Support » Plugin: Yoast Duplicate Post » Not fully compatible with WooCommerce

  • I tried duplicating variable WooCommerce products and the new product contained variables but weren’t visible so I had to create the variation manually again. I also duplicated a simple product and it was turned into a variable product. I don’t think this plugin was tested with WooCommerce.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by cristian5.
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  • Plugin Author Enrico Battocchi


    Hi @cristian5,
    WooCommerce uses a lot of custom tables to store informations.
    Duplicate Post declares to have very likely compatibility with plugins which use just standard WP tables: this means that in most of that cases it just works or you just need to change some options (e.g. prevent some custom fields to be copied) to make it work.

    Moreover, WooCommerce has its own duplication feature which is more advanced and is available out-of-the-box for Products, so there wouldn’t be much use for doing the same with Duplicate Post.
    This is also of the reasons why it’s not enabled by default for custom post types, to avoid conflicts when a plugin like WooCommerce adds the same commands which are working better.

    I hope this clarifies,
    happy holidays!

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