Support » Plugin: Classic Editor » How to make horizontal rows stack vertically for mobile

  • Hey everyone! I am currently using the Classic Editor for my website and I have content that is next to each other in a row. The total number of spaces in the row is 12 and there are 4 columns each taking 3 spaces.

    This content looks great on desktop! However, on mobile it doesn’t look good. The columns are still next to each other in a single row. That means that the website isn’t responsive to the change in screen size.

    We would like the 4 columns that are next to each other to be stacked instead into 4 rows when a user opens the site on mobile.

    With normal HTML, I know I would make some conditional style classes but I’m not sure how to do this with the Classic Editor in place. Is there an option I am missing?

    I appreciate the help! Thank you in advance!

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  • Bert O



    Take a look at this and see if it helps.

    You should be able to modify your HTML code by using the classic editor in TEXT mode.

    I hope that helps.

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