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Report a problem with Ad content

Looking to report a problem with ad content on SourceForge.net? Our policies and instructions for reporting are detailed below. Report inappropriate ads by clicking "Report" next to the ad.

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SourceForge ACQA

Since 1999, SourceForge has provided a range of free services to Open Source software development projects, including Git SCM, ticketing, and download delivery. One way that these services are funded is through advertising appearing on the SourceForge site. Oversight is provided by SourceForge’s Advertising Creative Quality Assurance (ACQA) team.

Advertisements on SourceForge include direct-sold ads and indirect ads from ad networks like Google AdX. All direct-sold ads undergo direct pre-launch review by the ACQA team. Quality assurance around indirect ads is provided by the ad network (e.g. Google). End-user ad concerns are surfaced for review by the ACQA team.

We aim for advertisements to provide value to us, our advertisers, and our end-users. We want to continue funding the operation of SourceForge services in a minimally-intrusive way. We want our advertisers to find good value in using SourceForge to reach the Open Source community. And we want our users to have awareness and purchasing opportunity for products that are of value and interest.

Our advertising practices are conducted in line with the Slashdot Media Privacy Policy as seen at: http://slashdotmedia.com/privacy-statement/

Opportunities to change which ads are shown to you are detailed at: http://slashdotmedia.com/opt-out-choices/

What constitutes an acceptable ad?

Slashdot Media’s advertising guidelines align to industry standards and the standards of our partner networks.

This means ads may not contain “(i) pornographic, adult, or mature content; (ii) violent content; (iii) excessive profanity; (iv) illicit drugs and drug paraphernalia content; (v) sale of tobacco or tobacco-related products; and (vi) sale of weapons or ammunition (e.g., firearms, firearm components, fighting knives, stun guns).�? REF http://www.google.com/doubleclick/adxseller/guidelines.html

Most ads must also comply with IAB Ad Standards and Creative Guidelines, REF http://www.iab.net/guidelines/508676/508767

And in the case where ads relate to download offers, they must be not display in a way that could be confused with SourceForge download buttons:

  • The ad must not have a button containing the word "download"
  • The ad must not have a green button

Google uses its own criteria, procedures, and tools to identify and disable ads which distribute malware. For more information on these controls, see https://support.google.com/adwordspolicy/answer/1308246

Our handling of non-compliant ads

SourceForge’s Advertising Creative Quality Assurance (ACQA) team provides primary handling of all ad creative review, whether occurring before a new direct-sold ad is launched or when an end-user reports concern regarding an ad. Direct-sold ads are within our direct control, but indirect ads from partner networks may require coordination that necessitate an increased timetable for resolution. Where our ACQA team determines an ad is non-compliant with our standards, they will work to expeditiously remove this ad.

How do you report an ad which doesn’t meet our standards

We aim to be flexible in accepting problem reports using a range of different identifying information for problem ads. We are able to act fastest when we are provided clear, accurate information with the initial problem report.

Your report should be submitted using the "Report" link adjacent to the ad in question Reports should include:

  • The target link or click-through URL for the ad (http:// or https:// destination reached after the ad is clicked)
  • A screenshot of the ad on the page (see instructions below for screenshot creation). Screenshots are the least useful way to identify a problem ad.

Questionable ad creative may also be reported to Google directly when a blue “Ad Choices�? carrot icon is shown overlaying the ad. To report an ad with the Ad Choices icon, click the icon to visit the Google Ads troubleshooting page, and scroll down to the “Leave feedback on the ad you just saw�? section of the page.

How do I create a screenshot?

Screenshots are not the best way to report ad problems, as they require our staff to walk through a larger amount of data to visually identify the ad. We prefer other methods (see above) which more directly identify the ad, however screenshots are quite easy to produce on nearly any platform, so we continue to accept them as a reporting method.

How can I help keep my machine safe from malicious ads?


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