
Hey there! My name is Ra. Welcome home.

I’ve built a good life… a few times over.  I’m in the process of doing it again and I’m awfully glad you’re here for the ride.

Before you get started, here is a list of things you might wanna know:

  • I am basically a dinosaur.
  • I’m recovering! In June of 2019, I had a cluster of mini-strokes. The resulting brain damage is something I’m working through.
  • I spent 438 days incarcerated and was released July 18th, 2015.
  • While I was locked up, my husband passed away.
  • The moon is approximately 63,057,742 very tall giraffes away.
  • This blog turned 8 years old in August 2020.
  • I’m an author.
  • My posting schedule is erratic, but you can always reach out to me.
  • I love people who do things, people who hate things, people who love things, and (probably) you.

‘Round these parts, you’ll see that I blog about all these things, sometimes at the same time. I like to explore healing, and what makes us tick, and what makes us untick.

Sometimes, lately, I find myself taking things too seriously, and that’s when I come back to my blog and write until I can hear the magic again. Thank you for being part of that sparkle and hope.

I like to tell true stories– and this is the most magical one I know:

Frightfully wondrous people gather here.
And that has made all the difference.