Courtney Robertson


Web Design Dev Advocate , WP Training Team co-rep, secondary business ed, mom of preschoolers. Frm: teacher bootcamp

Chambersburg, PA
Připojil se květen 2007
Datum narození: 12. května


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  1. před 1 hodinou

    This webinar was in the works long before Alex applied to work at GoDaddy 😆 I am so excited to kick off this 3 part series on creating blocks.

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    před 13 hodinami

    The latest release of Gutenberg introduces a nice addition that allows building patterns with "locked" blocks. That means their content can be changed but they cannot be removed nor rearranged using the UI, preserving the design intention.

  3. před 5 hodinami

    On days like today, I am really thankful to have all the photos, videos, and random status updates about our family on our own website first. Own your content. Back it up.

  4. před 6 hodinami
  5. před 6 hodinami
  6. před 8 hodinami

    The WordPress Community Is Like a Piece of Putty

  7. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    před 11 hodinami

    Watch the talks? Thank speakers by submitting quick feedback. Easy to do. Just click on the talk on the schedule: And click on this link. Don’t have to write a novel but if you can share something genuine, great. 👍🏻

  8. před 11 hodinami

    Similar to the Community Team Deputies, Training team is proposing A Dedicated Volunteer Program for the Training Team

  9. před 11 hodinami

    Know someone interested in a career in ? Share this resource with them today. with and me

  10. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    před 13 hodinami

    Contributing to happens in so many ways! Submitting lesson plans for Learn is a great place to start if you are able. shows you how it’s done! How to create a lesson plan for Learn – WordPresstv

  11. 4. 10.

    I recognize most cannot make the choices we did to remain locked down for the whole duration. But I feel like it was right for us and takes us out of the equation for contributing to the spread. I also know it's important for my 82yo dad to stay engaged socially

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  12. 4. 10.

    Having these talks with my parents is hard. Are we there yet?

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  13. 3. 10.

    I do believe my anxiety for the kids will settle after they have been vaccinated as well. Just before Covid lockdowns, my parents and our household were sick frequently from Nov 19 - Mar 20. Thankfully no sickness since.

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  14. 3. 10.

    So I don't feel my kids are as safe as possible indoors now with my dad because I don't trust our community. Thankfully he mostly understood and we visited entirely outside today, despite a high rate of west Nile in mosquitoes locally.

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  15. 3. 10.

    It'll be some time until my almost 4 year old can be vaccinated. Even if the other dozen people at the table are all vaccinated, the rest of the diners likely are not. And then the exposure risks of breakthrough Covid and all their acquaintances.

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  16. 3. 10.

    Had a very difficult conversation with my dad. Literally these are the only people my kids visit in person. The local Covid surge is alarming. Meanwhile his retiree teacher Friday breakfast group meets indoors.

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  17. 3. 10.

    The is easy-to-use interface that lets you manage field groups, custom fields, and how your content type will look or function. Join tomorrow for a sneak peek at the big features coming in Pods 2.8.

  18. 3. 10.

    Things I learned: My local county Covid positivity rate is about 20%. Vaccination rate is 41%. These stats are alarming.

  19. 3. 10.

    So glad this weekend was full of sunshine and outside adventures. The week ahead looks full of rain.

  20. 3. 10.

    Brunch with a large iced coffee.

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