Configuring Git for GitHub Desktop

If you don't already have Git installed, you must configure it before using GitHub Desktop.

GitHub Desktop uses the email address you set in your local Git configuration to connect commits with your account on GitHub.

If the commits you make in GitHub Desktop are associated with the wrong account on GitHub, update the email address in your Git configuration using GitHub Desktop.

Tip: Anyone will be able to see the email address in your Git configuration if you make public commits. For more information, see "Setting your commit email address."

  1. Sign in to GitHub or GitHub Enterprise.
  2. In the upper-right corner of any page, click your profile photo, then click Settings. Settings icon in the user bar
  3. In the left sidebar, click Emails. Emails tab
  4. Copy the email address you'd like to use in your local Git configuration.
  5. Return to GitHub Desktop.
  6. In the menu bar, use the GitHub Desktop drop-down menu, then click Preferences. The Preferences value in the GitHub Desktop drop-down menu
  7. In the Preferences window, click Git. The Git Pane in the Preferences menu
  8. In the Name field, type the name you'd like to use for your Git configuration. The name field of the Git configuration
  9. In the Email field, paste the email address you copied from your GitHub or GitHub Enterprise account settings. Pasted email address in Git configuration field
  10. Click Save. Save button in Git configuration field
  1. Sign in to GitHub or GitHub Enterprise.
  2. In the upper-right corner of any page, click your profile photo, then click Settings. Settings icon in the user bar
  3. In the left sidebar, click Emails. Emails tab
  4. Copy the email address you'd like to use in your local Git configuration.
  5. Return to GitHub Desktop.
  6. Use the File menu, then click Options. The Options value in the Settings drop-down menu
  7. In the Options window, click Git. The Git Pane in the Options menu
  8. In the Name field, type the name you'd like to use for your Git configuration. The name field of the Git configuration
  9. In the Email field, paste the email address you copied from your GitHub or GitHub Enterprise account settings. Pasted email address in Git configuration field
  10. Click Save. Save button in Git configuration field

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