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  • Apologies, but I’m unable to assist with this as I haven’t used that theme before. You may want to reach out to the theme author for help with your query.

    I can see that is a commercial product. If you use a commercial theme or plugin and need support, please go to their official support channel. In order to be good stewards of the WordPress community, and encourage innovation and progress, we feel it’s important to direct people to those official locations.

    Forum volunteers are also not given access to commercial products, so they would not know why your commercial theme or plugin is not working properly. This is one other reason why volunteers forward you to the commercial product’s vendors. The vendors are responsible for supporting their commercial product.

    Please specify the theme you are using so you can apply the appropriate CSS code.

    I checked the site you are using the Go theme.

    Please navigate here and submit your query

    My pleasure. Please marked as “Resolved” if the above information helped.


    Forum: Requests and Feedback
    In reply to: Themeansar

    Thank you for sharing your experience with us.

    I would highly suggest rate/review the same here

    Also, since the vendor hasn’t honored their refund policy, I recommend filing a chargeback with your payment provider.

    Please marked this thread as “Resolved”.

    Also, change the site PHP limits and it will fix the issue.




    I understand that the “Free Gifts for WooCommerce” plugin doesn’t cover all your needs for complex promotions. Here are some suggestions for plugins that can handle your scenarios:

    1. Discount Rules for WooCommerce (Free and Premium):

    • This plugin is a popular choice for creating intricate discount rules.
    • It allows you to set discounts based on:
      • Product quantity (perfect for your M=S gift and L=M gift promotions)
      • Cart total (useful for the 10-product bulk discount)
      • User roles (exclude specific user roles from discounts)
    • The free version offers plenty of functionality, while the premium version unlocks advanced features like product exclusions and scheduling.

    2. Advanced Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce (Premium):

    • This plugin focuses on dynamic pricing and discounts.
    • It can handle your bulk discount scenarios (5M=1S gift, 10L=M gift) with quantity-based discounts.
    • It might be less user-friendly for setting up the “Buy 10 Get 2 Free” with product choice, but it excels at complex pricing structures.

    3. WooCommerce Advanced Coupons (Free and Premium):

    • This plugin adds power to your WooCommerce coupon system.
    • While not ideal for the bulk discount promotions, it can help create separate coupons for the -20% discount (excluding specific products/categories if needed).
    • The premium version offers features like scheduling coupons and targeted coupon offerings.

    4. YITH WooCommerce Product Bundles (Free and Premium):

    • This plugin is perfect for creating automatic bundles like your “Buy 1 Get 1 Free” Wednesday promotion.
    • You can set specific days (like Wednesdays) for the promotion to be active.
    • The free version lets you create basic bundles, while the premium offers more flexibility like dynamic pricing and product variations.

    Here’s a breakdown of how you can potentially achieve your desired promotions with these plugins:

    • Discount Rules for WooCommerce: Set quantity-based discounts for your bulk gift promotions (M=S, L=M).
    • WooCommerce Advanced Coupons: Create a -20% discount coupon and exclude it from the discounted products using product/category exclusions (if available in your chosen version).
    • YITH WooCommerce Product Bundles: Set up a “Buy 1 Get 1 Free” bundle that activates automatically on Wednesdays.
    • Discount Rules for WooCommerce (or Advanced Dynamic Pricing): Create a cart-based discount for the “Buy 10 Get 2 Free” scenario. You might need to experiment with the plugin to allow the customer to choose the free products (might require additional configuration).

    Some features might require the premium versions of these plugins. It’s recommended to explore the free versions first and then upgrade based on your specific needs.

    Consider using a combination of plugins for optimal functionality. For instance, Discount Rules and YITH Bundles can work well together.

    If none of works, please hire a freelancer/agency for making a custom solution for you.


    Thread Starter FahimMurshed


    After reloading the dashboard, it’s gone! Don’t know what happened!



    I would highly suggest using LocalWP instead of the WAMP/MAMP/XAMPP for developing the WordPress sites. You don’t need to create the host manually. You can watch this [video] tutorial.

    For WAMP issue, I’d be glad to help you troubleshoot the issue with duplicating your live WordPress site to your Windows 10 PC using Wamp. Here’s a breakdown of the potential problems and solutions:

    1. File Permissions:

    • Check file permissions on the copied files and folders in c:\wamp64\www\mysite.local. Wamp requires write access for certain files (e.g., wp-config.php, uploads) to function properly.
      • Right-click on the mysite.local folder, go to “Properties” > “Security” tab.
      • Ensure “Apache” or “IUSR” user has “Modify” permissions at least.

    2. wp-config.php Configuration:

    • Double-check the database details in wp-config.php for typos:
      • DB_NAME should match the actual database name you imported.
      • DB_USER and DB_PASSWORD should match your database credentials (might be different from root if you created a separate user).
      • Consider using a security plugin to manage database credentials instead of storing them directly in wp-config.php.

    3. Missing Permalinks Update:

    • Since you imported the database from a live site, permalinks might need to be reset.
      • Access your WordPress installation by adding /wp-admin to the URL (e.g., http://mysite.local/wp-admin). If this works, log in and go to Settings > Permalinks > Save Changes. This should update permalink structures.

    4. Conflicting VirtualHost Configuration:

    • If other virtual hosts exist in httpd-vhosts.conf, ensure your mysite.local configuration is placed at the bottom to take precedence.
    • Restart Wamp server after making changes to httpd-vhosts.conf.

    5. Corrupted Database Import:

    • Consider re-exporting the database from your live site and re-importing it into your local Wamp installation. Double-check for any errors during the import process.

    Additional Tips:

    • Disable Security Plugins (Temporarily): If you’re using security plugins on the live site, temporarily deactivate them during the duplication process. You can re-enable them after everything is set up locally.
    • Flush Cache: Sometimes, cached data can interfere. Clear your browser cache and try accessing mysite.local again.

    By following these steps and checking each potential issue systematically, you should be able to resolve the “save file window” problem and successfully view your duplicated WordPress site on mysite.local.

    If the issue persists after trying these solutions, consider providing more details:

    • Any error messages in Wamp server logs or database import process.
    • The specific version of WordPress you’re using.
    • Whether you’re using a custom theme or plugins on the live site that might require additional configuration.

    With more information, I can assist you further in troubleshooting this specific instance.

    Theme Author FahimMurshed


    I am glad to know you fixed the issue.

    Since that is a commercial theme, we ask that you please go to their official support channel, so you can get support from the people who know it best.

    Product URL:

    Forum volunteers are also not given access to commercial products, so they would not know why it is not working properly. Other community members who may have faced your issue might be able to help you but your best bet is your product’s developer. Keep in mind we encourage you to use the official support venues, as it allows the developers to be aware of issues with their code and gives back to the community in a more robust way.

    Hello Rasmus,

    I completely agree with you that Block Editor Blocks/Patterns/FSE themes are the future of web development. Even, personally I highly suggest using the Block Editor. It’s great to hear that you’re considering transitioning your massage clinic website from Divi to Gutenberg. Gutenberg offers a more streamlined and native approach to building websites in WordPress.

    While many developers may be more accustomed to working with page builders like Elementor, there’s no doubt that Block Editor is a powerful tool for creating custom layouts and designs. There’s hundreds of FSE themes on the theme repository. Thousands of the Block Editor Builder plugins. It may take a bit more effort to find developers who specialize in Block Editor, but it’s definitely possible.

    As for your question about whether Block Editor can handle all the functions you need, the answer is generally yes. Block Editor has come a long way and continues to evolve with each WordPress update. It offers a wide range of blocks and customization options, allowing you to create complex layouts and rich content.

    If someone has created a mockup using Elementor, it’s often possible to recreate that layout and functionality using Block Editor blocks. However, there may be some differences in the workflow and specific features, so it’s important to work with a developer who is experienced in Block Editor to ensure a smooth transition.

    I share your optimism about Block Editor Blocks becoming the builder of choice in the future. It’s backed by the WordPress core team and enjoys widespread support from the community. As the ecosystem around Block Editor continues to grow, you’ll have even more options and resources to make the most of this powerful tool.

    Best of luck with your massage clinic website project!” \m/

    For updating the WordPress core files, please read this

    Would you please use LocalWP instead of the XAMP/MAMP development tools?

    You can check this article:

    Let me know if you are still facing the problem.

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