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    Dr Sebi Approved Fasting: Cleanse, Revitalize, and Heal Your Body Through Dr. Sebi’s Recommended Method of Intra-cellular Fasting.

    Learn how to fast the Dr. Sebi approved way!

    Have you tried fasting on your own in the past and did not see any result?!

    Discover how you can lose weight, remove mucus, and cure many malignant diseases with Dr. Sebi Approved intra-Cellular Fasting Method.

    In this book, no longer will you be aimlessly searching the internet for a Dr. Sebi fasting method book. We have compiled Dr. Sebi’s approved way of fasting to cleanse, revitalize, and heal your body. Dr. Sebi’s approved way of fasting is simple, and best of all compliant with Dr. Sebi’s fasting regimen to a healthier body . You’ll be able to open up the book, and feel great knowing that you’ll be eliminating herpes, diabetes, impotency, and many more malignant diseases by just following Dr. Sebi approved fasting method. Download: Dr. Sebi Approved Fasting: Cleanse, Revitalize, and Heal the Human Body Through Dr. Sebi Recommended Method of Intra-cellular Fasting.

    Inside You Will Discover...

    *Dr. Sebi Recommended Intra-Cellular fasting Method

    *Dr. Sebi’s approved nutritional food guide

    *Cleansing Herbs to assist in the cleansing stage of fasting

    *Revitalizing Herbs to bring back nutrients after the cleansing stage

    *Do’s and Don’ts when handling natural herbs

    *Dr. Sebi Proven results studies to his healing method

    *Plus much, much, more!

    Click “BUY NOW” at the top of the page, and instantly Download Dr. Sebi Approved Fasting: Cleanse, Revitalize, and Heal the Human Body Through Dr. Sebi Recommended Method of Intra-cellular Fasting.

    The world keeps changing extremely fast, but in times of abundance and scarcity, under revolutions or wars, many have prospered. And they did so by looking at the patterns of reality. They understood these Divine Patterns and used them to achieve their personal goals.

    The patterns have been kept secret for thousands of years in religious books, manuscripts and even fairytales, under allegories and metaphors meant to hide them in plain sight.

    The enlightened ones — those who can see, called that Sacred Geometry, in a direct reference to the Creator. They then studied the nature of life through the art of the Almighty God, the Master Architect of the Universe. For “The secret of the occult sciences is that of nature itself” (Albert Pike, Freemason).

    They discovered that there is only one Truth, one God and one religion, despite the many branches characterizing the impulses of the masses.

    They also saw that this Truth is manifested by the highest moral state, from which the highest wisdom is received. That is when “the half-told story comes to be finished” (Arthur Conan Doyle, Freemason). 

    The one who completes these studies becomes a master of the craft, for he possesses the capacity to alter reality with his mind, and create new worlds like a mason or builder. He becomes both aware and responsible of what he experiences, as much as he is made able to transition to new momentums and alter the future. For “When the Mason learns that the key is a proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of the craft” (Manly P. Hall, Freemason).

    This great secret was reorganized here to show you exactly how to experience it, and despite the many attempts of others to remove this knowledge from the public eye.

    This information comes now as a great opportunity for you to transcend into a new perspective on the attraction of wealth.

    THE MEDIUM is the 1st book in the Emily Chambers Spirit Medium Trilogy. 

    What readers and reviewers are saying about THE MEDIUM

    "This is a beautiful story filled with all kinds of surprises.  I look forward to the next book in the series because these are characters are really want to know more about." ~ 5 stars, Paranormal Romance Guild

    "A book worth every one of the 5 stars!" 

    "Couldn"t put it down"


    Spirit medium Emily Chambers has a problem. Actually, she has several. As if seeing dead people isn't a big enough social disadvantage, she also has to contend with an escaped demon and a handsome ghost with a secret past. And then there's the question of her parentage. Being born an entire year after her father's death (yes, a year) and without the pale skin of other respectable English ladies, Emily is as much a mystery as the ghost assigned to her


    Jacob Beaufort's spirit has been unable to crossover since his death several months ago.  It might have something to do with the fact he was murdered. Or it might not. All he knows is, he has been assigned by the Otherworld's administrators to a girl named Emily. A girl who can see and touch him. A girl who released a shape-shifting demon into the mortal realm. Together they must send the demon back before it wreaks havoc on London. It should be a simple assignment, but they soon learn there's nothing simple when a living woman and a dead man fall in love.

    Keywords: fantasy, urban fantasy, historical fantasy, fantasy series, speculative fiction, dark fantasy, paranormal, female protagonist, interracial, diverse, female main character, paranormal romance, historical romance, historical paranormal romance, action, adventure, ghosts, spirits, demons, magic, alternative history, parallel world, victorian romance, victorian era, victorian london, gothic, teen fiction, young adult, free, diverse fiction, free book, bestseller, bestselling, similar to books by Sarah J Maas, Cassandra Clare, Bella Forest's A Shade of Vampire, Maria V Snyder's Poison Study

    ¡Vive la magia de una historia original!

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    Una novela emocionante y tremendamente adictiva, que describe la tragedia que ha sufrido una nación y los peligros que sortea un grupo de guerreros para conseguir la supervivencia de su raza.

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      Desde que los nuevos tiempos tienen memoria, la imponente ciudad de Aurum resguarda las más poderosas espadas que alguna vez se hayan forjado en la historia del continente. Fabricadas con polvo de meteorito. En la antigüedad las portaron los Altos Guerreros del Imperio. Aquéllos que fueron elegidos para conservar la paz, pero no lo hicieron y conquistaron naciones. Un brillo en las pisadas de sus portadores y un halo de luz que las envolvía, acompañaba sus habilidades descomunales. Este es el recuerdo más amargo que ha quedado en las historias de antaño.

      Hoy el Imperio ha caído en desgracia y como último recurso han entregado las espadas a Gabro, Toba y otros siete portadores más para intentar recuperar la grandeza que alguna vez se tuvo.

      Esta historia se desarrolla en un lugar maravilloso con impresionantes escenarios. El continente donde Gabro y Toba sueñan y viven grandes aventuras. Donde ríen, pelean y sufren cada batalla. Donde tienen que madurar o dejar desaparecer su futuro, su familia, su esencia y su raza. Una lucha por la supervivencia en un lugar inhóspito y peligroso. Así es el continente donde les tocó vivir y lo aceptan. Adaptarse o morir es la principal regla, de esto depende su triunfo o fracaso.

    "Después de haber pasado nuestra corta vida bajo la protección de las familias, nos encontramos frente a la cruda realidad. Los antiguos juegos de la infancia han quedado atrás. La lucha por el destino de nuestra raza; comienza ahora"

      La crítica ha dicho...

      «Los que sois amantes de las novelas de viajes al estilo de "El señor de los anillos" os gustará esta novela. A los que os gusta las aventuras, aquí tenéis una buena lectura. Además es una novela que derrocha imaginación, debo felicitar al autor por el mundo fantástico que ha creado.»

    Ana Escudero; Las Palabras Descarriadas.


      «La narrativa de ese universo, metida en un truco tan elegante como Gabro explica el éxodo y sus historias, me atrapa en la novela, me hace sentir ahí, acompañándolos en el camino, o sentándome a escuchar. Me sorprendo a mí mismo regresando páginas a volver a leer el dato que olvidé y por último anotando genealogías, lugares, artilugios tecnológicos, igual que hace casi treinta años cuando me senté en las calles de Macondo(Cien años de soledad) solo que ahora estoy haciendo lo mismo en el Valle de Mineralia o en el Monte Sella, por nombrar dos lugares.»

    Rubén H. Paz; Amantes Literatura Ciencia Ficción.


    Autores y obras que le gustan al autor de esta novela: Morgan Rice (El Despertar de los Dragones); Fernando Trujillo (La Guerra de los Cielos, la Biblia de los Caídos); Andres Lainez (Planeta Misterio); Brandon Sanderson (Palabras Radiantes, Oathbringer); George Martin (Game of Thrones, Juego de Tronos); Patrick Rothfuss (En el Nombre del Viento);  Andy Weir (El Marciano); Rick Riordan (Percy Jackson); Veronica Roth (Divergente); Dan Brown (Origen, Inferno); Ken Follett (Los Pilares de la Tierra); Julio Verne (Viaje al Centro de la Tierra); Carlos Ruíz Zafón (El Laberinto de los Espíritus); Lorena Franco (La Viajera del Tiempo); Isaac Asimov; Andrzej Sapkowski (The Witcher); George Orwell (1984); Sarah J. Maas;Taran Matharu; Victoria Aveyard; Neil Gaiman; Stephen King; John Green; Ready Player One; Maze Runner; Harry Potter; MARVEL (Infiniti War, Infinity Gauntlet).

    Le gustan los libros en: Libros en español; Best seller; The New York Times. Español, fantasía, ciencia ficción, ciencia ficción, libros, libros gratis, español libros free, libros en español gratis para leer, libros gratis en español, spanish, spanish language, fantasy, gratis, epic fantasy y science fiction.

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