr’s gorgeous third novel is a triumph of imagination and compassion, a soaring story about children on the cusp of adulthood in worlds in peril, who find resilience, hope—and a book. In Cloud Cuckoo Land, Doerr has created a magnificent tapestry of times and places that reflects our vast interconnectedness—with other species, with each other, with those who lived before us, and with those who will be here after we’re gone.

    Thirteen-year-old Anna, an orphan, lives inside the formidable walls of Constantinople in a house of women who make their living embroidering the robes of priests. Restless, insatiably curious, Anna learns to read, and in this ancient city, famous for its libraries, she finds a book, the story of Aethon, who longs to be turned into a bird so that he can fly to a utopian paradise in the sky. This she reads to her ailing sister as the walls of the only place she has known are bombarded in the great siege of Constantinople. Outside the walls is Omeir, a village boy, miles from home, conscripted with his beloved oxen into the invading army. His path and Anna’s will cross.

    Five hundred years later, in a library in Idaho, octogenarian Zeno, who learned Greek as a prisoner of war, rehearses five children in a play adaptation of Aethon’s story, preserved against all odds through centuries. Tucked among the library shelves is a bomb, planted by a troubled, idealistic teenager, Seymour. This is another siege. And in a not-so-distant future, on the interstellar ship Argos, Konstance is alone in a vault, copying on scraps of sacking the story of Aethon, told to her by her father. She has never set foot on our planet.

    Like Marie-Laure and Werner in All the Light We Cannot See, Anna, Omeir, Seymour, Zeno, and Konstance are dreamers and outsiders who find resourcefulness and hope in the midst of gravest danger. Their lives are gloriously intertwined. Doerr’s dazzling imagination transports us to worlds so dramatic and immersive that we forget, for a time, our own. Dedicated to “the librarians then, now, and in the years to come,” Cloud Cuckoo Land is a beautiful and redemptive novel about stewardship—of the book, of the Earth, of the human heart.
    Two different worlds and two very different lives collide in Paris in this captivating novel by Danielle Steel.

    Joachim von Hartmann was born and raised in Buenos Aires by his loving German mother, inseparable from his identical twin. When Joachim moves to Paris with his mother in his late teens, his twin stays behind and enters a dark world. Meanwhile, Joachim begins training to be a butler, fascinated by the precision and intense demands, and goes on to work in some of the grandest homes in England. His brother never reappears.

    Olivia White has given ten years of her life to her magazine, which failed, taking all her dreams with it. A bequest from her mother allows her a year in Paris to reinvent herself. She needs help setting up a home in a charming Parisian apartment. It is then that her path and Joachim’s cross.

    Joachim takes a job working for Olivia as a lark and enjoys the whimsy of a different life for a few weeks, which turn to months as the unlikely employer and employee learn they enjoy working side by side. At the same time, Joachim discovers the family history he never knew: a criminal grandfather who died in prison, the wealthy father who abandoned him, and the dangerous criminal his twin has become. While Olivia struggles to put her life back together, Joachim’s comes apart.

    Stripped of their old roles, they strive to discover the truth about each other and themselves, first as employer and employee, then as friends. Their paths no longer sure, they are a man and woman who reach a place where the past doesn’t matter and only what they are living now is true.
    The long-awaited war has come in the sweeping conclusion to the Lot Lands trilogy—another irresistibly swashbuckling, swaggering, foul-mouthed fantasy from the author of The Grey Bastards (“Nonstop action, though not for faint hearts.”—The Wall Street Journal).

    War has come to the Lot Lands—and Oats stands upon the frontline.

    The Hisparthan armies on the horizon are mighty, bolstered by divine champions, dread sorcerers, and gunpowder. It’s almost more than the half-orc rebellion can hope to repel.

    But Oats has won impossible fights before. He’s a thriceblood, after all, more orc than man. And he hasn’t forgotten how to kill. He’ll stack the bodies high for his chief and his brethren, if that’s the price of freeing the Lots from human tyranny.

    Besides, the invading forces are getting a damned sight more than they bargained for. They’re not facing a handful of half-orc hoofs, but a true army—one forged from all the peoples of the Lots. At its head are Fetching, in full command of the ruinous power that runs through her veins, and Jackal, armed with the blessings of a dead god.

    Yet Oats can’t help but find his faith wavering. Once the strongest Bastard, he soon realizes that in this battle, even the strength of a thriceblood is easily conquered. And after a grievous loss strikes, he begins to fear that this war will lead the Lots not to freedom but to ruin.

    So when another path to peace beckons, he has no choice but to walk it. Even if it means betting the Lots’ fate, and his own, on the promises of the Bastards’ wiliest adversary—and making a perilous journey into the heart of Hispartha itself.

    Brimming with all the epic battles, surprising sorcery, and fiendish twists a Bastards fan could wish for, alongside unforgettable moments for characters old and new, The Free Bastards builds a new future for the Lots—even as it gives our beloved trio of Jackal, Fetching, and Oats the rousing, blood-soaked sendoff they deserve.
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    No importa lo rápido que seas, nadie supera su pasado. RyF9 es el noveno capítulo de la Saga Rápidos & Furiosos, que comenzó hace casi 20 años y que ha recaudado más de cinco mil millones de dólares en todo el mundo. Dom Toretto, Vin Diesel, lleva una vida tranquila fuera de la red con Letty y su hijo, el pequeño Brian, pero saben que el peligro siempre acecha esa tranquilidad. Esta vez, esa amenaza obligará a Dom a enfrentar los pecados de su pasado si quiere salvar a los que más ama. El Equipo se vuelve a reunir para impedir un complot a escala mundial, liderado por uno de los asesinos más peligrosos y mejor conductor a los que jamás se han enfrentado; un hombre que además es el hermano desaparecido de Dom, Jakob (John Cena, El Escuadrón Suicida del próximo año). RyF9 supone el regreso de Justin Lin como director de la franquicia, después de haber dirigido la tercera, cuarta, quinta y sexta entregas y haber convertido la saga en un fenómeno mundial. La acción transcurre alrededor del mundo: desde Londres a Tokio, desde América Central a Edimburgo, y desde un búnker secreto en Azerbaiyán a las abarrotadas calles de Tblisi. En el camino, los viejos amigos resucitarán, los viejos enemigos regresarán, la historia se reescribirá y el verdadero significado de la familia se pondrá a prueba como nunca antes había ocurrido. La película supone el regreso de la saga a Michelle Rodríguez, Tyrese Gibson, Chris "Ludacris" Bridges, Jordana Brewster, Nathalie Emmanuel y Sung Kang, junto a la ganadora del Oscar® Helen Mirren y la ganadora del Oscar® Charlize Theron. Rápidos Y Furiosos 9 cuenta también con la superestrella ganadora del Grammy Cardi B en el nuevo papel de Leysa, una mujer conectada con el pasado de Dom, además del cameo de la nueva sensación del Reggaeton Ozuna. RyF9 es producida por Neal H. Moritz p.g.a., Vin Diesel p.g.a., Justin Lin p.g.a., Jeff Kirschenbaum p.g.a., Joe Roth, Clayton Townsend p.g.a., y Samantha Vincent. Universal Pictures presenta una producción de Película Original / One Race Films / Perfect Storm en asociación con Roth / Kirschenbaum Films, una película de Justin Lin.
    ¿Cuál es la mayor ganancia en el tiempo de un líder? Después de que los líderes hayan invertido en su propio crecimiento de liderazgo, ¿cuál es la mejor manera de lograr su misión y hacer crecer a sus organizaciones? ¡Desarrollar líderes! Cuantos más líderes tenga una organización y mejor preparados estén para liderar, más exitosa será la organización y todos sus líderes. El autor número uno en ventas del New York Times, John C. Maxwell, a menudo es identificado como el experto en liderazgo más influyente del mundo. En los últimos veinticinco años, ha pasado de preparar a un puñado de líderes en una organización a desarrollar millones de líderes empresariales, gubernamentales y sin fines de lucro en todos los países del mundo. En La mejor inversión de un líder, Maxwell comparte las lecciones más importantes que aprendió sobre el proceso de desarrollo de liderazgo en el último cuarto de siglo. Él instruye a los lectores en cómo
    • Identificar líderes potenciales.
    • Atraer líderes creando una mesa de liderazgo.
    • Trabajar hasta no ser imprescindibles al preparar y capacitar líderes.
    • Posicionar líderes para construir un equipo ganador.
    • Entrenar líderes a niveles más altos y hacer que ellos mismos sean líderes en el desarrollo.

    Aquí es donde los líderes realmente experimentan el valor compuesto del desarrollo de líderes y llegan a los niveles más altos de liderazgo.

    Cualquier persona que quiera dar el siguiente paso en su liderazgo, construir su organización o equipo y crear su legado para el futuro debe leer La mayor inversión del líder.

    La hija menor de Mackenzie Allen Phillips, Missy, es raptada durante unas vacaciones familiares, y se encuentran evidencias de que pudo haber sido brutalmente asesinada en una cabaña abandonada en lo más profundo de los bosques de Oregón. Cuatro años después, en medio de su Gran Tristeza, Mack recibe una sospechosa nota, al parecer procedente de Dios, invitándolo a regresar a esa cabaña durante un fin de semana.

    Contra toda razón, Mack llega a la cabaña una tarde de invierno para retornar a su más oscura pesadilla. Lo que encuentra ahí cambiará su vida para siempre. En un mundo donde la religión parece cada vez más irrelevante, La cabaña aborda la inmemorial pregunta: “¿Dónde está Dios en un mundo lleno de indescriptible dolor?” Las respuestas que Mack obtiene te sorprenderán, y quizá te transformen tanto como a él. ¡Querrás que todas las personas que conoces lean este libro!

    Mackenzie Allen Philips’s youngest daughter, Missy, has been abducted during a family vacation and evidence that she may have been brutally murdered is found in an abandoned shack deep in the Oregon wilderness. Four years later, in the midst of his Great Sadness, Mack receives a suspicious note, apparently from God, inviting him back to that shack for a weekend.

    Against his better judgment he arrives at the shack on a wintry afternoon and walks back into his darkest nightmare. What he finds there will change Mack’s world forever. In a world where religion seems to grow increasingly irrelevant The Shack wrestles with the timeless question: Where is God in a world so filled with unspeakable pain? The answers Mack gets will astound you and perhaps transform you as much as it did him. You’ll want everyone you know to read this book!
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