WebTotem Security


WebTotem Security – is a security plugin for WordPress that prevents attacks and malware.

The web application firewall (PHP WAF) prevents attacks from hackers, spambots, and other automated threats by screening incoming traffic.
You’ll stop attackers from visiting your site in super small intervals, so you won’t get bogged down in bogus traffic.

The antivirus module will autonomously check files for viruses, shells, and backdoors with a powerful signature analysis algorithm (like a giant bouncer from a high-end club).
Then, it provides detailed reports with results from the analysis that include name, file path, and threat class.

The antivirus will also immediately let you know about new, modified, and deleted files that you didn’t authorize, since that’s usually a sign of malicious code making trouble.
This way, you can stop the spread of the virus and protect your site from being blacklisted by search engines and antivirus programs.

WebTotem also makes it easy to find out where your site stands with security.
The automatic security scoring checks the settings of the server through settings like http headers, WAF, CMS, and cookies, then assigns you a numerical and letter grade.

The scoring system will also make recommendations to improve your configuration or settings—that includes checking whether your software versions are up-to-date to reduce your vulnerabilities.
If that wasn’t enough, scoring will also alert you to possible data leaks, so you can find solutions before the problem gets any worse (or Buzzfeed writes a hit piece on you).

Access customizable reports to get the skinny on how your security is performing.
You can generate reports for all of your security modules, or just the ones you select for specific insights.

WebTotem also breaks down your current standing across security modules in the dashboard, giving you a quick overview for easy reference.

Other utilities:

1) Deface scanner shows the substitution of pages by hackers on the website.
2) SSL module shows the expiration date of the website SSL certificate.
3) Port scanner detects open ports on the web server that can be exploited by intruders.
4) Reputation module shows blacklist entries.
5) Accessibility module tracks the website availability and page response time.
6) Technology module detects the technology stack and its versions.
7) Server Resources module shows RAM/CPU load data and server disc usage.

It is required to have an account on WebTotem to use the extension.


  • Dashboard
  • Firewall
  • Antivirus
  • Settings



Why can’t i activate WordPress plugin with API-Keys?
It is required to copy API-Key immediately after it has been generated. Since we don’t store API-Keys with authentic namings for the sake of security issues. If you did not copy it from generation window, we recommend you to delete it, generate a new one again and copy it with original naming.


Why doesn’t firewall block the attacks?
After installation the firewall is undergoing training for two weeks, analyzing the operation of the system and all requests. Upon completion of the training, the firewall will start to block attacks. If after two weeks after installation the firewall does not block attacks, then contact support.

Does GDN send my data to other Webtotem clients?
Thanks for the question. You don’t have to worry about your personal data. GDN option shares data collected between your websites and does not share it with other WebTotem clients.


How does antivirus work?
Our antivirus scans every 6 hours and scans automatically each time the filesystem changes. In other words, if you upload a new file to your website our antivirus scans it immediately. There is also an option to start manual scanning by clicking the rescan button in the right top of the module. Manual scanning shows the same results if no changes to filesystem has occured since the last automatic scanning.

How do I delete an infected file?
It is impossible to completely delete a file marked as infected by an antivirus using our service. This can be a vital file for your website. You can quarantine this file. To do this, select the site you need in your personal account. Go to the antivirus module, click the “SHOW MORE” button, configure the filter for infected files and click the “trash bin” icon next to the file name.


2021 年 4 月 16 日
I purchased this plugin and really wanted to like it. Unfortunately it's not been anywhere near as good as promised, and am now removing it from all my sites. The plugin shows lots of promise but missing some really key features - such as the ability to whitelist yourself. Have to contact customer support to do that. It's also missing key features to make WordPress specifically more secure - and is a more generic kind of solution. All that said, the customer support team is superb. There's lots of scope to grow. Hopefully the product matures into what it should be capable of being, as it could be a terrific addition to securing WordPress websites.
2021 年 3 月 19 日
mon site qui était plein de virus il a été complètement nettoyer et protège ce plugin et super! si facile et puissant! je le recommande à tout propriétaire de site Web
2021 年 3 月 6 日
I use it on all my sites very good protection which uses very few resources very easy to use you activate and it works by itself in addition we can protect any site that uses php or wp without plugin the plugin allows to see the dashboard in WordPress and it is easier to install the WAF and formidably efficient the one that security is a concern I recommend him to try
2019 年 11 月 24 日
To be honest I doubted that a free plugin would do the job. But in the end it was actually worth it. I installed it, activated the antivirus and it has detected numerous infected files. I was worried that I might delete something that will break my site. So I contacted the Support and they were really nice and helpful. The service is trustworthy, so I recommend everyone to use this service if you want to secure your websites.
閱讀全部 10 則使用者評論


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  • Added port ignore list
  • Added the ability to send IP addresses by list
  • Added notifications settings


  • Fixed the issue of reinstalling agents


  • Fixed styles


  • Added antivirus last scan time


  • Fixed an issue with API key authorization


  • Fixed the issue of deleting agent files


  • Fixed redirects issue


  • Fixed the authorization issue


  • Changed the translation algorithm
  • Added ru-Ru language


  • Fixed logout bug


  • Fixed waf training period


  • Changed display of data


  • Fixed file filter by status
  • Updated agents statuses


  • Fixed styles dark mode
  • Logic changed, agents are removed when logout


  • Updated plugin information
  • Updated screenshots


  • Fixed the issue of deactivating the plugin


  • Fixed the issue of adding a file to the quarantine


  • Added analytics system


  • Added Firewall advanced options allow/deny list


  • Fixed conflict with some plugins
  • Fixed session errors in the “site health” section


  • Added antivirus permission changed filter
  • Added download antivirus log
  • Added antivirus rescan
  • Fixed plugin deactivation bug
  • Fixed the issue of adding sites with www


  • Added report page
  • Limit login attempt option
  • Added file quarantine
  • Added Server resources module


  • Added settings page
  • Fixed data display error
  • Added dark mode
  • Added attacks map view


  • Disable waf in admin page


  • Publishing the plugin