Support » Plugin: Application Passwords » Podbean Social Share API/Firewall Error

  • Resolved thejavakat


    I’m hoping that someone here has dealt with this issue before, since podbean tech has said that it’s a problem. I’m trying to connect my podcast site to podbean so that new posts will auto-populate there. I’ve installed the “Application Passwords” plugin to WP, and followed podbean’s steps to connect, but am getting the error message below when I do.

    “Error: WordPress API connection failed , api response : Your access to this service has been limited. Please check your WordPress Firewall settings. Original message :40 Going On 14(1)”

    Things about my WP site that may be relevant.
    – Currently redirected to PB’s page for us, did this *after* the error so it’s not something that would affect it.
    – I have Jetpack installed

    Thank you for any help!

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  • Plugin Author Kaspars


    Hi @thejavakat! The Applications Passwords plugin is now included in WP core since version 5.6.

    The error message you’re getting appears to be coming from another plugin or your hosting platform because WordPress doesn’t have a concept of a firewall. Could it be one of the “security” plugins that is causing this? Could you please try disabling those and re-connect again?

    Thread Starter thejavakat


    OK, I’ve disabled all the plugins and tried, but then the application passwords disappeared completely. If the plugin isn’t installed will it show up since it’s in 5.6?

    My host is Fatcow.

    Plugin Author Kaspars


    If the plugin isn’t installed will it show up since it’s in 5.6?

    Yes, the Application Passwords section on your user profile should show up automatically if your site URL is HTTPS (instead of HTTP) per this guide

    Thread Starter thejavakat


    Ah, that may be the issue, the site is HTTP.

    Thread Starter thejavakat


    OK, it worked twice then broke. I went into WP to check the Application Passwords in my profile and the area was gone. Had to reinstall the plugin. I do know that Podbean gives an SSL cert along with Fatcow, if both are turned on would that affect the situation?

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