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Architect Architecture

Izstrādāja VW THEMES

Versija: 0.1

Pēdējo reizi atjaunināts: septembris 24, 2021

Aktīvās instalācijas: 100+

PHP versija: 7.2 vai jaunāka

Tēmas sākumlapa

Architect Architecture is a fantastic WP theme designed by experts with architects, construction companies, construction contractors, and architectural agencies, in mind. Developers have created a minimal design giving a sophisticated online presence without asking you about the coding knowledge you have or to write codes. Being retina ready, it showcases every detail including the images on your website with utmost clarity. You can show your construction and architectural work on a clean layout that has a responsive design allowing the page to adjust itself as per the screen size of the viewing device. To provide the design with a modern touch, there are stunning CSS effects and animations. With Call To Action Buttons (CTA) interestingly improving the interactive part, users will be guided into taking certain actions. In order to give your visitors a highly professional experience, it makes use of highly optimized codes that are also made SEO friendly, thus helping you to fetch higher and better ranks in the search engine results in order to get more traffic flow. The clean codes also result in quick performance with faster page load time. With a lot of social media options as well as customization options, you will be able to get the desired website and get more business exposure. Demo: https://www.vwthemes.net/vw-architect-architecture/


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